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Patch 8.0.1: Battle for Lordaeron

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Battle for Lordaeron will be available starting today in North America. Blizzard clarified that you don't need to pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth to access it. Check out our detailed preview of the scenario!

The article contains major spoilers about the event!


Final cinematics depicting the aftermath of the Battle for Lordaeron are now up, check them out below.

Battle for Lordaeron

Simply put, Battle for Lordaeron is the result of the burning of Teldrassil. Alliance tries to retaliate for Teldrassil and Alliance forces led by King Anduin and Genn Greymane march upon Undercity.



  • There's a growing distrust between Sylvanas and High Overlord Saurfang.
  • Saurfang gets captured by the Alliance and gets captured in the Stockades.
  • We're still waiting for a cinematics (possibly two?) from the event.
  • According to Wowhead's datamined broadcast text, Sylvanas blows up Undercity instead of surrendering to Anduin and the Alliance forces.
  • Undercity is inaccessible on Beta after the event, because there's blight everywhere and players get killed by a DoT.
  • You can speak to Zidormi to return to Undercity before the Battle for Lordaeron.

Battle for Lordaeron Cutscenes

Athelarius created a video called "The Lordaeron Movie" that shows off all cutscenes from the event. Our full gameplay previews from Beta are missing voiceovers, because we made them before they were implemented.


The Alliance scenario starts with Anduin in Stormwind.


King Anduin Wrynn: Champions of the Alliance, the time has come for us to claim what is rightfully ours! The final push to retake Lordaeron Keep commences at dawn. The Horde and their Warchief must answer for their crimes!

You talk to Captain Angelica to queue up for the Battle for Lordaeron scenario. The first objective is to follow General Hammond Clay to Brill and charge the battlefield with Genn Greymane.


General Hammond Clay: Heroes of the Third Fleet, steel yourselves! Report to King Greymane at once! Follow me! Make haste and do not stray!

You arrive at Brill and Genn gives a speech about the Horde cowardly burning down Teldrassil.


Genn Greymane: Brothers and sisters of the Alliance, hear me! The Horde's cowardly attack on Teldrassil brought war upon us... and made clear what is truly at stake. Their warchief's goal was not to capture a single city, but to destroy our way of life... and snuff out hope for generations to come. To secure our future, the Banshee Queen must answer for her crimes. Her dark reign ends today! Together we will drive her evil from this land... and raise our banners above Lordaeron once more!

Stormwind Footmen & Teldrassil Archers and the entire army yells: For the Alliance!

Genn Greymane: Soldiers! Fall in and form ranks!

The next objective is to defend Alliance Siege Towers.


Genn Greymane: King Anduin is leading the assault! Push past the reserves and secure the battlefield!

Stormwind Priest: Heroes! We're overrun! I can't... keep them alive much longer...

Genn Greymane: Smoke is... so thick... These goblins must be stopped! Focus on the shredder!

Stormwind Footman: Champion, fetch me the cannon balls so that I may keep firing!

Anduin Wrynn: All units, to the gates! Victory for the Alliance!

The Horde now attacks you with their azerite war machine and your goal is to destroy it. After that, the Horde will start attacking Alliance forces with blight. The objective is to defend King Anduin and evacuate the wounded. Sylvanas begins raising the bodies of Alliance corpses as soldiers.


Anduin Wrynn: She's raising their bodies! We must evacuate the wounded!

Genn Greymane: The blight is too dangerous, my king! We cannot afford to--

Anduin Wrynn: The Alliance leaves no soldier behind!

Wounded Soldier: Their attacks are relentless. Thank you for your help.

Anduin Wrynn: Not this time...

Wounded Soldier: It was foolish of me to get caught away from the line. Thank you for the second chance.

Wounded Soldier: I... I think I can make it. Thank you.

Running with Anduin protects you from the blight. Wounded Soldiers have a drop-shaped health indicator icon above their heads. The Alliance forces find themselves outnumbered...


Genn Greymane: My king, our siege towers are lost! Our numbers are waning...

Anduin Wrynn: Father, help me. I need your guidance. I need...

There's a missing cutscene with Jaina arriving to aid the Alliance in battle.


Anduin Wrynn: Jaina, your timing was impeccable!

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Sorry I'm late to the party. Lend me a hand with the enemy. I'll block off the entrance so we can regroup.

Jaina creates ice barriers to hold off Horde soldiers, but there's no time to lose!


Lady Jaina Proudmoore: I don't know how long these walls will hold. We should not linger here.

