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Macro Help

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I play an enhancement shaman and need some macro help.


I'm losing time and dps by manually dropping totems at the start of a fight. Does anybody have or can somebody point me to a macro I can use to eliminate this?


Thank you folks.

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Well since they engage the GCD you have to press the buttons, I don't think there's a way around that. What order do you do your opener in?

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Looking for tips too. . .

I have a castsequence macro that I use as I approach the target.

1. Unleash Elements (40 yards)

2. Flame Shock (25 yards)

3. Searing Totem


Not part of macro, but i use this after the above, then proceed to do DPS rotation.

4. Stormstrike

5. Lava Lash

6. Earth Shock/LB



EDIT: the Enhancement Shaman guide doesn't "Opening Sequence" advice like some of the other guides do, which could be the reason for this topic.

Edited by Archimage

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/castsequence Fire Elemental Totem, Stormlash Totem


would be a quick macro that does those two spells, you'd have to push the button, then a second time after the GCD, (it will then reset to your elemental again for the next time you push it)

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The totems are on GCD so you'll have to do a castsequence like mentioned above. Meaning you'll have to press the button multiple times, so it doesn't really save you any time.


Two exceptions that I remember are:

Elemental Mastery is off the GCD so you can macro that with your wolves or Fire Elemental.

Bloodlust is off GCD so you can macro Stormlash with that.

Call of the Elements is off the GCD so you can macro that with your sub 3 min totems.


The best solution is just to pre-cast your totems before the fight. The tank should use a pull timer either on vent/mumble or by dbm, something like /pull 10, so you'll get countdown.



On 2 sec: Use Virmens' Bite (Agi-Pot)

On 1 sec: Summon Fire Elemental Totem (with Elemental Mastery macro) + Wolves
On pull: Unleash Elements while running towards the boss.

Bloodlust Macro (BL+Stormlash)

Cast Flame Shock

Use Stormstrike

Use Ascendance

Normal Rotation.

Own the meter for the first seconds :)

In 570 ilvl gear. I'm hitting around 1.7 M dps at the start if I'm lucky with procs with this pull tactic.

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Wouldn't you be able to macro Virmen's Bite into your 1s macro? I thought potions weren't on the GCD.

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Off Topic: Sha of Science sounds like the most awesome of ranks. May I one day be a Sha of some sort of excellence, though it really wouldn't fit into my paladin nature.


On Topic: I guess you really don't want to macro a potion in case you plan to use that macro for old content things or unimportant things, that way you can use it at your discretion.

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On Topic: I guess you really don't want to macro a potion in case you plan to use that macro for old content things or unimportant things, that way you can use it at your discretion.


I don't use potion macros, largely because I tend to waste huge numbers of them on stupid things. :)


Off Topic: Sha of Science sounds like the most awesome of ranks. May I one day be a Sha of some sort of excellence, though it really wouldn't fit into my paladin nature.


Moderators get to choose their own titles, so I chose one that pretty much reflects what I do ;)

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