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Heirloom Guide

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As a reminder to everyone, with WoD in the future you may want to upgrade everything you can to 1-85, since the 1-90 BoAs that they will most likely create will probably require the 1-85 versions.


Nothing is definitive yet, I'm just speculating. However it seems very logical to me that blizzard will add those 1-90 BoAs, and that they will make it so that you have to go from 1-80 to 1-85 to 1-90, probably at a reduced price (however farming it now is probably faster than farming it in WoD will be, especially since you may need that justice for other things in WoD)

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The justice-per-boss in Heroics is of course modified by For Great Justice guild perk.  And I usually see 120jp each, so they're probably base 100, plus 20%.  Remember that the reward for queuing randoms DOES NOT affect justice, so you can queue specifically for dungeons that run fast, or have five bosses, or both.  Obviously, of you need the valor, go with what you know.  But if you run enough, you'll valor cap anyway.

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Thanks all, got all my rogue's heirlooms and enchants last night as per the guide. Managed to get up to lvl 10 and he is still one shotting everything :)


It really makes leveling a lot faster, while still allowing you to learn the class a bit. I am sure however that the levels will slow down once one hits the 30's though.

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The justice-per-boss in Heroics is of course modified by For Great Justice guild perk.  And I usually see 120jp each, so they're probably base 100, plus 20%.  Remember that the reward for queuing randoms DOES NOT affect justice, so you can queue specifically for dungeons that run fast, or have five bosses, or both.  Obviously, of you need the valor, go with what you know.  But if you run enough, you'll valor cap anyway.


Thanks for this info. Given this now, how would you guys rate the dungeons that will give the fastest JP per hour on average. I know it depends on the group's strength but lets say everybody in the group is at least 510. Which would you queue for.

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a question about an enchant , i looks like i can enchant glove's with mastery rating ,  does the effect works below  lvl 80 ?

The enchant will work just fine, but sub 80, will have no effect. You don't have your mastery as a spell until level 80. The same applies to wearing cata greens with mastery on them at lvl 78, it has no effect until lvl 80.

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Once you get all of the heirlooms (excluding Garrosh and the Brawler's Guild ones) you get the mount, which is usable at level 1.


ohmy.png oh my gosh. wub.png

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More 6.1 notes:


Vendors in Stormwind and Undercity will now sell the Heirlooms for gold since the Justice currency has been removed.

There are also new neck piece heirlooms that have a "Use: Restore x health" ability. 

The guide will be updated once I return to WoW in patch 6.1.

Edited by Archimage
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Thanks , Archimage. This is very useful knowledge. smile.png


More 6.1 notes:


Vendors in Stormwind and Undercity will now sell the Heirlooms for gold since the Justice currency has been removed.

There are also new neck piece heirlooms that have a "Use: Restore x health" ability. 

The guide will be updated once I return to WoW in patch 6.1.

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First of all, thank you for this fantastic guide, keep up the good work. I used your MoP version extensively when leveling alts and still refer to this thread today in WoD.


When 6.1 hit I I wanted a better way to track the costs of my heirlooms, so I made a spreadsheet. It kind of grew from there into full talent / glyph / heirloom / enchant alt leveling guide. I see now that you've updated yours, but perhaps people will still find other aspects of my guide useful, I hope you'll forgive me for plugging mine here? I posted it in this icy-veins thread so people can give feedback/improvements on it there! 


I would love feedback and theorycrafters to help out!

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Different realms only.

For example you can have one character on EU-Lightbringer called Uberawesome, and another character on EU-Silvermoon called Megamind. Sending a loom to Uberawesome you need to send the mail to "Uberawesome-Lightbringer", and sending a loom to Megamind is "Megamind-Silvermoon". These mails can be cross faction.


I'm sure you cannot send looms cross server (Like EU-Slivermoon to US-Lightbringer).

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I would add a section in bold big font about the heirlooms transforming in armor type once the level tresholds are reached. Quite a few times I've seen hunters/enha shamans rocking the leather heirlooms meant for rogues/druids/monks not having known the Mail armor automatically transforms into Leather prior to lvl40.



I just discovered myself guilty of this, however I would like to add that Blizz showed hunter looms as my only real option. When going to heirlooms, resto shaman - only leather gear showed up. I didn't understand where all my other stuff I had bought went.... I have almost every loom there is, but if that what Blizz wanted me to wear... that's what I would wear.

Edited by Sinfuldeath

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I just discovered myself guilty of this, however I would like to add that Blizz showed hunter looms as my only real option. When going to heirlooms, resto shaman - only leather gear showed up. I didn't understand where all my other stuff I had bought went.... I have almost every loom there is, but if that what Blizz wanted me to wear... that's what I would wear.


The section is now Bold, Underlined and Red

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I'm sure you cannot send looms cross server (Like EU-Slivermoon to US-Lightbringer).


Yes, that's 100% correct.

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Hi guys,


After a LONG break, I'm finally back and hoping to update all my guides. Please leave any suggestions regarding information that needs to be included in the guide.


I'm still looking for the stat priorities for lower level characters because Blizzard introduced Haste gear for each armor set, let me know.

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Hey Archimage. I noticed you haven't updated with Int Plate or the new Rings and Trinkets. Feel free to grab them from my spreadsheet.


If people want something a bit more opinionated, I just updated my Alt & Heirloom guide Google Spreadsheet application to the 6.2 Patch.


It also helps you keep track of the heirlooms you have and want, and how much it will cost you.


ofBeaton Alt + Heirloom Guide Spreadsheet App https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/11310-ofbeatons-alt-guide/

Edited by ofbeaton
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Has anyone seen any info as when heirlooms will be upgraded for legion for the character 110 level?


I just wanted to know when to expect the upgrades.

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I don't know if this is the right place, in case, i apologize.
But i really want to know, maybe from somebody in alpha/beta, if the dwarf (can't remember the name) inside IF, sold update to the heirloom pieces, from 100 to 110 right at the begin of the new expansion or if we have to wait some patch later, after the release.
Thanks in advance for the answers and the help :)

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Has anyone seen any info as when heirlooms will be upgraded for legion for the character 110 level?


I just wanted to know when to expect the upgrades.


I don't know if this is the right place, in case, i apologize.

But i really want to know, maybe from somebody in alpha/beta, if the dwarf (can't remember the name) inside IF, sold update to the heirloom pieces, from 100 to 110 right at the begin of the new expansion or if we have to wait some patch later, after the release.

Thanks in advance for the answers and the help smile.png


If I had to guess, we won't have them until a later patch. There are the heirloom trinkets that drop in Mythic dungeons, similar to the weapons from Garrosh in 5.4, that scale from 100-110, but that's it.


I wouldn't expect new heirloom items until 7.1.

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