Anduin Wrynn: Sound advice. We didn't give Sylvanas much time to prepare for this attack, but we can't afford to underestimate her. Everyone, fall into position. We strike on my command!

It's time to infiltrate the keep with Anduin, but Windseeker Durja blocks your way. She will cast cyclones to delay your advance.


Anduin Wrynn: Genn, I need you to cover our backs. It's too risky to funnel everyone through the side of the keep all at once. There will certainly be traps.

Genn Greymane: Agreed. I'll guard the rear flank.

Windseeker Durja: Winds of da eagle spirit gonna SCOUR YA BONES!

Anduin Wrynn: Jaina! Block the exits! Don't let them call for reinforcements!

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Let's move.

The next phase begins once you defeat Durja and her Darkspear Trolls.


Windseeker Durja: Da Warchief... will...stop ya...

Anduin Wrynn: Excellent work, everyone! Let's keep moving.

Lady Jana Proudmoore: I'm ready!

Assaulting Lordaeron City won't be easy! You suddently cross paths with Nathanos Blightcaller and his giant army. Jaina even suggests teleporting everyone to safety.


Nathanos Blightcaller: It is you who is outnumbered now.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: That army is enormous... Give the word, and I will teleport us to safety.

Anduin Wrynn: If we turn tail now, we just become prey. No. We'll fight - and die, if we must - for what we believe in!

Nathanos Blightcaller: Your time is up, King Anduin! VICTORY FOR THE FORSAKEN!


Alleria arrives to aid the Alliance with her Void Elf army and Mekkatorque.


Alleria Windrunner: Let us even the odds, King Wrynn!

Anduin Wrynn: Alleria! Thank the Light you've made it!

Alleria Windrunner: I am known for my timing, your majesty. Mekkatorque, are you ready for battle? As you wish. Champions, with me! 

High Tinker Mekkatorque: My machines are at your command!

Mekkatorque provides the Alliance forces with Flametron 5000 machines. Players use them to defeat the Horde forces. After this stage is done, it's time to find Sylvanas. Her forces are retreating and blight is blocking the path to keep up with her.


Lady Jaina Proudmoore: The Horde is falling back again? What is their strategy here?

Genn Greymane: That accursed blight blocks our path. Our forces can't follow her.

Anduin Wrynn: We can't let the warchief escape. Capturing her is the only way to win this war.

Alleria Windrunner: Understood. We will not let you go alone.

Fortunately, Mekkatorque has some gyrocopters to get you past the blight barrier.


Anduin Wrynn: Mekkatorque, can your flying machines get us past this blight?

High Tinker Mekkatorque: I don't have many of them, but the ones I do are at your disposal.

Anduin Wrynn: So be it. Champions, with me. Mekkatorque, backtrack through the keep with the rest of our forces, and station them at Brill. be ready to strike on my command.

High Tinker Mekkatorque: You've got it.

You use the gyrocopter to pursue Sylvanas and confront High Overlord Saurfang.


Anduin Wrynn: Stand aside, Saurfang. This war is not yours to bear alone, and there is no honor in killing you.

High Overlord Saurfang: Your father was a man of honor, boy. You know nothing of the sort. I will NEVER stand down! I eat, sleep, and die by the sword. What price have you paid for your people?

Anduin Wrynn: My father gave everything for the Alliance. The question is, are you willing to do the same?

High Overlord Saurfang: MY LIFE FOR THE HORDE!

The Alliance captures him and Horde players save Saurfang later in a separate scenario.


Genn Greymane: We've done it. Sylvanas will finally answer for her crimes. Champions, to my side...

Upon entering the throne room, there's a cutscene. 

Wowhead suggests that there will be a cutscene depicting Sylvanas waiting for Anduin's arrival. He gives her a chance to surrender, but she blows up the entire city instead.

Battle for Lordaeron Video Preview [Alliance PoV]


It all starts with Sylvanas giving you orders to report to Isabella in Orgrimmar. 


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Champions, the hour is at hand. The Alliance shall fall upon our blades as they desperately grasp at our prized Lordaeron Keep. Report to High Overlord Saurfang. Teach them the price of their folly. For the Horde!

Talking to her will queue you up for the scenario. The first objective is to find Saurfang.


High Overlord Saurfang: Soldiers of the Horde, the time has come! Our enemies strike against the Undercity and seek to claim Lordaeron for their own. The Undercity is no longer safe for civilians. The war rages above, and dozens of spies have infiltrated our walls. We have herded the cowards to the Mage District and have secured the rest of the city. Your mission is to flush these worms out of hiding, eliminate them, and ensure that our citizens are evacuated safely to Orgrimmar.

