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Is the game dying?

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Is it me or has anyone else noticed that Hearthstone is slowly dying... Ever since Ben left the Hearthstone team, I feel like there has not been much... excitement. What is your feelings on the game and current meta? 

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I used to play a lot and tried to get as much gold as possible per day. But lately I got bored more and more. Everything is so predictable, what your opponent plays as well as your own plays are rarely a surprise. I can't speak for other people but the games feels static.

A few days ago I started playing Eternal and the more I play it the less I care about logging into Hearthstone. If someone wants to try it out I could still use to recruit a few ppl there for bonus stuff ?, send me a message if you like. (is it ok to ask for that here for a non Icy Veins game? if not I apologize)

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17 hours ago, RunningWithTurtles said:

Is it me or has anyone else noticed that Hearthstone is slowly dying... Ever since Ben left the Hearthstone team, I feel like there has not been much... excitement. What is your feelings on the game and current meta? 

HS isn't dying, not yet at least. They will release a set in a month and a half, and that will keep the playerbase interested for another 4 months, until the other set comes out.

For the meta, its very balanced for some time. I agree it is static, but it has always been the way. Not for HS only but for other games too. That's what is called meta. I have played Pokemon TCGO for a long time and the card number there can be considered as too much (think of 5 HS games in one game). Even that game has meta at higher ranks. 

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According to Blizzard-Activision in the quarterly reports 2018 the playerbase in Hearthstone has not changed.
I didn't find any numbers on the sales of the last Expansion.

Since approx. 95% of all users have never heard the name "Ben" his leaving will affect the game not in the slightest.

Personlly I play more the last 2 weeks (using a Jade-Druid again), maybe 2-3 games a day. For a time I played less, two years ago I played more.


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On 7/7/2018 at 2:26 AM, RunningWithTurtles said:

Is it me or has anyone else noticed that Hearthstone is slowly dying... Ever since Ben left the Hearthstone team, I feel like there has not been much... excitement. What is your feelings on the game and current meta? 

We really can`t say a game is dying. It has just become boring may be that`s the reason you are saying like this. I think there should be some new innovations and mods for this game to bring back its glory. I would suggest you should try playing games on steam or games on virtual desktop with enhanced dedicated gpu server hosting which will enhance you overall gaming features and interest.



Adrian Gates

Edited by AdrianG001

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If you feel the game is repetitive and boring that's probably because you play constructed, maybe you should play Arena or Wild a bit ^^

Having fun right now, my collection is now big enough after a few months that I can have balanced plays in casual without getting all the big legendaries, I climb in constructed and make progress in Arena, so overall I'm happy with the game ?

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The game is not dying, it's evolving. I know a lot of people, who really stoped playing it after Ben resigned. But I feel like Trolden was always more into this game than Ben. So nope, the game is still good crazy

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I got burnt out after attempting to climb the ladder in about February or March last year, and only just 2 days ago did I reinstall Hearthstone. I dont know how long I'll be back for though

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Ladder grinding is painful to say the least. I only pushed to legend once (normally I stop at R5), and it took me around 200 games to go from R5 to legend. It is a bit easier in wild, but it requires a good collection, there are many wild cards right now, and every class has something to improve the decks they have in standard.

Arena can be quite unbalanced, but if you are worn out, you can try it.

Also, we have been requesting a tournament mode in game, but Team 5 keeps delaying it. Until then, you can find tournaments online (Battlefy, Strivewire and etc.) and join them. I used to play tournaments very often, they can be fun. You can always go with wacky decks to suprise people, and if there is a class you hate in particular, just ban it.


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I will answer with a question 

330 trys with priest dungeonn catacombs and not finish yet .

is that fun for game.

thats why its dyinng the garbage

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On 1/8/2019 at 8:08 AM, nakias said:

I will answer with a question 

330 trys with priest dungeonn catacombs and not finish yet .

is that fun for game.

thats why its dyinng the garbage

Perhaps you need to try a different strategy.  The one you're using doesn't appear to be working.  I understand the desire to prove you can do something your way, but you may have gone a little overboard here.

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