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What trinkets to use

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Hey all, So i have 3 trinkets and i am not sure what two to use, i am sure of one of them but i cant decide on the second so i was wondering what you all thought. Here is my current gear for reference.






So the heroic immerseus trinket i am sure on but my other two choices of what i currently have are the Flex Garrosh trinket or the Normal Shaman trinket.



Thoughts? Askmrrobot says the shaman trinket if i upgrade it to +8 but that garrosh trinket is a lot of damn haste

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Totem. :) You are on 13570 haste. You will be unable to reach the next haste breakpoint with your current gear. You can easily drop down to 12684 and go with totem.

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haha thanks, so looking at that flow chart and then my gear, if I switch to the KTT and shoot for 14242 haste (50% buffed) I lose 9.11% mastery (gain 1.86% haste) from where I am at now.



I went with a mastery heavy build for single target dps, do you think giving up that much mastery is worth it?

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It's worth it. Though keep in mind as you get more upgrades you'll want to focus on gaining more mastery since you're now ahead of your 50% buffed haste.

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Cool thanks for the reply, ill give the KTT a shot, ill probably get the heroic one pretty soon too. So happy I got my heroic Immerseus trinket this week though :)

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How does my gear/stats look now?





We have shamans and naz still this week for heroics on farm, so on my list is the heroic totem, the heroic neck from shamans and my heroic tier gloves.



Heroic Tier chest and gloves are the only heroic tier I will have access to for a little bit so that's why I have those for my 2p. it was ok to drop 4p for some heroic pieces right?

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  On 12/11/2013 at 6:06 AM, Blindsay said:

How does my gear/stats look now?





We have shamans and naz still this week for heroics on farm, so on my list is the heroic totem, the heroic neck from shamans and my heroic tier gloves.



Heroic Tier chest and gloves are the only heroic tier I will have access to for a little bit so that's why I have those for my 2p. it was ok to drop 4p for some heroic pieces right?

Looks like 99% of the mage community should be jealous of your sexiness.


You're catching up to me, good sir!

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  On 12/11/2013 at 11:51 AM, Akraen said:

Looks like 99% of the mage community should be jealous of your sexiness.


You're catching up to me, good sir!


Thanks!, yeah i have been making good progress and my dps is certainly improving but i still feel like i am missing the boat on something as i feel my dps should be higher,



Here is a recent log - http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-ogq1xtf3hc6utbk1/sum/damageDone/?s=2413&e=2578


Malkorok, 25N (we were trying for H but we ended up just killing him that night on normal) - so a fight with not much movement and one i know well at this point, and good for single target dps, which i imagine my build should excel at.


Our other mage, (Rhazziel - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/Rhazziel/simple) is who i am most curious about, i technically out gear him at this point (slightly) but i am always chasing him in dps, and i would figure on a fight like this i would pull ahead since i went with more mastery for a stronger single target dps build but as you can see i lost by 30k dps


any ideas? 

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Your gear is better and he's ignoring a breakpoint.


But he outplayed you, better invocation and Living Bomb uptimes. He missed less Brain Freeze procs.


Most importantly though he just had better RNG and you can't feel bad about that. He had 10 more frostbolt crits than you, for example. The fight was only 2 min 45 sec, too short for RNG to level out.

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  On 12/11/2013 at 7:36 PM, Akraen said:

Your gear is better and he's ignoring a breakpoint.


But he outplayed you, better invocation and Living Bomb uptimes. He missed less Brain Freeze procs.


Most importantly though he just had better RNG and you can't feel bad about that. He had 10 more frostbolt crits than you, for example. The fight was only 2 min 45 sec, too short for RNG to level out.


When you say he is ignoring a breakpoint are you referring to the haste break point? my targets are 50% haste, 25% crit (after crit suppresion) and the rest into mastery.



Is the 5% difference in LB uptime and ~2% on invocation a big difference in dps? if i am about to cast say frostbolt and i know my living bomb or invocation will expire before that cast finishes is it better to refresh those first or let them expire and then recast them.


As far as procs, for FoF and Brainfreeze, should i use them as soon as they proc or should i wait till i have 5 icicles to use a FoF proc for example.  


Also, last night we were discussing something. I dropped down from 4p to 2p last night (The 2 tier pieces i dropped were normal and i wont get their heroic counterparts for a while) and replaces those tier pieces with heroic pieces. Do you think it was worth dropping the 4p bonus in favor of 2 heroic pieces?



By the way thanks for all of your help!

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  On 12/11/2013 at 8:21 PM, Blindsay said:

When you say he is ignoring a breakpoint are you referring to the haste break point? my targets are 50% haste, 25% crit (after crit suppresion) and the rest into mastery.



Is the 5% difference in LB uptime and ~2% on invocation a big difference in dps? if i am about to cast say frostbolt and i know my living bomb or invocation will expire before that cast finishes is it better to refresh those first or let them expire and then recast them.


As far as procs, for FoF and Brainfreeze, should i use them as soon as they proc or should i wait till i have 5 icicles to use a FoF proc for example.  


Also, last night we were discussing something. I dropped down from 4p to 2p last night (The 2 tier pieces i dropped were normal and i wont get their heroic counterparts for a while) and replaces those tier pieces with heroic pieces. Do you think it was worth dropping the 4p bonus in favor of 2 heroic pieces?



By the way thanks for all of your help!

Yes, he is referring to haste:)


It's not a huge difference, but you could work on it, and it is pretty easy to get close to 100% with both smile.png


If your dot has 1sec left, you can refresh it earlier or later, but it should be close to 1 sec. Your Frostbolt should have around 1 sec cast time anyways, so it shouldn't cause a problem. But if you want to cast Evocation (and this will only happen, when Invocation is running down) and you know your dot will expire during evocation, you should refresh the bomb first.


Use them asap. With 2 set bonus, you can play around with Frozen thoughts.

Ie.: U have BF and 1 FoF Charg, use BF 1st, then FoF, so the Ice lance will be empowered by Frozen thoughts.

If another BF procs during the previous BF'S GCD you can cast BF again, and you can use FoF after that.

The main goal is, to try  to use Frozen thoughs effectively, on something that will crit for sure. Like BF or FoF.


About itemization Akraen will tell you more biggrin.png



EDIT: Another thing I just realized! Activity!

While we are looking at DPS numbers pewpew and stuff, the casters' main rule is: Always cast something.

You spent time in the air flying around, slow falling etc. That was some wasted valuable second, instead of just blinking as soon as the push up thing hit.


And apart from that time in the air, the other mage was more active.

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Also, last night we were discussing something. I dropped down from 4p to 2p last night (The 2 tier pieces i dropped were normal and i wont get their heroic counterparts for a while) and replaces those tier pieces with heroic pieces. Do you think it was worth dropping the 4p bonus in favor of 2 heroic pieces?

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Oh, of course. Go for ilvls beyond 2pc. Hell I'm not even convinced 2pc is worth it over having 580s. PBoI just impacts stat weights so much it's insane.

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