Krazyito 521 Report post Posted December 4, 2013 As I did with Mistweaver Monks I'm going to try to do a similar thread for restoration druid where I give some help on how to gear and such. Most of my information just comes from a wide variety of sources (such as MMO-Champ and EJ) while also having raid experience in 25 man Heroic SoO.Skip to the Analysis.THIS IS UPDATED FOR PATCH 5.4 SIEGE OF ORGRIMMAR.First lets start off with Ask Mr. Robot weights. I have a couple different ones to use.To edit weights open up your AMR profile and click the 'Edit weights" button.I first want to stress that these weights are a guideline, not an absolute. Depending on the amount of haste/spirit on your gear you may want to change some things around based on what you want.When playing with these weights here are things to keep in mind Do I have enough spirit? How much spirit do I think I am comfortable with? Do the weights have me reach my desired haste breakpoint? Am I too low or too high? (If too low go down, if too high go up) There are 2 builds that are "popular". A Mastery focused one and a Haste focused one. In my opinion druids that are trying to decide what type of gear they should use should always lean towards spirit/haste or haste/mastery pieces of that slot. Having more haste on your gear means you can gem more mastery and reforge out of it sooner. Why I picked these weights My weights are very basic. They provide a general look at how to optimize your druid and thus are not perfect for everyone. In general, you'll see the weights work fine, but if you learn to play with the numbers yourself, you may see a way to squeeze more (minuscule) stats out of your gear. I start with a basic set for the Low End Gear weights. Since when gemming secondary stats have DOUBLE the amount of stat on the gem than a primary, the weight of gems are double for secondary stats (i.e. a weight of .5 mastery, the gem weight will actually be 1). Note this only affects gems. Now, I aim for mastery to be the primary stat gemmed in my gear, so with a Intellect weight of 1, I set my mastery weight to at least .51 so that I'm sure its ABOVE intellect in weight when gemming. Which means I will gem more fractured or artful gems in general. The rest, just fell in between, the secondary stats were RELATIVE to each other so as long as one was higher than another, the distance in weights between them is almost meaningless. Apart from the double secondaries on gems, the weights are normal. Just put them in the order that you want of importance and account for the relationship between secondary stats and int. The reason I put mastery at .51 specifically was becasue that was the greatest distance from 1 I could be without going under the gem accounting and it was the stat I wanted the most of after caps (since everything in between is basically to a cap, i.e. haste and spirit) The weights for haste and spirit are somewhat meaningless, but haste in general should be higher than spirit so you ensure you reach the breakpoint you desire. Then you sacrifice mastery for spirit until your desired amount, then stack mastery. I hope that this explanation showed you my way of thinking for what these weights are doing, please comment if you have any questions. LOW END GEAR (510~ and lower) 10,000 spirit is usually enough for most low geared druids. You may want more or less when testing. These druids should also stay at the 3,043 haste breakpoint and gear as much spi/mastery or mastery/haste as possible. MID RANGE GEAR (510~-550~)Druids in this range can also use the High-End mastery build if they have a lot of spirit/mastery pieces. Always check the spirit levels in Mr. Robot before you make changes. Make sure it is what you want.The lower end of these druids will use the same weights as above, but they may want to change to the 6,652 haste breakpoint. This breakpoint can be useful if you have excess haste.Druids in the higher end of this breakpoint should be trying the high end gear weights to see if they are able to obtain the 13,163 haste breakpoint. If they cannot reach this breakpoint they should be stacking mastery.HIGH END GEAR (550~+)At this gear level both these builds are viable. Most people go for 13k haste breakpoint since it is an increase in HPS, but mastery is still just as good.If using the mastery weights, make sure to check your spirit. If it is too low, just use the previous weights with a spirit cap.If you cannot reach the 13k haste, keep using mastery until you are able to do so without horribly screwing over your spirit levels.High-End Mastery High-End Haste Please let me know if you have any questions. I may add more in the future.How to AnalyzeI will now begin a template for analyzing a restoration druid and what you should be looking for in your logs. If you feel like I missed something please comment so I may improve this guide.If you want help with your logs please make a new thread and give all the information required.NOTE: This is to be used with Warcraft logs. Using World of Logs is Sub-optimal and will not provide you with the best feedback we can give.Uptimes Harmony - Buffs tab - (Click "Cast by friendly" to filter out unneeded buffs) Lifebloom - (Healing Tab) Rejuv - (Healing Tab) Tank Rejuv (if tanks are dying) - click on