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By FreezedIce
Im making a telegram bot that can send you new decks and news from https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone.
It already can send some decks and filter them by class and deck format.
Im going to open bot for all users in next few weeks.
Any suggestions?
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By Derisat
Hey, I've been using icy veins for as long as I've been playing hearth stone, about 1 week :p got to rank 20, made all the basic deck builds, bought played and beat both current adventures.the basic decks for each class need some card updates, especially for the current meta and standard rules. Naxx is gone, so why am I seeing naxx recommended cards? GvG is gone but I see those as well. Theres no LoE or WotOG cards. Please update the basic decks, those builds are fine but outdated, especially the card swaps at the end. Also adding noob linked guides to themes decks like zoo, face and mill would help. I had to google 3 different sites to find out zoo is a warlock deck and the link was from 2014. Thanks
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By redrufus10
link to decklist: http://imgur.com/3Ca8iTF
This deck offers an aggressive option for gaining and maintaining board control. This aids us in making it to the later parts of the game where many of the cards excel and the deck is overall strongest.
Through the early game if you against an aggressive deck, you will be looking to trade your minions for their minions.
If they achieve minions you can’t deal with, you can use some removal spells such as Lighting storm, Rockbiter weapon or defend yourself with Feral spirts and Hex however make sure to play your turn careful because of the overload effects of these cards.
In the mid and late game often trades minions is the correct choice or using taunt cards to allow you minions to attack safely. Remember this deck can have a lot of burst combos with the use of cards such as FlameTongue totems, Doomhammer combed with Rockbiter weapons so keep count close of your damage and decide whether to trade or go face.
Use of cards
Earth shock
Is a great card for dealing with cards such as Twilight Drake, Scarlet crusader as well as removing the effects of cards such as Cairne bloodholf and Sylvanus windrunner. Another target we can use the Earth shock for is getting though taunts such as Sludge belcher so that we can burst are opposition down or just maintain board control as Sludge belcher can be a pest to deal with.
Fire Elemental
Is a very strong card as it can trade well with many other cards and it does a heap of damage to face in addition it’s effect can be used as a removal or as added burst damage, when using the effect of Fire Elemental it is often better to use it for removal so we can gain board control.
Lighting storm
Is great board clear for the cost especially vs decks such as hunter and zoo as often their minions have around 2-3 health. Remember when using Lighting storm, unless you have a better play, to use your hero power or play your drake if you can, as you can get additional spell power for Lighting storm.
Mana tide totem
The great thing about this card is it will never cause card disadvantage as it draws a card at the end of your turn. However you want to try and protect this card for as long as you can to be able to get more draws from it you can do this by using cards such as Defender of Argus and Sludge belchers.
Rockbiter weapon
like the effect of the Fire Elemental this card is versatile, you can use it for removal, bursting you opponents by adding it to Doomhammer and it is also great for popping the Nerubain eggs.
FlameTongue totems
Much like the Rockbiter weapon you can use the FlameTongue totems for trading, it combos very well with the spiderlings from the Haunted Creeper, pooping the eggs, and finishing the enemy off with the extra damage.
Defender of Argus
This card is great! Allowing you to taunt up you eggs, or putting up meat shields for the Mana tide totem also again it can be useful for trading, bursting and removal.
Gnomish inventor
First time I saw this card in a shaman vs shaman game I thought I was playing against someone doing an f2p run.
Now I realise this card is very useful especially vs aggressive decks. Not only does it allow you to draw a card which when playing against aggressive decks is very useful because it often allows you to draw into some of your removal. But it also, by having 4 health, trades great against 3/2s which decks such as zoo have many of.
Yes it needs all caps.
This card can be used as removal, great vs cards with 2 health, or burst you opponent down which is best done by combing this card with Rockbiter weapons as DOOMHAMMER has wind fury it will allow you to do 10 damage spilt into 2 attacks on the turn Rockbiter weapons was played.
Sludge belcher
In my opinion this is by far is the strongest card currently in the game and there are very few decks I don’t include this card in.
It trades well with many aggressive early game cards such as flame imps and other 3/2 allowing it to often trade with more than one card and even if the your enemy has a card that can take it out in one shot they still have to deal with the 1/2 meaning that without the use of silences or spells your enemy with have to use at least 2 attacks on the Sludge belcher which will often save from taking a lot of damage to
the face.
Sludge belcher is also great for protecting your minions like your Mana tide totem or your FlameTongue totems allowing this cards to use their effects while safe from the enemy minions.
this card is great for allowing you to get early board control if you drew deathrattles with it, as It can trade into minions if it gets buffed enough for example if this card is buffed twice it can trade nicely into any 3/2s on the board and still survive.
As well as this it can pressure your opposition by dealing damage to the face. Often this card will force your opposition to use removing which is great since this card is only 1 Mana.
Haunted Creeper
This is a another card I greatly underrated but it trades very well with 2/1s such as leper gnomes and 1/1s it also can trade well with also once you pop the Haunted Creeper the 2 spiderlings can trade into 3/2s allowing you to sometimes get a 2 for 1.
Cards to mulligan for:
The main cards you want to search for are Undertakers, Haunted Creepers and Nerubain eggs I also like to keep Rockbiter weapon and depending on the starting hand will keep Harvest golems.
When against aggressive decks I will look for lighting storms and will sometimes keep Feral spirts depending on my hand, the reason I sometimes would consider not keep Feral spirts is it can often make your turn 3/4 just too weak however it is situation dependent, and usually I would not consider it a mistake to keep them
Finally when playing against a warlock keeping an earth shock is often a good idea as it is very good when against handlock.
Well I think that’s all thank you very much for sticking with me I how this is useful to you and I look forward to feedback.