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Allied Races: Vulpera in Battle for Azeroth

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Our preview of possible Allied Races continues with the fox people of Vol'dun that have more customization options than most races.

Vulpera are a race of fox people that inhabit Vol'dun in Battle for Azeroth. It's currently unknown if they are going to be an Allied Race in a future patch. In case Blizzard decides to add them, it makes sense for them to join the Horde later, probably in Patch 8.2. Here's our preview of all customization optios for the race. Would you like to play a Vulpera? Let us know in the comments! Previously, we looked at Kul Tiran Humans and Thin Human male models.

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Honestly, don't think they'd be a good addition.

Lorewise, they bring nothing to the table.    They have no real leaders, occupy no strategic areas, have no army, their fighters are scarce (they're more desert nomads+opportunists than anything).

In terms of their characterization, there seems to be one or two young adults and then the rest are voiced as children or teenagers?     Anime factor is high here, they could have been ripped out of Sonic the hedgehog.

I don't hate them, but it feels like putting a square peg in a round hole to make them a horde allied race.

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8 minutes ago, Migol said:

Honestly, don't think they'd be a good addition.

Lorewise, they bring nothing to the table.    They have no real leaders, occupy no strategic areas, have no army, their fighters are scarce (they're more desert nomads+opportunists than anything).

In terms of their characterization, there seems to be one or two young adults and then the rest are voiced as children or teenagers?     Anime factor is high here, they could have been ripped out of Sonic the hedgehog.

I don't hate them, but it feels like putting a square peg in a round hole to make them a horde allied race.

I actually don't like how they look imo. They are just "retextured" goblins that just look out of place. Maybe it's the fact they look so humonoid and lean with muscle. 

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Yeah, they seem unlikely so far. Allied races use existing models. Kul Tirans are exception, probably the reason why they are coming later. In case of Vulpera, they share Goblin skeleton but helms present a problem, they would have to model new ones just for them.

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4 minutes ago, Arcling said:

Yeah, they seem unlikely so far. Allied races use existing models. Kul Tirans are exception, probably the reason why they are coming later. In case of Vulpera, they share Goblin skeleton but helms present a problem, they would have to model new ones just for them.

I mean, these are already ingame in the form of enemies, and they just use the Goblin body as a base I'm pretty sure

EDIT: Didnt see the part you already mentioned about Goblins.

Edited by DasBigHippo

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1 minute ago, DasBigHippo said:

I mean, these are already ingame in the form of enemies, and they just use the Goblin body as a base I'm pretty sure

Like I said, they use Goblin model's skeleton, but heads are of different shape so that requires modelling for existing helmets. Otherwise they would look bad and with lots of clipping.

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As much as I enjoy their appearance, their characterization was dreadful and given that Allied Races thus far have been about recruiting people to help with the War Effort I can't see them becoming playable. Sethrak would be hella cool as a race though but that'll ever happen.

Edited by Brutalis

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I think these could be interesting, but if it ever happened, the Vulpera would somehow end up with the Alliance, to get the Goblin skeleton model towards those. Plus, the only other race seen thus far that may be joining as races would be the San'Layn, who is dragged in to do a function for the Horde. Alliance is clearly not taking the vampire elves, so if they're in, potential new race needs to be with the Allies.

As for the Sethrak, they're well cool alright, but I doubt them. If they do get in at some point though, I will use that as another argument for *Naga's can totally be playable* ?

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1 hour ago, Arcling said:

Like I said, they use Goblin model's skeleton, but heads are of different shape so that requires modelling for existing helmets. Otherwise they would look bad and with lots of clipping.

Blizz did say that having to remodel things like helmets/armour in general wasn't a factor when it comes to allied races

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2 hours ago, Migol said:

Anime .... Sonic the hedgehog.



2 hours ago, Arcling said:

helms present a problem, they would have to model new ones just for them.

The ears problem hasn't stopped them with Night Elves, Blood Elves, Goblins, Trolls, etc - why start caring now?

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43 minutes ago, thurk said:

The ears problem hasn't stopped them with Night Elves, Blood Elves, Goblins, Trolls, etc - why start caring now?

Ears would just went through like usual, but they still need remodelling as shape of head is different. Rather unlikely to happen during ongoing expansion, adding a faction/"recolor" of existing races is way more convenient, as they don't have to make changes in any clothing or armor.