Rejuvenation spell and check uptimes on players Rotational SpellsSoul of the Forest Analysis First check number of Swiftmend casts (Healing Tab) Take fight length and convert to total seconds (4m 50s = (4*60) + 50 = 290) Take fight length divided by 15s (swiftmend CD, always round down) (290/15 = 19.3333 ~= 19). This is the max amount of spell casts for this CD. Compare vs swiftmend casts. More or less these swiftmend casts can be off by about 3-4. Sometimes the fight doesn't require the healing. Compare with Wild Growth casts. Wild Growth casts should be about equal or more than Swiftmend casts. (never lower). In general, when they are about the same its best. Go to advanced analysis to check for proper usage. All other talents Go to "Casts" tab. If Soul of the Forest is not chosen, then wild growths casts should be fight length divided by 10 If they aren't using Yesra's Gift tell them to stop it and use it. If Incarnation take fight length divided by 180 (3m CD) If Natures Vigil take fight length and divide by 90 (1.5m CD) If DoC, check wrath healing and see if they actually did anything, then tell them to stop using it and pick one of the other two. If Force of Nature, take fight length and divide by 15 and add 3 to the total. Make sure they are using it at least and then tell them to stop it and use SotF preferably. Other Minor Cooldown UsageIn the "Casts" tab: Check for Barkskin usage (45s CD) Check for IronBark usage (an on who, 60s CD) Check for Innervate usage (make sure it was on the casting druid, 180s CD) Check for Berserking usage (Troll only, 180s CD) Check for Symbiosis usage (cooldown will vary) Situational: Check for dispel usage (Nature's Cure) Other Advanced Analysis Check Advanced Effloresence healing Check Advanced OoC (Omen of clarity, Clearcasting) usage. Check spell usage for Legendary Meta Gem Check Advanced Lifebloom Analysis Advanced Soul of the Forest Analysis. This section falls under "Throughput Management". Fixing these issues will increase your throughput. This will be a very detailed guide on how to see if Soul of the Forest is being used correctly. Don't fret if this goes over your head, but I will try to be as clear as possible.If you get lost or don't understand, just read each line one at a time and try to look at the picture to see what is happening and try to replicate it with your own logs. If you can't we're always here to help.----First, go to the "Buffs" tab and click the '+' sign next to Soul of the Forest. You now get a new event at the top of the graph showing where Soul of the Forest was applied. you now want to click the word "Separate" it will turn into "Off", click it again and it will turn into "Main"Go into the "Casts" tab in WCL. You will see something similar to this. Simply click on Rejuv (in the space marked with a red dot) to clear the spell from the graph.Next you should have a clear graph. Now each time you come back to this tab, it might fill up with Rejuv. Just click on Rejuv again to get rid of it until we need it.Now with a clear graph we want to see all the Wild Growth casts. If you zoom into a specific area you can see a better picture.This is a good picture for how Soul of the Forest should be used. At the end of each SotF is a Wild Growth cast. If you click the other spells, you can see whats being cast in between.This next pictures shows 3 different SotF casts, but the buff is being used differently.First with Wild Growth, Notice how only one of the SotF casts are used with WG.What were the other ones used on? Well, by clicking on and off different spells we can find out. Here is with RejuvAnd here is with the actual Tranquility castNormally, you don't want to use SotF with Rejuv, but there are some rare cases that it is. If the druid in question is learning to heal better, they should stick with using it on Wild Growth until they get a better overall feel for healing in general.The SotF with Tranq is very good though because it provides a very quick burst of healing while also adding more ticks to the HoT portion of the spell.In general, you want to see SotF being consumed by Tranq or Wild Growth.Advanced Efflorescence Analysis This section falls under "Throughput Management". Fixing these issues will increase your throughput. First we want to go to the "Casts" tab and click on the "Wild Mushroom" and "Wild Mushroom: Bloom" pins (by pressing the '+' button). Then click "Separate" and "Off" on both, to change it to "Main". I would recommend changing then to two distict and bright colors to easily identify the spells. For mine, a Green will be for "Wild Mushroom" (When I place it down) and purple for when I bloom.Now go to the "Healing" tab and click the "Efflorescence" name. This should show all healing done with Efflorescence with the pins we made. In my picture, Green means I placed the mushroom down, purple means I bloomed it.You can see near the middle and the end there are gaps meaning that there was very little healing going on with my mushroom. Since this is Thok, its during the kite phase where most of the people in 10m are spread out, so its harder to get a good target. Nonetheless, I should have at least put it where the tank was going to be. You can even zoom into specific parts to see who got the healing.You also may have noticed i