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[Illidan] [H] <Exodus> (2/8M) Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST is LFM for BoD!

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About Us:

To keep it short and to the point, we're a older crew (30's-40's in age range) that is heroic focused with some casual mythic aspirations. We're a smaller group, but a group where most of us have known each other for over 5 years and some of us have even played together since vanilla. Our goal is to finish up AotC, and then do mythic on a casual basis for each raid tier.


Raid Schedule:

Tuesday 8-11pm and Thursday 8-11pm EST


What We're Looking For:

Mature peeps who respect each others time, know that our careers and families come first, but also like to put in the effort to knock out harder content in the game.

We welcome any solid like-minded players as well as looking for the following classes/roles:

Melee DPS: Warrior

Ranged DPS: Druid, Mage, Shaman, Warlock

Healer: Druid

Tank: N/A


Contact Info:

Kirsae (Btag: Calius#1360) (Discord: Kirsae#6427)

Shamk (Btag: Shamk#1820)

[email protected]

Edited by Kirsae

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