And overall, they aren't fleshed out as a race. They don't seem to have any larger faction, many of them are pirates, no notable characters, no leaders. Rather boring choice in my opinion.

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2 minutes ago, Arcling said:

And overall, they aren't fleshed out as a race. They don't seem to have any larger faction, many of them are pirates, no notable characters, no leaders. Rather boring choice in my opinion.

It's the first 2 weeks of the expansion. they could EASILY flesh out the race more by the time they release them. I mean, void elves were such a last minute creation basically. they have Alleria and uhhhhh... ya. They had no other notable characters or a home of their own, they were just kinda kicked out and then they were an allied race. Not to mention people complained that there "weren't enough Belves to have a race" before, but now we have a playable race that's a fraction of a fraction. If Blizz wanted to add Vulpera, they'd probably have a pretty easy time making it happen

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3 hours ago, Migol said:

Honestly, don't think they'd be a good addition.

Lorewise, they bring nothing to the table.    They have no real leaders, occupy no strategic areas, have no army, their fighters are scarce (they're more desert nomads+opportunists than anything).

In terms of their characterization, there seems to be one or two young adults and then the rest are voiced as children or teenagers?     Anime factor is high here, they could have been ripped out of Sonic the hedgehog.

I don't hate them, but it feels like putting a square peg in a round hole to make them a horde allied race.

lol there more like Fox Mcloud from Starfox then Sonic the Hedgehog

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I would like to play as one, if only to race change my ol' Goblin into something different, yet still smol.

50 minutes ago, Aegrotat said:

It's the first 2 weeks of the expansion. they could EASILY flesh out the race more by the time they release them. I mean, void elves were such a last minute creation basically. they have Alleria and uhhhhh... ya. They had no other notable characters or a home of their own, they were just kinda kicked out and then they were an allied race. Not to mention people complained that there "weren't enough Belves to have a race" before, but now we have a playable race that's a fraction of a fraction. If Blizz wanted to add Vulpera, they'd probably have a pretty easy time making it happen

Agreed. It always felt to me that Void Elves as allied race were made up on the spot just so that Alliance wouldn't be mad for not getting more elves. I mean, if my lore is right, aren't they just either night, blood or something elves that learned to follow and use the void? They aren't even a different "race" at all, almost more like a class, Void User or something. The Lightforged are not much better IMO, I don't know their full lore, but aren't they also just regular Draenei with a stronger connection to the light? Wouldn't call it a "race" per se either. And how many Void Elves and Lighforged exist, lore wise? Weren't they just a small separatist sect? Not that it really matters anyway for the gameplay, but if we are going to use lore as argument...

Not saying that adding Vulpera would be the right choice, only that those are not good reasons not to add them. Besides, it's not like we have some kind of goblin subrace to add, like they did with Nightborne, Highmountain tauren or Zandalari Trolls.

@edit: I will leave this here, if anyone is interested (even if a bit outdated by now): The Vulpera Compilation, a document with plenty of datamined stuff from the alpha and beta written by some guys on Reddit.

Edited by lChronosl

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They get added as an allied race, that's fine my guildmate wants to be one of these little furry bastards so whatever. They don't get added, that's fine too because I just don't give a damn about them either way. All that matters is Zandalari Paladins.

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Totally down to play a fox rogue riding around Zandalar on my Llothien Prowler.

Seriously that sounds like fun to me, and I know Blizzard wont let lore get in the way.

Edited by shanghaied
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3 hours ago, lChronosl said:

I would like to play as one, if only to race change my ol' Goblin into something different, yet still smol.

Agreed. It always felt to me that Void Elves as allied race were made up on the spot just so that Alliance wouldn't be mad for not getting more elves. I mean, if my lore is right, aren't they just either night, blood or something elves that learned to follow and use the void? They aren't even a different "race" at all, almost more like a class, Void User or something. The Lightforged are not much better IMO, I don't know their full lore, but aren't they also just regular Draenei with a stronger connection to the light? Wouldn't call it a "race" per se either. And how many Void Elves and Lighforged exist, lore wise? Weren't they just a small separatist sect? Not that it really matters anyway for the gameplay, but if we are going to use lore as argument...

