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Heirloom Guide

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I've decided to make a guide on Leveling Heirlooms since I did not find any quick guides for it. This is my first guide, so please feel free to give some constructive feedback
What are Heirlooms:
Heirlooms are items which stats scale with your character's level, reducing the need to replace gear whose stats are becoming too low for your level.


Heirloom Collections Tab:
A new Heirloom system has been introduced in 6.1, adding all your heirlooms to your Collections, where they can be easily accessed without having to mail the heirlooms to other characters. Already earned heirlooms will be added to the collection once you have logged in with the character that has the heirlooms in their bank/bag. Any newly purchased heirlooms will automatically be added to your collection.

To use a heirloom, simply find and click on it in the Heirlooms tab, and it will be placed in your inventory, and then equip it. You can also recreate the same heirloom if you want to dual-wield it, or have two trinkets or rings of the same type.

Heirlooms can be divided into the following 4 categories, based on what stats they give: 
Strength-Haste - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more haste than crit. These pieces were the tanking pieces, but the Parry/Dodge stats were changed in 6.0


Strength-Crit  - Gear for Melee damage dealers that requires more crit than haste.
Agility - Gear for Melee+Ranged damage dealers
Intellect - Gear for Spell-caster Damage Dealers and Healers
There are also subcategories for armor types, like Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate.
There are also subcategories for slots, like Chest, Shoulder, Leggings, Weapons etc

How to buy Leveling Heirlooms:
Heirlooms can be brought with the following currencies:
Gold (g)
Burning Blossoms (Midsummer Fire Festival)
Tricky Treat (Hallow's End)
Coin of Ancestry (Lunar Festival)
Mark of Honor (PvP)
Timewarped Badge (Timewalking)
From these vendors:
Alliance: Krom Stoutarm
Horde: Estelle Gendry
Guild Vendors: (A) Shay Pressler / (H) Goram


Head, Shoulder, Chest, Cloak and Pants pieces cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals
One-handed weapons (except the fist weapons) cost 650 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals 
Two-handed weapons cost 750 gold / 75 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 40 Champion's Seals
Off-hand weapons cost 500 gold / 50 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 25 Champion's Seals
Trinkets cost 700 gold / 70 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 35 Champion's Seals
The New Neck pieces cost 700 gold
Once you have brought a new heirloom, it's starting level range will be from level 1 to 60, meaning it will stop to scale up once you have reached level 60. This level cap can be increased twice by upgrading the piece with these tokens. 
Armor (1-90): inv_icon_heirloomtoken_armor01.jpgAncient Heirloom Armor Casing costs 100 gold / 100 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 55 Champion's Seals / 2000 Honor
Armor (1-100): inv_icon_heirloomtoken_armor02.jpgTimeworn Heirloom Armor Casing costs 2000 gold
Weapon (1-90): inv_icon_heirloomtoken_weapon01.jpgAncient Heirloom Scabbard costs 1200 gold / 120 Darkmoon Prize Tickets / 65 Champion's Seals / 2400 Honor
Weapon (1-100): inv_icon_heirloomtoken_weapon02.jpgTimeworn Heirloom Scabbard costs 5000 gold
List of Heirlooms per Category
Strength-Haste Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights)

Shield: inv_shield_20.jpgFlamescarred Draconian Deflector

Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice
Strength-Crit Plate (Warrior / Paladin / Death Knights)
Dual Wield 1H Sword: inv_sword_12.jpgBloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver 
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice


Agility Mail (Hunter, Enhancement Shaman)
Back:Back:inv_misc_cape_20.jpgInherited Cape of the Black Baron (Can be used by Agility Leather characters)
Dual Wield 1H Mace: inv_hammer_17.jpgVenerable Mass of McGowan (Combat Rogues can use this)
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice
Intellect Mail (Elemental/Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladins)
Back: inv_misc_cape_05.jpgAncient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Cloth and Intellect Leather)
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice
Agility Leather (Rogue, Feral Druid, Windwalker Monk. To a lesser extent Enhancement Shamans and Hunters)
Back:inv_misc_cape_20.jpgInherited Cape of the Black Baron (Can be used by Agility Mail characters)


Dual Wield 1H Sword: inv_sword_43.jpgVenerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge
Dual Wield 1H Mace: inv_hammer_17.jpgVenerable Mass of McGowan
(Enhancement Shamans can use this)
Dual Wield Daggers: inv_sword_17.jpgBalanced Heartseeker
Staff (Feral Druids): inv_staff_29.jpgBurnished Warden Staff 
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice


Intellect Leather (Balance/Restoration Druids, Mistweaver Monk)
Back: inv_misc_cape_05.jpgAncient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Cloth and Intellect Mail)
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice
Intellect Cloth (Mage, Priest, Warlock)
Back: inv_misc_cape_05.jpgAncient Bloodmoon Cloak (Also used by Intellect Leather and Intellect Mail)
Health Trinket: inv_jewelry_talisman_01.jpgSwift Hand of Justice


Collecting 35 heirlooms will reward you with a Chauffeured Chopper, which can be used as a mount from level 1.
Edited by Archimage
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Awesome idea for a guide. I've been in hardcore alt leveling mode lately, so I like it.