bloomed it too much, causing much less healing via Effo through that stack phase.Advanced Clearcasting Analysis This section falls under "Mana management". Fixing these issues can help you manage mana better. We are going to do something similar to Soul of the Forest where we make a pin. Go to "Buffs". Click the '+' next to Clearcasting. Click Separate and Off to change it to "Main". Then go to "Casts" tab and make sure its empty.Now, Clearcasting is only consumed by Regrowth and Healing Touch.If you notice some bars are shorter than others, this is just the relative cast time. The shorter the bar, the quicker the cast. In this instance, I casted healing touch 3 times. All 3 of them being instant (due to the absurdly short bar). You can see that the first 4 clearcasting procs were consumed by regrowths, while the last two were not consumed at all.Advanced Legendary Meta Gem AnalysisDISCLAIMER: This is only to see what the druid is using during their procs. I am NOT telling you that they should be casting specific spells during this time. In general, using anything will suffice, but not casting any spells is where the problem lies. Ideally, this proc is meat to throw out 3~ free rejuvs, but you will generally not see that unless the person is specifically looking to do so. If you are having mana problems, this is where you should look to try to improve your spell usage.Go to the "Buffs" tab and press the '+' button for 'Lucidity'. Click on "Separate", then click "Off" and it should turn into "Main". Then go to the "Casts" tab and remove the Rejuv bars.Here I only got 6 procs of my meta gem in a 5m fight. You can zoom into each one and click on different spells to see what was used during it. Usually you will see Rejuvenation or Wild Growth casts, which are the most efficient spell to cast during this time.Lets take a look at one specific proc. This shoes all rejuvenation casts during the spell.This picture only shows 1 free rejuvenation. By clicking more spells I can see that I also casted a swiftmend and an instant free healing touch. In general, if I'm having mana problems, I should try to save my free spells to use OUTSIDE of the Lucidity procs. To be more efficient I should have casted a second rejuvenation in place, but again, may that instant healing touch was necessary to save someone's life?I can check this to see how much it healed for by going to the "Healing" Tab and clicking the "Healing Touch" spell.Here you can see that it only healed for 43.7k health. So it was not very useful and a rejuvenation would have probably healed for more over the course of its duration. Advanced Lifebloom Analysis (Thanks to Druidboii for pointing out this section for me to look into) This section falls under "Mana management". Fixing these issues can help you manage mana better. Lifebloom uptime is only a small part of what a resto druid should be doing with the spell. The longer this spell is up, the more chances you have of proccing "Clearcasting" to help you save mana. Hence, why uptime is valued. Now, there are other ways you can simply mess this spell up, and that's by letting it fall off (and thus overhealing) which means the druid now has to use 3 GCD's just to restack it, which means wasting time doing other things. Another problem is refreshing lifebloom too often with the spell itself instead of with a spell. This is a much lesser issue if Harmony is 100%, but if harmony is a problem, this can help fix it. Now in WCL there are 2 different lifebloom spells. One has an uptime, while the other does not. The spell with the uptime indicates the HoT portion of the spell while the one without an uptime is the "bloom" effect. As you can see, the bloom affect had a lot of overheal, so it was not being used properly at all. Now, to see the amount of times Lifeblom again, we will go to our friendly tab "Casts". Turn off the rejuv bars as before and only show the lifebloom casts. Now, lets check how long It took me to reapply it when it fell. Go back to the "Buff" tab and click "cast by friendly". Click the "+" for lifebloom, Click "Separate", then "Off", until it becomes "Main". go back to the "casts" tab and lets take a look. In the first section, you see I kept the spell up, but refreshed it as well with itself. If you're having mana problems or harmony problems you should look to refresh it with clear casting procs instead of itself. Then there was a time I didn't have it up at all, and re casted it. Here you can see the druids lifebloom patterns through a fight. Now lets compare Lifebloom uptime in relation to Harmony uptimes. In my opinion, If you allow lifebloom to fall, its becasue you're more worried about pumping more healing, and so long as you're keeping harmony in check, its ok. Lets go back to the "Buffs" tab and add Harmony to the list. Except this time only have Harmony "Separate" Looking at this, you can see Harmony (the top graph) is active the entire time (save for that one small spot in the middle). This, in my opinion is OK. If you have to let Lifebloom drop for more raid healing, then so be it, as long as your tank and your harmony uptime doesn't suffer from it. Now if i see poor Lifeboom uptimes AND bad harmony uptimes, I would urge the druid to to keep both up. Until they learn to keep harmony