Not saying that adding Vulpera would be the right choice, only that those are not good reasons not to add them. Besides, it's not like we have some kind of goblin subrace to add, like they did with Nightborne, Highmountain tauren or Zandalari Trolls.

@edit: I will leave this here, if anyone is interested (even if a bit outdated by now): The Vulpera Compilation, a document with plenty of datamined stuff from the alpha and beta written by some guys on Reddit.

Correct. Void Elves are a small faction of Blood Elves that practiced forbidden rituals to try and manipulate the void and were shunned by BE leadership and banished from Quel'Thalas.


Anyways, they can definitely make it happen with a fleshed out story (Vulpera pirate leader coming up in a future patch FTW!) so I will focus on: Would they be a cool new addition to the Horde?


Yes... yes they would!

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My wife promised me that if Vulpera become a playable race she will start playing WoW, so please please please Blizzard make em playable, and yeah make them for the horde!!!!!

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7 hours ago, Aegrotat said:

It's the first 2 weeks of the expansion. they could EASILY flesh out the race more by the time they release them. I mean, void elves were such a last minute creation basically. they have Alleria and uhhhhh... ya.

Vulpera are completely new race. They didn't exist in lore before BfA. Void Elves aren't really new, since they are just another flavor of high/blood elves. They have all the previous lore they had plus new "voidy" stuff with Alleria and Umbric.

Edited by Arcling

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7 hours ago, lChronosl said:

Agreed. It always felt to me that Void Elves as allied race were made up on the spot just so that Alliance wouldn't be mad for not getting more elves. I mean, if my lore is right, aren't they just either night, blood or something elves that learned to follow and use the void? They aren't even a different "race" at all, almost more like a class, Void User or something. The Lightforged are not much better IMO, I don't know their full lore, but aren't they also just regular Draenei with a stronger connection to the light? Wouldn't call it a "race" per se either.

TBH, they aren't more "made on the spot" than night elves for WC3 were. Or Nightborne for Legion, for that matter. Void Elves can be compared to any other flavor of elves, like san'layn from WotLK or felblood from TBC, as they were also just high/blood elves affected by some magic. Such is the nature of this race. Just another magical transformation. I agree about allied races, same can be said for Highmountain Tauren not being too different from standard Tauren etc. "Races" at this point are more like factions and nations. Even Worgen kinda fit into this mold when you think about it, since they aren't a real race but cursed humans from Gilneas (and some night elves in lore, as they were the first Worgen).

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29 minutes ago, Arcling said:

Vulpera are completely new race. They didn't exist in lore before BfA. Void Elves aren't really new, since they are just another flavor of high/blood elves. They have all the previous lore they had plus new "voidy" stuff with Alleria and Umbric.

Nightborne have a story that extends before legion, though. The whole reason they aren't part of the alliance is basically stuff that happened, before legion. It's not at all that they're just "the same as belves." They had LITERALLY no story. It was just one day "by the way, now elves are experimenting with void and getting kicked out."

They're managing to bring their own culture to the alliance, which is shown to be different than the Belf culture. they act, different than belves so it's hard to just say they're blood elves. They have no Void elf Heritage because they only just became a thing. We may not currently have any info on the Vulpera before BfA at the moment, but they aren't just a race that... popped up over night, that's why as the expansion goes on Blizzard can easily tell us more about what they were doing before BfA. It's one of the joys of them being a race opposed to being a faction.

We can learn a hell of a lot more about the Vulpera than we can ever learn about void elves. Again, I literally have no problems with the void elves, but Highmountain tauren have a culture. Mag'Har, have a culture. Blood elves, have a culture that was different than High Elves. At the end of the day, Void elves have yet to get their own identity, but I really really hope they get expanded on and get their own culture.