You'll notice a bunch of sneaky SI:7 Operatives have infiltrated the Magic Quarter and in order to secure the Mage District, they must be eradicated. Next, you'll follow Saurfang to the Heart of the City.


High Overlord Saurfang: More spies! We have them cornered!

Mirabelle: We've been compromised!

Renzik "The Shiv": I got the intel. We just gotta make it outta here with it!

Mirabelle: "Plan B" it is, then...

Renzik "The Shiv": <whistles>

High Overlord Saurfang: Find them!

Druid of the Claw: Druids of the Claw, ATTACK!

The next step is to evacuate the remainder of Undercity.


High Overlord Saurfang: The tunnels have been secured. Open the gate!

Royal Dreadguard: They sprang from the shadows. They're everywhere!

In this stage, you will continue killing Alliance Druids of the Claw to fill the bar to 100% and talk to Undercity members to evacuate them. Next, you must take the portal to meet with Sylvanas Windrunner.


High Overlord Saurfang: No time to waste! Open a portal to the keep and we will report to the warchief!

Using the portal will teleport you to the keep.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Is the Undercity evacuated?

High Overlord Saufang: Yes, Warchief.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Then it's time to finish this once and for all. Saurfang, rally your troops. I will prepare the azerite war machine.

High Overlord Saurfang: Champions! Your warchief commands you! It is time to take arms against the Alliance! Their numbers are strong, but we are stronger. We are the Horde! We crush those who would bring us harm! Lok'tar ogar! 

You will follow Saurfang to the battle and break the Alliance frontline. Sylvanas prepares the azerite war machine and you must defeat three waves of attackers.

Wave #1


Stormwind Footman: Riflemen! Lock and load! Advance!

Wave #2


Darnassian Sentinel: Archers, nock your arrows! Advance!

Wave #3


Mechanoranger Cogspark: Ladies and gentlemen, rev those engines! Attack!

After all three waves have been defeated, you will use blight on Alliance forces to drive them away. You can talk to the Sludge Guard and select if you only want a gask mask or a blight canister on top of that.


High Overlord Saurfang: Soldiers of the Horde! Your brothers and sisters lie wounded on the battlefield! There is no honor in this victory if we abandon our own!

You will spread blight and heal Wounded Horde Soldiers that have been infected with blight. Their current health is indicated with a drop-shaped icon above their heads.


Wounded Horde Soldier: Their attacks are relentless. Thank you for your help.

Wounded Horde Soldier: Thanks for the heal!

Wounded Horde Soldier: It was foolish of me to get caught away from the line. Thank you for the second chance.

Before you complete this stage of the scenario, you'll see the following broadcast text:


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Slay them all, champions! Mark my words, King Anduin and his army did not come here for their amusement. They mean to destroy us! Show them no mercy, for they would show you none in return!

High Overlord Saurfang: Maintain your honor, heroes. Lok-narash.

There's a placeholder cinematic that has not been implemented yet after this stage, but it probably depicts Jaina's arrival.

You learn that the Alliance have breached the wall and must follow Nathanos to the keep. High Overlord Saurfang is missing at this point when you regroup with your forces.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Everyone, move! Cut them off with the reserves! Do NOT let them pass! Saurfang! Where did you go?

Nathanos Blightcaller: Leave it to me, Dark Lady. I will lead the reserves in the assault. The Alliance will go no further, I swear it.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Meet with Lor'themar. QUICKLY! Do not fail me, Nathanos!

Nathanos Blightcaller: I obey, my queen. Heroes, follow me!

Nathanos tells Baine to cover the warchief.


Nathanos Blightcaller: Baine! Gather the catapults and every apothecary you can find. Send them to the keep at once!

Baine Bloodhoof: Yes, Blightcaller. But... where is Saurfang?

Nathanos Blightcaller: There is no time! We have but precious moments before we lose our terrain advantage! The chokepoint we create will funnel them through the side of the keep and thin their ranks. With us out in the open, we will outnumber them ten to one!

Baine Bloodhoof: Understood. I will meet you as soon as I can.

Nathanos Blightcaller: No. Lor'themar and I will handle the interlopers. I can't risk leaving the warchief unguarded. You are not to leave her side.

Baine Bloodhoof: How long are you expecting to hold them off? What is the warchief's strategy?

Nathanos Blightcaller: It is better if she tells you herself. Now go! Champions, with me! We rally in the keep! Your warchief commands it!

You meet up with Lor'themar.


