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Garrosh and Interruption

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Hi all,


Quick question. Will it be worth it to glyph Rude Interruption for Garrosh? My guild will have another go at him (10N) and with all the interrupting going on (farseers and MCs), I'm thinking this glyph would do very well on this encounter. I am logged out as prot, but will be there as Fury.


Any additional tips (not covered in the DPS guide) are appreciated too of course.




Edited by Funq

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That would depend on the competition for interrupts, I think. Theres only ever a maximum of 2 targets to interrupt at any one time, and potentially at least 7 people capable of interrupting if we count out the healers and the active tank. If you don't have to sacrifice another beneficial glyph I'd probably go for it, but I'd ask to be the designated interrupter for at least the farseer to ensure the glyph procs at least a few times. The MCs are too dangerous to be assigned for such a small gain imo and everyone should harrass them with interrupts, so there's a lot of competition there.

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As Arms, I use inv_glyph_majorwarrior.jpgGlyph of Rude Interruption by default because I typically find myself interrupting quite a bit. 6% damage increased for 20 seconds is viable; not only will it take your raid about 2 seconds to knock that mind controlled player out but you'll have 15 - 18 seconds of additional damage toward Garrosh. That is, of course, if you get the interrupt. smile.png


The last thing I'll note is that this gain only comes from inv_gauntlets_04.jpgPummel as opposed to using warrior_disruptingshout.jpgDisrupting Shout if you try and interrupt multiple targets at once.

Edited by Sajakain

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I personally do not take this glyph, but that is simply because of the way my group deals with interrupts (95% of the time people are out of their MCs before they even get the chance to cast anything). If you do have the chance to interrupt people and you don't need that glyph slot for anything else, then by all means take it.


My personal suggestion for the MCs, as Fury, if you have at least a Normal Evil Eye of Galakras, is to take Bladestorm and pre-cast it ~1 second before every MC. Since everyone should stack on melee, they will get broken out almost immediately that way. Note that if you are doing it this way, you will not be able to interrupt with anything other than Disrupting Shout, which would make the glyph of rude interruption useless.


On another note, if there are tips not covered in the DPS guide, feel free to post them here as I have pretty much been the only one adding those tips since the beginning of this tier, and having other players' input would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for all the feedback.


I tried going for Rude Interruption, but finally decided to replace it with Death from Above. I got enough interruptions off on the farseers, but Phase 1 ended so fast it was hardly worth it. In phases where it would have mattered I found that getting the interrupt was too inrreliable. I found the improved mobility from HL far more important.

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