up more than anything, they can't make the decision to let lifebloom fall. To conclude this section, Lifebloom is meant for tank and mana stabilization. Its very easy to keep up and thus should. Reapplying the spell with itself is OK only if your Harmony uptime does not drop because of it. Having low uptime on lifeboom will in turn cause you to have more mana problems than usual. As for me, this is probably the spell I need the most work on looking through my own logs, though I don't see it as important this late in the expansion with the group and gear that I have. ConclusionI hope this guide was informational and helpful. Please let me know if there is something I can improve upon, since I am always looking to make these better. Laslty, once WoD is underway, I'll try to get an updated guide out once I fully understand how the healing mechanics work and how the spec is meant to be played.Thank you for reading and if you have any questions about the guide, feel free to comment. If you want help analyzing your logs please start a new thread for us to help you. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veox 0 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 what haste cap should this be: Am able to reach the high end haste cap but leaves only with 25% mastery, that fine? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted December 5, 2013 This is what you would have to do to reach 13k haste and keep about 13k spirit. Make sure to play with the spirit value to suit your needs. 5.8k mastery is acceptable, but that's really your personal choice. I personally waited until I could keep 10-9k mastery but I've seen people do fine with less. If you notice, it's gemming a bit of spirit. To remedy this you need to have more spirit/haste gear to make up for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Willferal 0 Report post Posted December 27, 2013 (edited) Thanks for making this thread, I have been looking for something like this for a long time. Im thinking of going to the 13k haste breakpoint but I feel since my gear is mostly mastery oriented, I would lose wayyyyy too much mastery + intellect to try and reach this. Atm my spirit is at 13.5k and I am comfortable with that but imagine i would have ot go up to 14.5k if I go 13k haste since its easier to go Oom. Anyhow, my armory is From what i see in askmrrobot, I will lose 14.88% mastery to end up at 30.82% buffed... I only have a total of 4 haste pieces. Is this worth it =s? Edit: My mastery will end up at 6768. Like you mentioned, I sort of feel the same way. Is there a number of haste pieces I should aim for before switching to haste? or you just go by 9-10k mastery ? Edited December 27, 2013 by Willferal Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted December 28, 2013 Based on your progression (assuming 25 man and you're full clearing normal each week) you can wait until you have enough mastery gear to reach 10k mastery or so with 13k haste. If you are 10 man you may want to do it sooner based on gear drops. If you look at my armory you'll notice I itemized my gear pretty specifically. But you have enough gear to do the 13k, but the reason you're missing so much mastery I'd because of all the crit gear you have. Crit isn't a /horrible/ stat, but mastery is just so much better. IMO replace the crit belt you have with the garrosh mastery belt, grab the galakras staff, normal spoils hands, spi/haste or haste/mastery boots, and mastery bracers. If you get rid of your crit gear you'll see a major increase in your mastery stats when getting to 13k haste. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arctodus 1 Report post Posted April 25, 2014 I use the same stat priority: 13.163 Haste > 15.000 Spirit > XX.XXX Mastery The only problem with that is that you will have only 100 Crit (Shoulder Enchant), with that, if you want to use Heart of the Wild, you will see that you are doing low dps because your Wrath spells rarely crits. So, if your guild needs that you use the Heart of the Wild as a core tactic (opening the fight or kill adds), maybe you should have 50% Mastery and 50% Crit. With 574 ilevel in Siegecrafter and using Jade potion, in 45 seconds i only cause 13 millions of damage... a bit low for 45 seconds of no healing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted April 25, 2014 I use the same stat priority: 13.163 Haste > 15.000 Spirit > XX.XXX Mastery The only problem with that is that you will have only 100 Crit (Shoulder Enchant), with that, if you want to use Heart of the Wild, you will see that you are doing low dps because your Wrath spells rarely crits. So, if your guild needs that you use the Heart of the Wild as a core tactic (opening the fight or kill adds), maybe you should have 50% Mastery and 50% Crit. With 574 ilevel in Siegecrafter and using Jade potion, in 45 seconds i only cause 13 millions of damage... a bit low for 45 seconds of no healing. While I agree, crit can be useful for damage, its not the goal of this post. The goal of this post is to help set up your gear to optimize for healing, so that when looking at other problems people aren't complaining that its a gear issue, when the real problem is how you play. Now what you're asking is totally true, if you want to push more damage out during HotW, sure you can find a bit more crit in your gear and can try to output more damage for your raid. but in most cases that is situational and you're not really trying to optimize for "HotW damage" To pull out a bit more damage with HotW its more effective to try to line it up with Bloodlust/Heroism which allow you to get more casts in. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kazistrasz 216 Report post Posted April 25, 2014 HotW is mostly pointless in 25-man, because DPS requirements are so relaxed. It's very useful in 10-man, where eating an extra 14-15mil out of a boss can make an enormous difference on fights where the requirements are a little more strict. Take Garrosh for example - I use it to help make it through the first transition easier and to make phase 3 shorter. It may not seem like a lot, but increasing your raid's DPS by 275k can make progression that much easier. But, even when I'm using it for that purpose, my primary role is healing. My gear needs to be set up to keep the raid alive. Adding some extra DPS on top of the already amazing DPS our raid does is just icing on the cake. Also, 15k spirit seems really high. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted April 25, 2014 Yea... I made that a while ago. I should probably change it, my intent with it was not to recommend that much spirit but to adjust to what you need. Changing it now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gonlaz 6 Report post Posted May 3, 2014 Awesome tool, thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 16, 2014 Major update to the first post explaining how to analyze your logs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geoda 253 Report post Posted June 16, 2014 Nice detailed analysis Krazy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Errinkel 9 Report post Posted June 17, 2014 Excellent! I came here this evening to see if there was a thread with a primer on log analysis, and so I am thrilled to see this. Very helpful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 17, 2014 Lucky I decided to write that up on a whim last night. Enjoy. If you have any questions or wonder how to do something specific (and I may add it to the guide) just ask! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kazistrasz 216 Report post Posted June 17, 2014 If you're just learning how to use WCL to begin with, Zagam wrote a pretty fantastic guide on it that will help you get comfortable with WCL in general and make looking at the same stuff Krazy and I are looking at a breeze to do on your own. What Krazy's come up with for you is what you want to be looking for to show you're mastering the basics of being a resto druid. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 17, 2014 Updated with a new section about Legendary Meta Gem analysis. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Errinkel 9 Report post Posted June 18, 2014 If you're just learning how to use WCL to begin with, Zagam wrote a pretty fantastic guide on it that will help you get comfortable with WCL in general and make looking at the same stuff Krazy and I are looking at a breeze to do on your own. What Krazy's come up with for you is what you want to be looking for to show you're mastering the basics of being a resto druid. Which was what I wanted, but thank you for that link to Zagam's wonderful guide. I look at WCL to improve my warlock so I am used to the tool, and I am a geek, so math and charts are good with my brain. What I needed was a reference on what things are important for a resto druid, since I just boosted one and am trying to make her healing respectable. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Druidboii 0 Report post Posted June 21, 2014 Hey Krazyito, First off, great guide. The "How to Analyze" section is spot on, I even learned a bit! (never thought to click the little "+" next to spells, always manually created the pins). You pretty much covered everything you would look for in a WCL parse; however there's one thing you could add. A lot of RDruids mess up lifebloom in one of two ways: 1) They let it fall off a bunch, thereby wasting countless GCDs re-stacking the buff, this doesn't show up when looking at just uptimes, because most of the time they immediately re-apply it. 2) They refresh it too often with Lifebloom cast (refreshing with OoC procs is fine, but refreshing it every 5 seconds by casting Lifebloom isn't). Maybe add in a section on how to look for these faults through WCL? ________________________________________________________________________________________ As for the AMR section, I think you could expand greatly on it. Right now you're just telling us what to do, with minimal (if any) explanation as to why it's good. One example would be to explain why you chose the stat weights you did. I.E. Why is mastery 0.51, and crit is 0.10? If you did this, however, you would have to change those stat weights as they're slightly off. On an "intellect = 1.0" scale mastery is 0.51 at low int levels, by the time you're reaching the 13.1k HBP mastery is anywhere from 0.55 - 0.66. (For example the stat weights on Krazyito atm are Int = 1.0 and Mastery = 0.63) Even without changes it's an awesome guide, thanks for directing me to it and good luck maintaining