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Warbringers: Sylvanas (The Burning of Teldrassil Cinematic)

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The second part of War of Thorns is now live in North America and we've finally seen the Burning of Teldrassil cinematic! Check out who burned down the World Tree or stay away from this article, because it contains spoilers!


Before the Storm Novel

From the latest novel we know that Sylvanas is (somewhat) paranoid and fears of losing Lordaeron and control over the Forsaken. One of the key moments of the book is when Sylvanas kills Caelia Menethil, but she's later brought back to life as a Holy Undead.

War of Thorns

The Dark Lady shed some light on why the attack on Teldrassil was absolutely inevitable for the Horde: "The Alliance will use Darnassus as a safe harbor for funneling Azerite into the Eastern Kingdoms."


Warchief, may I ask why we want to capture Teldrassil?

Time is not a luxury, we possess, but I respect your desire to know more.

<Sylvanas points to Silithus on the map>.

THIS has forever altered the balance of power in Azeroth.

Deposits of Azerite are being located across the world, $PlayerName. Though we do not yet understand its full potential, it is clear that this substance has vast destructive capability.

What will war look like in twenty years? In a hundred?

How can the Horde hope to defend its borders if the Alliance controls the flow of Azerite?

It is uncertain, Warchief.

What is certain is that the Alliance will use Darnassus as a safe harbor for funneling Azerite into the Eastern Kingdoms. Anduin Wrynn will build powerful new weapons, and sooner or later he will turn them upon our homelands. First he will strike at the Undercity and Silvermoon, then his gaze will fall upon Kalimdor.

For the sake of the Horde's future, we must be the first to act.

By occupying Darnassus, we will control the flow of Azerite and ensure it cannot be used against us. The Alliance will dare not attack its own city for fear of harming civilians.

With a single stroke, we will guarantee generations of peace.

The night elves will fight us at every step.

The kaldorei will defy our occupation... unless we break their spirits.

We must inflict a blow that will show them what is at stake. They need to lose something... someone... in whom they have absolute trust and faith. A symbol of hope.

<The Dark Lady narrows her eyes.>

Malfurion Stormrage must die.

Elegy / A Good War

The two can be found in the Collector's Edition of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, available at your local retailer. They explore the Burning of Teldrassil from both perspectives.

Battle for Azeroth

We all know BfA is an Old God expansion. I wouldn't wonder if the World Tree has long been corrupted and Sylvanas knew all about it or if she got possessed somehow. According to Hazzikostas, there's more to the story and the heart of the Horde is still beating strong...

Anyway, Sylvanas comes across a dying ranger and the chance encounter provokes Sylvanas to burn down Teldrassil. The rangers tells her she can't kill hope, whereupon Sylvanas replies: "Can't I?" and burns down the tree. 

Warbringers: Sylvanas

The Burning of Teldrassil cinematic coincides with the second Wabringers animated short.

Sylvanas Windrunner, warchief of the Horde, leads her forces to victory against the night elves of Darnassus and moves to conquer their home: the World Tree, Teldrassil. But a chance encounter with a dying young ranger who questions her motives and tells her that she cannot win the war she is truly fighting—a war on life itself—leads Sylvanas to make a decision that will change the course of history on Azeroth.

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The tears on MMO-Fail are delicious.  

"omg she did it, she''s evil, evil I tell ya! OMFG" 


I'm laughing and cheering.  The alliance went to neutral Silithis, slaughtered Goblin miners, then wanted a war over the azerite.

Guess what chumps?  OK, It's WAR.  your supply lines go right through a big piece of wood

fire wins. 

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10 minutes ago, t3ramos said:

thrall does not approve of this!

Thrall has been MIA and has no say in the Horde anymore. Not everything has been revealed. There's a method to Sylvanas' madness & I fully stand by her decision.

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1 minute ago, dsc said:

The tears on MMO-Fail are delicious.  

"omg she did it, she''s evil, evil I tell ya! OMFG" 


I'm laughing and cheering.  The alliance went to neutral Silithis, slaughtered Goblin miners, then wanted a war over the azerite.

Guess what chumps?  OK, It's WAR.  your supply lines go right through a big piece of wood

fire wins. 

Everything changed the day the Fire Nation attacked XD.

Typical Alliance are only seeing this at face value and are not thinking about the deeper aspects/affects of whats going on. I cannot wait until the full revelation happens. But Alliance will be Alliance and somehow put the blame on the Horde (as per usual).

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1 minute ago, Myke said:

Typical Alliance are only seeing this at face value and are not thinking about the deeper aspects/affects of whats going on. I cannot wait until the full revelation happens. But Alliance will be Alliance and somehow put the blame on the Horde (as per usual).

