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Returning 2H Frost DK Needs a little help please.

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Hey guys, so I have came back to WoW after a 3 year gap and recently hit 90 and started gearing. I have reached ilevel503 but have been very unlucky with weapon drops and as such am still sat with a 471 blue :(


Anyway here is my armoury




My problem is that I dont think my DPS is as good as it should be in raids and the likes. I find my rotation very sloppy and when I look at guides I try to emulate them but to no success as I am still getting used to raiding again.


My main issue is with finding myselg resource starved alot.


And i seem to be wasting alot of KM Procs on Frost Strike because my Oblit just seems to always be on CD.


If anyone could lend me some character specific advice I would greatly appreciate it.

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60% haste is a little bit low. I would start by regemming all of your red sockets to str+haste and all of your yellow sockets to pure haste gems to try to get up to at least 75% haste. after you reach over 75% haste then crit will be your most important stat. a few other tips:

- Make sure you always have fully depleted runes before you frost strike, or else you'll wasting Runic Empowerment Proc's.

- Empowered Rune Weapon early in the fight will help you build up a lot of runic power and get ahead with Runic Empowerment Proc's.

- Stand in magic damage whenever you can and use Anti Magic Shell to build runic power.


Another possible solution since your weapon is such a low ilvl, is to get 2 1handers. DW frost doesn't have nearly as much of a resource problem as 2h frost when you're under geared.

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One thing you could try is to spec into Blood Tap talent to give you little bit more control. Other than that, not really sure what to tell you. unsure.png


Weapon stats do contribute a lot to your damage numbers and you will just have to be patient until you get one. You have really done each wing only once so far. There are no guaranteed weapon drops in there, so you will just have to keep running them. You can go to timeless isle and farm that content. You can buy a weapon there using timeless coins. You can also purchase mogu runes of fate for timeless coins and run more ToT content while rolling on bosses who do drop a weapon.

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i actually have a 516 one hander that i got in my bank lol


in wrath is raided as dw frost then took my break over cata. so when i came back to Mists I did my research and from what I read I found 2H was superior on the DPS front.


I have http://www.wowhead.com/item=98274 and http://www.wowhead.com/item=105920 in my bank but as I said was under the impression that 2H was much more superior.


Would the gemming and stat weights change with DW? As in would I still need to hit 75% Haste or does it all change?

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2H was better at the start of the expansion, but DW is actually better now with current gear. DW is pretty much hit/exp to 7.5% then stack mastery. You really don't need to worry about haste at all with dw because you'll only be spending 1 rune at a time.

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I also read that DW can ignore Oblit and Soul reaper and just spam howling wind and frost strije, using the unholy runes for D+D and Plague strike.


Should I worry about my hit rating going beyond 7.5 or just gem for mastery?

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What Storm said. You will likely end up with more than 7.5% inevitably 'cos there is shitloads of hit on lot of gear in SoO. So, the extra hit is a bonus with DW, but don't bother going out of your way to stack hit. Just go for mastery with your gemming. 

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Hit and expertise past 7.5% is wasted and should be replaced with mastery or crit at every possible chance.  That being said the exp/mast and exp/crit orange gems are pretty useful when you need just a bit to hit cap and then you can use str/mast or str/crit for the other red slots.






Who told you 2h was better than dw lol?  In seriousness you should play whatever you have the best weapon for the rule of thumb now is


DW: hit/exp=7.5%>mast>crit>haste*

this becomes important when you get 2piece t16 so the buff grants mastery instead of haste but until then haste isn't a "bad" stat, just don't gem for it past ilvl 510 or so.  You will eventually just have so much of it you won't be able to use it all due to GCD capping.


2H: hit/exp =7.5%>crit>haste~mast

This one is kind of weird because you want haste to about 60% or a little higher but you won't find a lot of current gear with haste and crit.  It gets to a point where you get so much haste and mastery gear that crit while still being the thing you want to gem for as much as possible doesn't give you as much dps as the haste/mast t16 plate.  So once you can keep haste above 60% with no worries you can start to play with reforging out of it for crit.  Until that point reforge mast->crit every time.


*EDIT*: had to change the gemming section to include 2h gems.

Edited by Failhard

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