it! -Druidboii Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 21, 2014 Hey Krazyito, First off, great guide. The "How to Analyze" section is spot on, I even learned a bit! (never thought to click the little "+" next to spells, always manually created the pins). You pretty much covered everything you would look for in a WCL parse; however there's one thing you could add. A lot of RDruids mess up lifebloom in one of two ways: 1) They let it fall off a bunch, thereby wasting countless GCDs re-stacking the buff, this doesn't show up when looking at just uptimes, because most of the time they immediately re-apply it. 2) They refresh it too often with Lifebloom cast (refreshing with OoC procs is fine, but refreshing it every 5 seconds by casting Lifebloom isn't). Maybe add in a section on how to look for these faults through WCL? ________________________________________________________________________________________ As for the AMR section, I think you could expand greatly on it. Right now you're just telling us what to do, with minimal (if any) explanation as to why it's good. One example would be to explain why you chose the stat weights you did. I.E. Why is mastery 0.51, and crit is 0.10? If you did this, however, you would have to change those stat weights as they're slightly off. On an "intellect = 1.0" scale mastery is 0.51 at low int levels, by the time you're reaching the 13.1k HBP mastery is anywhere from 0.55 - 0.66. (For example the stat weights on Krazyito atm are Int = 1.0 and Mastery = 0.63) Even without changes it's an awesome guide, thanks for directing me to it and good luck maintaining it! -Druidboii For analyzing, I'll look into the lifebloom analysis. As for the AMR stats, I made that guide back in december and never really looked too much into it. You're right, I should explain more why these stats like this (I think I already explained it back in a monk thread and just forgot.) Its definitely something I'll add so I have a better guideline when re-making this for WoD. As for why the stats are like that, I understand myself why I put the stats as .51 mastery (which when i first made it it was just so it was over intellect and AMR would gem for it instead of gemming int). Why would my mastery be 0.63? or How would you figure that out? If anything it changes my mastery very minimally (which yea, makes sense why) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Druidboii 0 Report post Posted June 22, 2014 (edited) Why would my mastery be 0.63? or How would you figure that out? If anything it changes my mastery very minimally (which yea, makes sense why) Rejuvenation_Healing = ((4234)+((Spell_Power)*0.392))*1.1)*(1+((Mastery_Percent)/100) ^ This is the equation behind your Rejuvenation spell's actual healing. Refer to to see where I got the numbers from. A year ago I made a spreadsheet that compares how different stats affect my throughput: In one table I input my current Spell Power and Mastery. In another I input the delta of my new stats. (Ex: +500 mastery, -250 int). The 3rd table shows the percent increase (or decrease) in my healing. First off, I'm not sure where I got the 0.63 number for you. You're logged out in Balance gear so I can't check what I was looking at. However, I can give you the steps I would take to find that out. 1) Use the equation to see what % 1 point of intellect increases your healing by (don't forget to account for HoTW and Stat's buff). 2) Solve: 1 divided by the above % 3) Use the equation to see what % 1 point Mastery increases your healing by (don't forget about mastery buff in raid) 4) Solve: 1 divided by the above % 5) Divide Step #2 by Step #4 That will give you the relative stat weights between int and mastery As for changing your mastery, it wont at all. Edited June 22, 2014 by Druidboii Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kazistrasz 216 Report post Posted June 22, 2014 You CANNOT simply say Mastery and Int always have this 0.63:1 ratio or any other ratio. It's simply not true. Your basic formula is correct, our heals are (Base Heal + Spell Power * Spell Power Coefficient) * (1 + (Mastery rating / 48000)) . However, you have to account for a lot of other things going on in here. Look at Int, to begin with. Every 1 Int gives 1 SP. But, every 1 int with gear becomes 1.05 Int with MotW, and 1.113 if you also add HotW. To that, you then apply the SP buff, so really every 1 Int on your gear gives you 1.155 SP or 1.2243 with HotW. You have to account for all of that when you're modeling our spells. Second, notice that they're multiplied. When you have this kind of multiplicative relationship, you end up with very odd things in optimization. The more you have of one stat, the more the other is worth. It's the reason many classes gemmed primary stats in Tier 14 and at the beginning of Tier 15 and while in Challenge Modes - at the beginning Int is simply that much better. The more of it you get from your gear naturally, the more valuable secondaries begin. Modeling our stuff and the interactions between our abilities is quite complex. I'm working on a pretty enormous spreadsheet at the moment, but it's taking a while simply because of how much stuff is going on and making sure I not only have the mechanics accurately represented, but also plan out a viable model for healing that will automatically adjust itself and remain a viable model as stats change. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 22, 2014 Rejuvenation_Healing = ((4234)+((Spell_Power)*0.392))*1.1)*(1+((Mastery_Percent)/100) ^ This is the equation behind your Rejuvenation spell's actual healing. Refer to to see where I got the numbers from. A year ago I made a spreadsheet that compares how different stats affect my throughput: In one table I input my current Spell Power and Mastery. In another I input the delta of my new stats. (Ex: +500 mastery, -250 int). The 3rd table shows the percent increase (or decrease) in my healing. First off, I'm not sure where I got the 0.63 number for you. You're logged out in Balance gear so I can't check what I was looking at. However, I can give you the steps I would take to find that out. 1) Use the equation to see what % 1 point of intellect increases your healing by (don't forget to account for HoTW and Stat's buff). 2) Solve: 1 divided by the above % 3) Use the equation to see what % 1 point Mastery increases your healing by (don't forget about mastery buff in raid) 4) Solve: 1 divided by the above % 5) Divide Step #2 by Step #4 That will give you the relative stat weights between int and mastery As for changing your mastery, it wont at all. Thanks for this, but I think ill keep the guide simple for now and leave the weights as is. If someone whats that much more depth to the gear (which makes up like a fraction of their problems) they can read it in this thread. I'l make sure to update it as some point with the Lifebloom analysis and explain the stats a bit more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Druidboii 0 Report post Posted June 22, 2014 You CANNOT simply say Mastery and Int always have this 0.63:1 ratio or any other ratio. It's simply not true. I never said that int and mastery's relation is always the same. I specifically said that Krazyito's relation was that. Also, the reason I pointed that out was to show how 0.51 isn't a good number to put as it's not a good representation of what the stat weights actually are. It was not to provide a new "standard" stat weight. Your basic formula is correct, our heals are (Base Heal + Spell Power * Spell Power Coefficient) * (1 + (Mastery rating / 48000)) . Slightly wrong, you forgot about naturalist Look at Int, to begin with. Every 1 Int gives 1 SP. But, every 1 int with gear becomes 1.05 Int with MotW, and 1.113 if you also add HotW. To that, you then apply the SP buff, so really every 1 Int on your gear gives you 1.155 SP or 1.2243 with HotW. You have to account for all of that when you're modeling our spells. I do account for that, hence why the equation says "Spell Power" not "Intellect".... Not quite sure where I led you to believe I use intellect, not spell power, when looking at spell strengths. Second, notice that they're multiplied. When you have this kind of multiplicative relationship, you end up with very odd things in optimization. The more you have of one stat, the more the other is worth. It's the reason many classes gemmed primary stats in Tier 14 and at the beginning of Tier 15 and while in Challenge Modes - at the beginning Int is simply that much better. The more of it you get from your gear naturally, the more valuable secondaries begin. Half correct, but doesn't really apply to what I was saying. Mastery doesn't become weaker or stronger when you add intellect. It's only intellect that becomes weaker as you add more int. Sill has the same effect, but cool to know! Modeling our stuff and the interactions between our abilities is quite complex. Yup, but snapshotted stat weights aren't. Sorry if there was confusion between what I was saying and what you thought I was saying. I'll be more clear next time. Thanks for this, but I think ill keep the guide simple for now and leave the weights as is. If someone whats that much more depth to the gear (which makes up like a fraction of their problems) they can read it in this thread. I'l make sure to update it as some point with the Lifebloom analysis and explain the stats a bit more. I'm glad I could offer my input, I look forward to seeing the Lifebloom analysis! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krazyito 521 Report post Posted June 23, 2014 Updated with a lifebloom analysis. It was a little difficult to do since some of the information can be meaningless because I personally see no harm in refreshing with lifebloom itself if your Harmony uptime is still in check. I showed how you can check for it dropping off and when they are casting it. Also, thok has a lot of aoe damage, my tank is solo tanking it, HE DOESN'T NEED HEALS, THE RAID DOES OK? =P That's my excuse. Also added a section for the weights right before it explaining how i came about picking those weights. Let me know if you think it needs a bit of improvement. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delaila 4 Report post Posted June 23, 2014 Dont know if its posibel, but can you see the genessis usege some how? Would be intersesting to see how much it actally heals for..even if it probebly would be cinda low for me personaly sence Im really bad at using it regulary :P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites