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Trinket settings on Tell Me When

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Hi guys,


I have a very specific question that's been bugging me for awhile and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've been trying to setup the TellMeWhen addon to indicate when my Wushoolays final choice trinket reaches 10 stacks but with no success. Tbh I'm not sure that it can but I just wanted to check. I can easily get TMW to indicate when the trinket procs but not when the stacks reach 10. Since I'm playing affliction, knowing when to refresh my dots when my intell procs are maxed is ofc crucial. I know using Affldots would simply solve the problem but I dislike using this addon since it makes the spec feel too mindless, at least in my mind...and I want to feel that I'm being a little more proactive when playing :-), Anyway, thanks for your advice.

Edited by koolade74

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Since I'm playing affliction, knowing when to refresh my dots when my intell procs are maxed is ofc crucial. I know using Affldots would simply solve the problem but I dislike using this addon since it makes the spec feel too mindless, at least in my mind...and I want to feel that I'm being a little more proactive when playing :-), Anyway, thanks for your advice.

So you want another addon to do exactly what Affdots does but just having an indicator light up is less mindless then analyzing a number?  In all honesty, what you're looking for is MORE mindless than using Affdots appropriately.

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Hi guys,


I have a very specific question that's been bugging me for awhile and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've been trying to setup the TellMeWhen addon to indicate when my Wushoolays final choice trinket reaches 10 stacks but with no success. Tbh I'm not sure that it can but I just wanted to check. I can easily get TMW to indicate when the trinket procs but not when the stacks reach 10. Since I'm playing affliction, knowing when to refresh my dots when my intell procs are maxed is ofc crucial. I know using Affldots would simply solve the problem but I dislike using this addon since it makes the spec feel too mindless, at least in my mind...and I want to feel that I'm being a little more proactive when playing :-), Anyway, thanks for your advice.

I use Weakauras and it works great for me.  On a side note, doesn't using TellMeWhen make playing mindless?  Lol, just giving ya a hard time.  Addons make the game that much better for me so I say use whatever you can to make you as good as you can be.

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Personally, I use PowerAuras for stuff like this. Weakauras should work fine, as well. When I actually used this trinket, I'd have an aura (displayed as the Trinket's icon) that would appear as soon as it procced and would display the stack count somewhere in the aura. That way, not only did I know when it was at a 10 stack, but I knew when it was at a 1-9 stack as well.

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Combination of Weakauras and affdots. Affdots is only mindless if you make it that way, it's the same as any other tool to help you in decision making. Refreshing immediately when you see affdots numbers change probably means you are not doing as good as you can anyways.


You need to use it in combination with weakauras or another tool that tracks your procs and determine when it's best to refresh your dots, not just doing it mindlessly.


TMW is like a poor version of weakauras with a fraction of the functionality, what you want to do is very simple with WAs and there's already threads dedicated to it that have the strings that you just need to copy and paste.

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Hi guys,


I have a very specific question that's been bugging me for awhile and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've been trying to setup the TellMeWhen addon to indicate when my Wushoolays final choice trinket reaches 10 stacks but with no success. Tbh I'm not sure that it can but I just wanted to check. I can easily get TMW to indicate when the trinket procs but not when the stacks reach 10. Since I'm playing affliction, knowing when to refresh my dots when my intell procs are maxed is ofc crucial. I know using Affldots would simply solve the problem but I dislike using this addon since it makes the spec feel too mindless, at least in my mind...and I want to feel that I'm being a little more proactive when playing :-), Anyway, thanks for your advice.

To see the timer on TMW , you need to install a addon like omniCC and after that on TMW enter that spell option and tick the box "show timer"

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The proc* from your trinket appears to be:



I suggest making a stand-alone icon just to show the pressence of buff 138786, to make sure it turns on when your trinket procs, sticks around for 10 seconds, then falls off once it's done.  You can add the constraints and fiddle once you have that basic icon to work against.  From your post, I think you've done this already (grats!).


So, you're monitoring spell id 138786.  You can do this as a stand-alone TMW icon (buff/debuff -> buff type | player), or as a condition on an existing icon (again, buff/debuff -> buff | player).  as a stand-alone icon, you'll want to put a 9/10 in the "minimum stack" criteria box.  As a condition on an existing icon, I believe you specify you're looking for buff/debuff -> buff STACKS, then adjust the slider as necessary.

As an aside, looking for "10" will give you very little time to react.  I'd suggest checking for 8-10 stacks, OR, make two icons: one to let you know the proc is ramping up, and another when it's about to be at max.  The [show timer] option might be helpful, as this would add a sweep animation to your icon as the proc runs down (50% @ 5 stacks, 10% at 9 stacks, etc).  I've approached this in two-stages, where the ICON tracks the PRESSENCE of the buff, while the CONDITIONS keep a hidden state until some timer/stack threshold is reached.  Aka, track duration of debuff [Corruption] on [target], but stay hidden until the condition [duration] < [3 seconds] is met.


I hope this helps, good luck with the setup!


*I'm not sure if there are different "procs" for the different tiers of this item...  you might have luck just matching on "Wushoolay's Lightning" instead of the explicit spellid.

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