(that being said, being an allied race would be a GREAT way to give the Vulpera a culture and show their backstory off. half the reason of allied races is we work with them, learn about them, and bring them in)

Edited by Aegrotat
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      Latest Hunter Changes
      [The following change to Flanking Strike will be reverted in an upcoming Beta build] Flanking Strike - You and your pet leap to the target and strike it as one, dealing a total of [ 246% of Attack Power 245.9% 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Tip of the Spear grants an additional 15% damage bonus to Flanking Strike. Generates 30 Focus for you and your pet. Flanking Strike generates 2 stacks of Tip of the Spear. Dire Beast - Summons a powerful wild beast that attacks the target and roars, increasing your Haste by 5% for 8 sec. Generates 20 Focus Symphonic Arsenal - Multi-Shot, Carve and Butchery discharge arcane energy from all targets affected by your Sentinel, dealing [ 56% 33.6% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 5 targets within 8 yds of your Sentinel targets. High Explosive Trap - Binding Shackles : Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Targets knocked back by High Explosive Trap deal 10% less damage to you for 8 sec after being knocked back.. Normal: Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 57.33% of Attack Power ] Fire damage and knocking all enemies away Limit 1. War Orders - Barbed Shot deals 10% increased damage, and applying Barbed Shot has a 25% 50% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Command. Kill Command - Generates 15 Focus.. Kill Command has a 20% chance to immediately reset its cooldown Normal: Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Generates 15 Focus. Tip of the Spear : Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 158% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the enemy. Kill Command has a 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown. Kill Command also increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by 0%, stacking up to 3 times Flanker's Advantage - Kill Command has an additional 10% chance to immediately reset its cooldown, increased by 100% to 20% when Kill Command critically strikes a target. Tip of the Spear's damage bonus is increased up to 100%, 30%, based on your critical strike chance. Wailing Arrow - Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. After summoning 20 Wind Arrows, your next Aimed Shot becomes a Wailing Arrow. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Wailing Arrow Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target Tar Trap - All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 60 sec.. Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches Limit 1 Posthaste - Disengage also frees you from all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by [ 25 50 25% of Spell Power ]% for 4 sec. Born To Be Wild - Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec. Survival: Reduces the cooldowns of Aspect of the Eagle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Survival of the Fittest, and Aspect of the Turtle by 30 sec. Grenade Juggler - Wildfire Bomb deals 5% increased damage and has a 25% chance to also cast an reset the cooldown of Explosive Shot. - Shot at your target at 100% effectiveness. Explosive Shot reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 4 2 sec. Explosive Venom - Every 5 cast of Cobra Explosive Shot or Multi-Shot will apply Serpent Sting to targets hit. Huntmaster's Call - Every 3 casts of Dire Beast sounds the Horn of Valor, summoning either Hati or Fenryr to battle Hati Increases the damage of all your pets by 15%. 8%. Fenryr Pounces your primary target, inflicting a heavy bleed that deals [ 480% 320% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec and grants you 10% Haste. Spearhead - You and your pet charge your enemy, applying a heavy bleed bleeding that increases your target for [ 300% of Attack Power ] damage over 10 sec and increasing your chance to critically strike your target by 30% for 10 sec. Bombardier - When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 charges of Wildfire Bomb When Coordinated Assault ends, your next 2 Explosive Shot Shots has its have their cooldown reduced by 100% and its their Focus cost reduced by 100% 100% for 4 sec. Wildfire Infusion - Mongoose Bite and Raptor Strike have a 15% chance to reset Kill Command's cooldown Kill Command reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 2 1 sec. Thrill of the Hunt - Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 2% for 8 sec, stacking up to 2 3 times. Explosives Expert - Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduced by 4.0 2.0 sec. Focused Aim - Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire damage increased by 5%. 5.0%. Aimed Shot - Aimed Shot deals 0% bonus damage to targets who are above 70% health. Aimed Shot also fires a Serpent Sting at the primary target. Normal: A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and causes your next 1-2 Arcane Shots or Multi-Shots to deal 70% more damage. Chimaera Shot : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Careful Aim : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Serpent Sting : A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 336.6% 330% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Wailing Arrow - Non-Player targets struck by a Wailing Arrow have their spellcasting interrupted and are silenced for 3 sec. Wailing Arrow resets the cooldown of Rapid Fire and generates 2 charges of Aimed Shot. Wailing Arrow fires off 5 Wind Arrows at your primary target, and 10 Wind Arrows split among any secondary targets hit, each dealing [ 20% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Normal: Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Readiness : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Windrunner's Barrage : Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing [ 277.5% 360% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to your target and an additional [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target Exposed Flank - Your Flanking Strike now strikes 2 additional nearby targets at 100% effectiveness, and exposes a weakness in your enemy's defenses, causing increasing the damage of Kill Command by 10% and causes your Kill Command to hit 2 additional nearby enemies for 10 sec.
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