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[US-Kel'Thuzad][A] Sovereign Imperium LF DPS(Esp. RDPS)

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<Sovereign Imperium> - Kel'Thuzad- US Alliance - NY Datacenter 
Progression: 10/14H T16
Times: Wednesday, Saturday, and Sundays: 8:30 PM MST - ~12:00 AM MST
Loot is distributed via loot council.
Having Mumble is a must.
Very High Demand:
Balance Druid
Ele Shaman

High Demand:
WindWalker Monk
Feral Druid
Enhancement Shaman

Always considering exceptional applicants of any spec!
<Sovereign Imperium> began on Dragonmaw Alliance in Feb 2005 and is still operated under the same veterans that notably achieved the server's early vanilla raiding successes and has maintained the same competitive edge ever since. ( #1 server in Vanilla, #3 in WoTLK ). We moved to Kel'Thuzad in May 2013 due to declining population on Dragonmaw and to better our gaming experience.
We are currently looking at enforcing our roster with exceptional players for heroic progression for current and future content. We're not looking for "projects" currently, so please make sure you know your class, are geared accordingly, and are capable of competitive numbers. 
We provide flasks, feasts, and repairs to everyone. As for the raiding scene, we all have full time jobs or are attending post-secondary education so raiding up to 5 days a week just isn't our cup of tea. We know that raiding only 2-3 days a week can be just as efficient as 4-5, with the proper focus and dedication. We are also totally willing to dedicate nights to running old raids for achieves/mounts/legendaries.
When we're not raiding, we enjoy playing various other games with guildmates as well. 
Questions? Comments? Want to chat?
Feel free to send an in-game mail/message (via whisper or RealID/Battle Tag) to Despina or Haégr on Kel'Thuzad Alliance.
REAL ID: Despina (Despina#1512) or Haégr (Haegr#1919)

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