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[Frost] Akraen's Gear Guide for SoO

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About 80% of my PM's are asking how to gear as frost. I've covered it so many times in other threads, but I understand how tedious it is to flip through page after page of Imnick, Pewpew, Masta, Critique, and I going at each other.

So in the spirit of my (now outdated) frost mage flow chart, I present to you all a frost mage gear chart!

Disclaimer: This is accurate, but rule of thumb-- you may find you like some things better and the DPS difference might be negligible. But for someone who just wants answers, this will put them on the right track. Keep in mind a secondary purpose of this is some humor, too.



Edited by Akraen
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Thanks for the guide, question though. When looking at the priority of pieces to equip over an off piece, Is it going from the top down of set pieces that I want to keep the most, IE the legs are the most expendable?

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Yes, because if we're assuming the off piece is a higher item level, or even the same ilvl but better itemized, then you will be gaining more beneficial stats by replacing your legs and chest first.

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Also because the Iron Juggernaut legs, Furious Flames, are just so perfect.


I would like to get my heroic vanq shoulder token so I could swap back to my chest off Protectors. But since I don't have that yet, I am following my priority list as best I can:


580 Helm, 580 Shoulders, 580 Legs

Tier Gloves, Tier Chest

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