Nathanos Blightcaller: Lor'themar, command our rangers from the flank! Position them on the rooftops!

Lor'themar Theron: With pleasure, Blightcaller.

Nathanos Blightcaller: Blight throwers, you're our front line! You will create a swath of blight between us and the enemy! Soldiers, fall into position! The Alliance approaches!

Now you must intercept the Alliance.


Nathanos Blightcaller: It is you who is outnumbered now.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: That army is enormous... Give the word, and I will teleport us to safety.

Anduin Wrynn: If we turn tail now, we just become prey. No. We'll fight - and die, if we must - for what we believe in!

Nathanos Blightcaller: Your time is up, King Anduin! VICTORY FOR THE FORSAKEN!


Alleria suddently joins the fight with her army of Void Elves and Mekkatorque, as portals begin to open.


Alleria Windrunner: Let us even the odds, King Wrynn!

High Tinker Mekkatorque: Indubitably! I brought some extra machines for backup. Feel free to give 'em a spin!

Anduin Wrynn: Jaina, Genn, help me with Blightcaller and Lor'themar. Alleria, take the rest of our troops and focus on routing the enemy army.

Alleria Windrunner: As you wish. Champions, with me!

High Tinker Mekkatorque: My machines are at your command!

The next objective is to defeat King Anduin Wrynn and his allies.


Nathanos Blightcaller: Hahaha! Look who joins the fray. Good, I was hoping you'd keep this interesting!

Alleria Windrunner: I assure you, Blightcaller, the pleasure is all mine.

Lor'themar Theron: The void elves... those traitors must be dealt with! Their assault will soon falter. Remain steadfast!

Unfortunately, the Horde must retreat yet again and follow Nathanos to the courtyard.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Everyone! Follow Nathanos to the courtyard! I will block the Alliance from behind! Keep moving! We're almost there! Make haste, heroes! 

You find High Overlord Saurfang kneelling in the courtyard and he has quite an interesting conversation with Sylvanas.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: So good of you to finally show up, High Overlord.

High Overlord Saurfang: I had to see it for myself. Was this your plan all along? Is this how you meant to achieve victory? This... honorless travesty?

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Honor means nothing to a corpse, Saurfang. You have the luxury of underestimating death, but it is something with which I am intimately familiar. Maybe you don't care if your people die so long as it is honorable. But to me, this Horde is worth saving. Anyone who disagrees does not deserve to stand among us. So die your warrior's death, High Overlord Saurfang. It means little to me. Perhaps I will raise your broken body to serve me once more. Or perhaps you will have a chance to say hello to your son.

Saurfang's son died at the Wrathgate back in Wrath of the Lich King and the Lich King raised his corpse to fight for him. He's a boss in Icecrown Citadel called Deathbringer Saurfang.

Saurgang is left behind and gets captured by the Alliance. In another Horde scenario, players help free him, as he's being held captured in the Stockades.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Champions, with me. You are invited to bear witness to the grand finale.

As soon as you enter the Throne Room, there's another cutscene playing. Wowhead suggests that there will be a cutscene depicting Sylvanas waiting for Anduin's arrival. He gives her a chance to surrender, but she blows up the entire city instead.

Battle for Lordaeron Video Preview [Horde PoV]

Environmental Changes

The zeppelin to Undercity is no longer operational and there's a portal to the Ruins of Lordaeron.


The area around Undercity can be entered right now on Beta, but you will get killed by a mysterious buff in a couple of ticks. You can talk to Zidormi to witness Tirisfal Glades before the Battle for Lordaeron.


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Ok, so I gotta ask, what the hell happened to the Portal Technology?   It's been used "in lore" before, like in the battle for undercity.    Why are they waiting for reinforcements that could easily be ported over.   Hell, even Tyrande "Hearthstones" both herself and Malfurion to Stormwind...somehow.

De Plotholes...

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38 minutes ago, Migol said:

Ok, so I gotta ask, what the hell happened to the Portal Technology?   It's been used "in lore" before, like in the battle for undercity.    Why are they waiting for reinforcements that could easily be ported over.   Hell, even Tyrande "Hearthstones" both herself and Malfurion to Stormwind...somehow.

De Plotholes...

The Hearthstone is explained in Elegy. It is given to her by Anduin (who got it waaay back from Jaina to hearth to Theramore, he re-attuned it to Stormwind) so that she would be capable of escaping if need be so her people would not be leaderless.


As for portals, I suspect portaling a lot of things or people is a strain on the mages holding the portals open and I also suspect they're hard are the leylines in the area as well.

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