Technically, Sylvanas is the former Alliance. With all that emphasis on elves and humans (albeit undead ones), Horde feels more like Red Alliance (but in the end, humans and elves are the most popular among players, that's why we've got 4 flavors of elves and 4 flavors of humans in game). Most of stories are to be taken at face value, just like Garrosh's was.

Anyway, they went rather easy route, although cinematic looks good. Previously it was speculated that some other forces were behind fire, as Sylvanas only wanted to occupy Teldrassil, but that is not so.

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Dammit, they are going full Garrosh on her. I am really disappointed on how they decided to portrait her. She was always stubborn and headstrong, but not fanatic and paranoid. Jaina "at least" got the whole bombing of Teramore (even if it was couple years ago), and she stayed away from the whole "band together to fight the aliens" thing that was Legion. But Sylvannas was the Warchief for the whole duration. She fought together with Varian on the Broken Shore (and we got that badass cinematic). She worked, unwillingly for sure, with the Alliance against the Burning Legion. She got reunited with her sisters. The Horde is on the rise, getting strong allies on the Highmountain and Nightborne. I am yet to see a good reasoning. Just seems like cheap writing too me.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I assume the siege of Loraderon happens after the Burning of Teldrassil?

Edited by lChronosl
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Sylvanas...said Garrosh? you did a coastal keep? bah watch me do me...I commit genocide the right way...burn them all!

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5 minutes ago, dsc said:

I'm laughing and cheering.  The alliance went to neutral Silithis, slaughtered Goblin miners, then wanted a war over the azerite.

Here we go again.

"muh neutral goblin miners!" You know as well as everyone else that they went there gathering azerite for the horde with the intent of weaponizing it and using it on the alliance. The alliance simply responded. What, were they supposed to sit back while the horde builds weapons of mass destruction with genocide in mind? Come on.

11 minutes ago, Myke said:

Typical Alliance are only seeing this at face value and are not thinking about the deeper aspects/affects of whats going on. I cannot wait until the full revelation happens. But Alliance will be Alliance and somehow put the blame on the Horde (as per usual).

Totally, i can't wait to see the deeper meaning behind that invasion of Ashenvale where they massacre civilians en masse and then proceed to burn down a world tree filled with even more civilians. Sylvanas is quite literally far, far worse than Garrosh at this point, but since she has tits and a cool design it's alright. Atleast Garrosh had some principles. Sylvanas doesn't. She has admitted herself that honor means nothing to her, she has no qualms about genociding innocent people, the book confirmed that she wants to use the azerite to become a god and destroy anyone who disagrees with her while Anduin wants to use it to heal people, end the unecessary bloodshed and bring peace to the world. 

Sorry, but this whole conflict is black and white. I know that you think your edgy waifu can't do anything wrong but there really isn't any point in lying to yourself. The horde under Sylvanas is now comitting atrocities left and right on a way larger scale than Garrosh. Sylvanas is spiteful, petty and driven by hatred and selfish desires. She is sadistic and yearns for power and immortality. She doesn't care about anyone but herself, she has no qualms about killing her own troops with biological weapons and raising them as mindless skeletons.

Sylvanas is despicable. She goes against anything that the horde Thrall formed stood for and i'm definitely gonna be very disappointed if we don't see these actions cause any conflict within the horde. Saurfang is the rightful warchief. He embodies what the horde should be. Sylvanas is just a war criminal and the enemy of all life.

Black and white storytelling is boring. And that's what this is, make no mistake.

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2 minutes ago, Hariwald said:

Sylvanas is quite literally far, far worse than Garrosh at this point

Nope, because not everything has been revealed.


2 minutes ago, Hariwald said:

Saurfang is the rightful warchief.


Then Thrall should of made him Warchief. He didn't so he isn't. QQ moar over your orc love.

Edited by Myke
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1 minute ago, Myke said:

Nope, because not everything has been revealed.

Yes, because enough has been revealed to make that assertion. 

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Just now, Hariwald said:

Yes, because enough has been revealed to make that assertion. 

No there hasn't. You just want there to be enough so you can lay blame, like the typical alliance do.

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6 minutes ago, Hariwald said:

Atleast Garrosh had some principles.

Remind me, what principles did Garrosh have during his all-consuming the old god heart?

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Calling it now.    New Icecrown raid inc.


Obviously there will be horde rebelling against her, and she'll turn into raid boss Garrosh mark 2.

But where will they have that raid?   I don't think they're ready to go full on derpy "let's siege of orgrimmar again!".   Instead, what's a logically retreat for her?    Undercity isn't an option, nor is Silvermoon.    But there is a place with tons of undead ready to be used, near where her Valkyr originate, and a handy dandy helmet that'll help keep her forsaken under control.


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Just now, Myke said:

Remind me, what principles did Garrosh have during his all-consuming the old god heart?