Couple suggestions for stuff you can add:


- Weapons and Trinket, I'm sure you were probably planning on this and just hadn't gotten to them yet

- BoA ring from fishing, It's super rare but something to work towards for people that want the ultimate boa set.

- Also the cost of items would be useful.

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I would add a section in bold big font about the heirlooms transforming in armor type once the level tresholds are reached. Quite a few times I've seen hunters/enha shamans rocking the leather heirlooms meant for rogues/druids/monks not having known the Mail armor automatically transforms into Leather prior to lvl40.


Using the leather ones is still viable ofc if the stats are good, but in many cases I don't think it has been intentional.


Other than that, its nice work. smile.png

Edited by Ceraius

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That's really good! When we'll update the leveling guides for WoD, we will definitely link to that smile.png

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I would add a section in bold big font about the heirlooms transforming in armor type once the level tresholds are reached. Quite a few times I've seen hunters/enha shamans rocking the leather heirlooms meant for rogues/druids/monks not having known the Mail armor automatically transforms into Leather prior to lvl40.


Using the leather ones is still viable ofc if the stats are good, but in many cases I don't think it has been intentional.

Added in categories section

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One of the problems I seem to have noticed is that there are no cloth heirlooms with + hit on them for DPS.


Best way to work around that is to have a stack of cheap +hit/expertise enchants for your boots, gloves and wrists because the only heirlooms you can enchant with any +hit are your weapon and your cloak even though you'll probably want a different enchant on your weapon.


Otherwise you will just get spammed with misses :(

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Pretty good stuff.


Enchant tip: Windsong is insanely op. It procs often, and at low levels, gives over 100% crit and haste. Even at mid levels, it gives a huge chunk. By far the best enchant before max level!

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The Enchants section needs a rethink. MoP enchants scale terribly between 1-80 compared with TBC, Wrath and Cata enchants. For example, putting Lord Blastington's Scope of Doom on an heirloom bow or gun is plain silly. It scales as follows:

  • 1-60     sometimes increases Agility by 68 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks
  • 61-70   sometimes increases Agility by 90 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks
  • 71-80   sometimes increases Agility by 180 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks

Compare that with Flintlocke's Woodchucker

  • 1-60   sometimes increases Agility by 112 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks
  • 61-70 sometimes increases Agility by 150 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks
  • 71-80 sometimes increases Agility by 300 for 10 sec when dealing damage with ranged attacks

Similarly, putting Glorious Stats on a chest is inefficient:

  • 1-60   +3 all stats
  • 61-70 +4 all stats
  • 71-80 +8 all stats

But using the Powerful Stats enchant from Wrath, you get:

  • 1-60   +4 all stats
  • 61-70 +5 all stats
  • 71-80 +10 all stats

As a rule of thumb, MoP enchants are the most expensive, and the least effective.

Edited by Mithrelle

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Also, Windsong is definitely not the best enchant for casters before max level.

  • 1-60 sometimes increase your critical strike, haste or mastery by 56 for 12 sec
  • 61-70 sometimes increase your critical strike, haste or mastery by 75 for 12 sec
  • 71-80 sometimes increase your critical strike, haste or mastery by 150 for 12 sec

Power Torrent is far more efficient:

  • 1-60 sometimes increase your Intellect by 75 for 12 sec
  • 61-70 sometimes increase your Intellect by 100 for 12 sec
  • 71-80 sometimes increase your Intellect by 200 for 12 sec

Alternatively, if you just want Haste, Hurricane:

  • 1-60  sometimes increase Haste by 68 for 12 sec
  • 61-70  sometimes increase haste by 90 for 12 sec
  • 71-80  sometimes increase haste by 180 for 12 sec

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You are correct in saying that MoP enchants are not the most effective enchants, but that doesn't mean they are the most expensive ones either.


The reason I took MoP enchants are because:

1) The current expansion is MoP, thus making MoP enchants the easiest to get, resulting in AH availability and lower prices.

Not many enchanters farm previous expansion's materials, and because of this they have almost no competition in the AH, resulting in Higher prices (more than the MoP enchants).


2) The highest level heirlooms can get to is level 85 (Cataclysm), so the only enchants that should be viable are Cata and MoP enchants since WotlK and BC enchants do not scale upwards.

