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Just need a few suggestions for resto

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So, to get things out of the way first: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/korgath/Grenadier/advanced and http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/5a62wpc7hdfljzes/sum/healingDone/ (last log I healed most of the fights)


I run 10m normals atm, (supposed to be heroic but yay people leaving!) and my current set up works fine with our heal comp. My only issue with it, is 1) regen on spread out fights and 2) HPS on spread out fights. I have yet to actually OOM myself before the end of a fight like I used to in ToT, but there's been some fights where I ended with ~10% and if it'd gone a little longer, I would've.


My main concern is under performance on fights with large fight areas; Our raid leader is really good about keeping people together to maximize efflorescence and healing rain, but on fights where that's not possible, I feel like I lag behind. If there's anything I can do to maximize my hps and utility on spread out fights, I'd love to know it.

Edited by grenadier

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2 heal all the fights! thatll make your heals go up for sure. if you have a good tree to heal with why not try to let it get all the heals and then only heal people who might die? if the tree can get everyone through the basic fight damage just talent for burst, stack crit and save lives. AG, unleashed fury, and quick reflexes can make fights more fun. hide the meters and observe your raid. if you know when damage spikes are coming you can rarely cast and wait until everyone in the raid is below 30% and pop a cd and go for max heal spikes. itd be fun for the tree too, instead of watching 50% of its heals get pushed to overs.

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Do you get up to 30% Haste fully buffed? It looks like you're either right on or just below the LMG Haste breakpoint, which is really useful for mana saving, especially for spread out fights. Otherwise I can't really fault your build.


Can you give specific examples of the fights you have trouble on? Fights in SoO can be broadly split into two groups; fights where Healing Rain is still useful, and fights where it isn't. It'd be interesting to see if you're usually in one of those two groups.

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honestly with 3 healers youre all just going to be fighting each other for heals and you seem to have blown through a lot of bosses with only like 3 wipes. any tricks people would have would be for specific fights. theres no secret riptide that is gonna be better than tree hots when people arent standing in rain.


immersius heroic is a 3 heal fight. protectors h def seems like a good 3 heal, but after getting to know the fight and the floor i think 2 heal might be just as/more doable depending on the group.


if you have trouble with a specific fight that you have logs for we could probably be more help.


all i can see in your logs is that changing chakras might be something your priest doesnt like to do. and honestly for most normal fights he could go fdcl with red chakra and just attack until needed.

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It's mainly ones like Immerseus and Seigecrafter, where people HAVE to be spread out, or end up spread out from avoiding raid mechanics. As I said, our raid leader is oretty good about making sure people utilize efflorescence and healing rain

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theres no secret riptide that is gonna be better than tree hots when people arent standing in rain.


Aw man, and I'd been searching so hard for a Konami Code for WoW...



immersius heroic is a 3 heal fight. protectors h def seems like a good 3 heal, but after getting to know the fight and the floor i think 2 heal might be just as/more doable depending on the group.


Our raid was definitely finding it practical to 2-heal them, especially with a Shaman at the wheel. Mastery FTW, yo.  :)

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we found that with coordination for support cds from halfsie dps like ele and spriest like ag and vamp embrace, we have a pretty solid chance at it too.

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It's mainly ones like Immerseus and Seigecrafter, where people HAVE to be spread out, or end up spread out from avoiding raid mechanics. As I said, our raid leader is oretty good about making sure people utilize efflorescence and healing rain


Well you can definitely use Healing Rain on Seigecrafter effectively; either target it on the Melee or aim to get as many ranged in the AoE as possible. For that fight, since it's so spiky, you kind of have to get used to the damage pattern and try to precast your Chain Heals a lot. Glyph of HST also really helps to prevent damage.


as for Immersius, I don't think that you need to worry about HPS on him. I agree, it's annoying, but by the end of SoO Normal, Immersius shouldn't need more than about 60k HPS or something.


Are you having problems on Paragons, Juggernaut, Dark Shaman, or Nazgrim?

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Aw man, and I'd been searching so hard for a Konami Code for WoW...




Our raid was definitely finding it practical to 2-heal them, especially with a Shaman at the wheel. Mastery FTW, yo.  smile.png

What?  Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start doesn't work?

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What?  Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start doesn't work?


It opens the options menu :(

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immersius is a wierd fight, and trees are crazy good at healing blobs.


but siegecrafter can be more stacked than youd think. if you get the ranged all stacked in range of him on pull, wait until he throws a buzzsaw and then have the tank move him to the belt people jump on. the ranged can stay in a group and whoever gets picked for a buzzsaw next just run towards the boss and at the last second run away. keep stacking saws in a line away from teh boss and only move a little bit towards the belt entrance tubes each time an area gets overrun with saws. the initial saw is the one the OT puts the adds on and the ranged all stay grouped and only the person targetted with a saw moves. that way you can kill magnet and if no magnet is out kill bombs. and the tanks never have to worry about not having saws to tank adds on.



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Our tactic for Blackfuse is basically ranged stack in the middle, the boss is tanked near the pipes, ranged run around and stack back up whenever possible. It works well for us smile.png It also means that I can get good use out of Healing Rain for a decent amount of the fight, which helps a lot.


Just before our Immersius HC kill I was talking to our tree and he said he got like 8 blobs per split phase. I can get four at a real push =\ However, when the damage ramps up in the non-split phase I tend to keep up quite well due to the stacking we do.

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