"Everything I did, I did for the Horde!"

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2 minutes ago, Myke said:

No there hasn't. You just want there to be enough so you can lay blame, like the typical alliance do.

I don't know about you, but personally i find the genocide of countless innocent civilians for the sake of "breaking the hope of a people" to be a pretty morally reprehensible act, and nothing they reveal will change that. And trust me, they will not reveal anything that will make the invasion of Ashenvale and civilian massacre even remotely okay, no doubt you will make something up in your own head to justify those actions but the truth will be the truth, whether you like it or not.

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1 hour ago, Stan said:

 I wouldn't wonder if the World Tree has long been corrupted and Sylvanas knew all about it or if she got possessed somehow.

One can only hope ?

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8 minutes ago, Migol said:

"Everything I did, I did for the Horde!" ~Garrosh

Yep, and Sylvannas already made clear that she fights for the Forsaken and for herself, not really for the Horde.

Not to mention that we are back at the "durr durr the Horde got spikes, like red and black and are ugly so they must be the bad guys durr durr". I am not a Horde main, but this seems to unfiar and stupid.

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25 minutes ago, Hariwald said:

Here we go again.

"muh neutral goblin miners!" You know as well as everyone else that they went there gathering azerite for the horde with the intent of weaponizing it and using it on the alliance. The alliance simply responded. What, were they supposed to sit back while the horde builds weapons of mass destruction with genocide in mind? Come on.

Totally, i can't wait to see the deeper meaning behind that invasion of Ashenvale where they massacre civilians en masse and then proceed to burn down a world tree filled with even more civilians. Sylvanas is quite literally far, far worse than Garrosh at this point, but since she has tits and a cool design it's alright. Atleast Garrosh had some principles. Sylvanas doesn't. She has admitted herself that honor means nothing to her, she has no qualms about genociding innocent people, the book confirmed that she wants to use the azerite to become a god and destroy anyone who disagrees with her while Anduin wants to use it to heal people, end the unecessary bloodshed and bring peace to the world. 

Sorry, but this whole conflict is black and white. I know that you think your edgy waifu can't do anything wrong but there really isn't any point in lying to yourself. The horde under Sylvanas is now comitting atrocities left and right on a way larger scale than Garrosh. Sylvanas is spiteful, petty and driven by hatred and selfish desires. She is sadistic and yearns for power and immortality. She doesn't care about anyone but herself, she has no qualms about killing her own troops with biological weapons and raising them as mindless skeletons.

Sylvanas is despicable. She goes against anything that the horde Thrall formed stood for and i'm definitely gonna be very disappointed if we don't see these actions cause any conflict within the horde. Saurfang is the rightful warchief. He embodies what the horde should be. Sylvanas is just a war criminal and the enemy of all life.

Black and white storytelling is boring. And that's what this is, make no mistake.

Thats the thing, we didn't kill any civilian, don't know HOW they died, but the Horde quest don't force you to kill any civilian, they dont even count for the "kill the guards" quest (you can kill them, but nobody is forcing you)...

When I did the Alliance quest it was a surprais that all the civilians were dead... and I thougt, maybe, MAYBE someone else in involve, somebody want this war... and that person is the one who burn the tree (bcos, that person it's also a black dragon O.O)

But no, no plot twist, no creative thing nothing, just a raging decition and that is...

So, SO disapointed



And about the goblins, they were in neutral territory, you cannot go out there and kill workers "in case they do something agains you in the future".  You didn't know, but Galliwyx was geathering azerite in order to heal the bound, Alliance atack without warning, without honor, killing  miners that where doing there JOB, tring to support they FAMILY... why? WHY andin, why do you hate goblis that much, that you send trained assasins to kill undefense worker that were tring to feed their families... WHY???

YES, it's an exageration... Galliwyx wasn't searching a cure for Azeroth, but you don't know that, bcose you attack, not bcose you want to prevent danger, but bcose you want that power for yourself. so, don't came and tell me that the alliance didn't start, bcse any place you see, the humas strike first... (and I say HUMANS and not the rest of the allinace, bcose Humans are trash, we are trash, inseide and outside the game).

Edited by Demenzel

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28 minutes ago, Myke said:

No there hasn't. You just want there to be enough so you can lay blame, like the typical alliance do.

Your posts are very childish. Also, did you read the book? She even executed her own Forsaken, just because they wanted to reunite with their living family members. And those Forsaken were just civilians, so not even a real threat to her.

Edited by Arcling

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1 minute ago, Arcling said:

Your posts are very childish. Also, did you read the book? She even executed her own Forsaken, just because they wanted to reunite with their living family members.

Actually...they were defectors, which is treasonous under most governments current, modern and in the fantastical world. The horde has always treated treason with death. 

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