One of the reasons why people use heirlooms is because they don't have to replace them while you are lvl 1-85. You can of course use the best enchant for lvl 1-80, but then you will need to replace the enchant anyways to match your current expansion.

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I think that's flawed reasoning. Flintlocke's Woodchucker is a great example: by using the MoP scope you effectively gimp yourself for 80 levels (halving the available dps boost) for the sake of 80-85 - by which time, almost all players have dumped heirlooms in favour of Cata blues or MoP greens!

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I think that's flawed reasoning. Flintlocke's Woodchucker is a great example: by using the MoP scope you effectively gimp yourself for 80 levels (halving the available dps boost) for the sake of 80-85 - by which time, almost all players have dumped heirlooms in favour of Cata blues or MoP greens!

Only for weapon enchants. If you replace your armor, you will be losing out on the exp bonus.


I'll add an extra section for enchants that are better for lower levels. Chances you will be able to get those are not so common.

The Cata gear that you are able to equip on level 78-80 is indeed better than the heirlooms. 

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So I realized this after I had bought the item on my hunter and sent it to my dk, but inv_sword_12.jpgBloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver isn't exactly the best heirloom weapon for a blood dk (as per my understanding) since they do not use shields.  


Also, does anyone know if dk enchants (runeforging) work for other classes (if i send inv_sword_12.jpgBloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver to a pally/warrior tank with say ability_parry.jpgRune of Swordbreaking)

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So I realized this after I had bought the item on my hunter and sent it to my dk, but inv_sword_12.jpgBloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver isn't exactly the best heirloom weapon for a blood dk (as per my understanding) since they do not use shields.  


Also, does anyone know if dk enchants (runeforging) work for other classes (if i send inv_sword_12.jpgBloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver to a pally/warrior tank with say ability_parry.jpgRune of Swordbreaking)

These are no 2 handed tank heirloom yet, you can use the 2 handed strength weapon instead.

Runeforging only works for DKs.

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I tested the above.

When I enchanted a weapon and sent it to my Monk, it read (while still in mailbox):

Enchanted: Rune of the Fallen Crusader

Enchantment Requires Runeforging(1)


When I took the item from the mail, the enchantment disappeared.

I enchanted the weapon again and sent it to my DK on another server. The enchantment stayed on.

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I found an incredible list of enchants that compliments your list of BoAs. Credit goes to Ariakan from MMO-Champion (though I am unsure if they created the spreadsheet or just linked it).




Thread which I found it: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1342255-5-4-heirloom-enchants

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Is there some good advise as how to get the JP needed to buy the heirlooms the fastest.


Doing HC dungeons at 90 only gives Valor I think (newby 90, so I may be wrong here).


i want to heirloom up a rogue from lvl 1 and try the class out, so how would I get the justice points the fastest :)



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Is there some good advise as how to get the JP needed to buy the heirlooms the fastest.


Doing HC dungeons at 90 only gives Valor I think (newby 90, so I may be wrong here).


i want to heirloom up a rogue from lvl 1 and try the class out, so how would I get the justice points the fastest :)



You do get JP from MoP heroics, it just doesn't say so I the dungeon finder. Somewhere around a few hundred, not entirely sure. It took at least 7 runs to go from 1700 -> 4000 capped last I farmed JP iirc. If you don't want the pain of a dungeon, you could also do scenarios, which give less JP but are a bit quicker (usually).

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Each Heroic Dungeon boss is worth between 80-120 Justice Points. Each Instance has about 3-5 bosses. One Instance takes about 6 minutes to complete if your group is average 510 ilvl.


So you can get about 400 Justice per Heroic Dungeon, you will reach the 4000 Justice cap in about one hour of Dungeons. You will be able to farm a full category set of Heirlooms in 2 hours.


EDIT: Think each boss is worth ~90 JP

Edited by Archimage

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Is there some good advise as how to get the JP needed to buy the heirlooms the fastest.


Doing HC dungeons at 90 only gives Valor I think (newby 90, so I may be wrong here).


i want to heirloom up a rogue from lvl 1 and try the class out, so how would I get the justice points the fastest smile.png




Hi back,


Or if you don't mind heirlooms from Dark Moon Faire tickets (I didn't, as they are made by gnome labor using expensive enchanted materials and not enslaved orc peon labor using non-enchanted shoddy materials.  :P  ) - DMF is only a few days away.   If you guild is lvl 25 and you are exalted with them, you can get your heirloom cape, trousers and helm from the guild seller.  But you prob know that already.  Next time DMF is open, I am probably going for my plate heirloom as I have cloth (int), mail (agi) and leather (agi).

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