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[US-Stormrage][A]<Natural Order> 11/14H lf range dps

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NRecruiting all exceptional players, regardless of class/spec. Immediate spots for range and healers.

Server: US- Stormrage (EST)
Faction: Alliance
Raid Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Raid Times: 7:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Loot Distribution: Loot Council
What we offer:
Efficient raiding on a compact schedule.
Guild Bank supplies all raiding consumables.
No raging, no drama, just a fun environment and dead bosses!
Fair, consistent loot council to distribute gear.
Great social environment, weekend alt runs.
What we are looking for, but all exceptional players will be considered:
- Ret Pally
- Mistweaver Monk 
- Shadow priest
- Mage
- Fat chicken (aka Boomkin)
- Warrior
Recruitment Contacts:
Storm (Guild Master): Storm301#1174
Kattii: Kattii#1786
GM: Stormdk
Officers: Bryä(Raid Lead), Kattii
Edited by Kattii
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Also, I'm like practically the only DK in the entire guild roster. so a DW Frost DK would be awesome.


. . . And Zagam. I'm going to nag you until you transfer. wink.png

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Sorry boss, not leaving Mal'ganis ever again unless someone fronts the $275 to xfer all 11 of my toons.  No one is that crazy for me lol

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$275! I don't have that kind of money sad.png


but my offer pretty much always stands that I'll pay for your lock, and Pattymayo.

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Small update:


We recruited a Frost DK last night, and it's looking like we're pretty much set on Mdps now except for truly exceptional applicants, or players with a strong tank/heal Offspec.


-Range DPS in order of need: Shadow Priest! Ele Shaman, Moonkin

   - We're pretty much set for Mages, Hunter's and Warlocks


Tanks/Healers: We have enough of these, but could work strong applicants into our rotation, especially any with a viable offspec.

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bump, still recruiting Shadow Priests, Ele Shamans, any other exceptional range, or Zagam.

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Sorry boss, can't combine two Icy-Veins mods in one guild.  Staying where I am.

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Sure we can. We'd have star power, and attract top end raiders. We'd be the best guild in the world that's on a 3 night a week schedule. smile.png

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I'd love another frost mage friend smile.png


Someone who can tolerate my madness.


We're in the very rough period of the holidays, so now is the time to join us from lower progression/lower item level. If you're good and like it here, you'll gear up pretty quick on a single Tuesday.

Edited by Akraen

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Still need some ranged dps, and possibly an off tank. Not even going to be too picky about class. We just need 2-3 more ranged dps before the holidays are over so we can really get back on track for 14/14H


I basically have 5 requirements:

- Show up to raid 3 nights a week

- Move out of stuff you shouldn't be standing in

- Soak stuff you should be standing in

- Switch targets when you need to switch

- Have decent dps for your gear*


* If you've been away from the game for a few months, and are just getting back into it, this is your chance. A lot of 14/14H guilds are starting to wind down, and they're casting a much wider net to recruit for next expansion. In turn we need to cast a much wider net also to keep moving forward. If you have past heroic experience, and know your class inside and out, we want you on our team. Don't let a low ilvl hold you back form joining a heroic team. If you show us you can perform, we'll get you the gear.

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We're still recruiting a few more ranged dps. Lately we've been having 28 people online Tuesday night, and 23 people online Thursday night. If you can be our 24th/25th person on Thursday night then we have a raid spot for you 3 nights a week.

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Still looking for DPS. we have a new opening or two for melee dps in addition to a few range spots.


Since Zagam, Omaric and Locky (in no particular order) are all accounted for in WoD I will settle for the 4th best warlock in the world.


or pretty much any relatively decently geared and experienced Mage, Priest, Pally, Monk, Warrior, Rogue.

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