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    • By Idzuna
      I use Icy-Veins a lot when learning a new class and I am super lazy so I made a rotation helper profile for each class in TellMeWhen using the guides provided here.
      They can tell when you are in an AoE situation (melee and ranged) and will also not suggest abilities you have not yet unlocked.
      I have also tried to keep them as minimal as possible so you can modify them as you wish by adding/removing components

      Let me know what you think
    • By Okumay
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      I recently switched over to Vengeance to tank for my guild and I'm trying to figure out a few things regarding my azerite. I was lucky my havoc gear had pretty good vengeance traits as well (3 revel being what I was shooting for). I recently bought a 480 shoulder piece that has Infernal Armor and Hour of reaping, but not Revel. It's a 15 ilvl increase and I'm not sure if the ilvl increase is worth losing that trait. Would love some feedback if possible. Thanks! 

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    • By Xzylion
      So, lately I have been looking around the web for someone to explain how I can insert an icon/bar that displays the "buff" Feral Spirit. I am mainly using the Tell Me When addon, but I had to go  through Weak Auras this time to get it right. I also want to mention that I would not have been able to get it right had I not imported the Weak Auras string from Wordup (author of the enhancement shaman guide). The reason for this being so complicated is because contrary to what you might think, Feral Spirit does not work as a buff. Therefore you will have to manually work around this problem to get it to work. I have added some pictures that will hopefully make the process easier.
      PS. I am in no way an expert on either Tell Me When or Weak Auras, so be gentle...
      1) Tell Me When:

      This is the general layout. If you dont want an icon, but a bar. You can go into the "group" tab (bottom right of tell me when) and select bar (on the very top)

      This is how the layout inside Tell Me When should look after completion. Feral Spirit is no longer a "buff", so you will have to make a Combat Event where you manually enter the amount of seconds the combat event (Feral Spirit) should be active, in this case 15 seconds

      This is important: Events to check --> Casts --> Spell Cast Success
      After all that you should be ready to go!
      2) Weak Auras:


      Feral Spirit is no longer a "buff", so you will have to make a Combat Log where you manually enter the amount of seconds the combat event (Feral Spirit) should be active, in this case 15 seconds

      Just scrolling down

      All the way at the bottom you have to enter the Spell Name and the amount of seconds that the Combat Event (Feral Spirit) should be active.
      Now you should be all ready to go!
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