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Alliance War Mode Bonus Increased to 30% in Patch 8.1

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Sharding was so awful I went through entire leveling zones at launch barely seeing other players. I laid down the game two weeks later and haven't logged back in. Sharding has absolutely destroyed what was left of any sense of community. When I heard they'd be using it "as needed" for WoW Classic it solidified my decision not to play it.

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I hate the way Blizz is telling us.. "go play alliance..They have better bonuses than the horde you like so much...".screw you… going to make 10lvls on my for fun priest, just so i can use 30% bonus for gold farm...Ratchet AH here i come!

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2 hours ago, Perak said:

I hate the way Blizz is telling us.. "go play alliance..They have better bonuses than the horde you like so much...".screw you… going to make 10lvls on my for fun priest, just so i can use 30% bonus for gold farm...Ratchet AH here i come!

When you see dem Horde players mining or picking herbs in Stormsong Valley and ready your rifle to shoot dem red folk bastards


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I think if they toned it back to, say, 15-20% AND allowed the first 2 allied races (horde and alliance) playable without rep requirements, you might see a swing in Alliance participation.

Some people just don't like the flavor of the Alliance Races because they seem boring. Human, Dwarf, Gnome...

Although I admit I REALLY want to play a Void Elf, but since I didn't stick around after Nighthold dropped, I only got to exalted with Nightborne and Highmountain.

Also, I think how they have War Mode sharded separately is bad when leveling <60. It's a little harder to get ganked in Outland/Northrend + than it is in Azeroth (you can fly away with the same mount speed as a max level).

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19 hours ago, Antipaladin said:

There has been imbalanced pvp since launch. 

If Blizz wanted to fix it, the first thing they’d do is just snuff the racials.

Period.  Done, gone, bye.

The 2nd step would be making it so that when you engage another player, your stats/gear/etc go to a standard fixed value, level 20 or 120, so it’s an even gank free play experience. No 120’s camping 35’s, because a 35 could kick your *filtered* if he’s got skills. Same way a level 30 can whoop a level 150 in Halo. Even playing field, with skill being the determining factor, not gear.  Something similar to this is already in place in BG’s when you’re 22 instead of 29.

Thats what hat I think you’re going to see in the future. 

I see and acknowledge your commendable idea but I don't see it working.  We already had an issue, when BFA was launched, where there was an unintentional loophole of staying 110....staying and not progressing level wise players were easily killing 120's (did not matter how great your skill level was) for the first several weeks till Blizz fixed it.  I also don't see Racials being removed from the game either because several are already a core necessity for Dungeon and Raid farming/progression along with class skill rotation.  If you were to take them out then all forms of PvE would have a staggering high increase of difficulty.  Eg) Many of the mobs in Mythic Dungeons (Waycrest Manor and Shrine) can not be cc'ed and are immune and will place a buff upon themselves if not stripped.  What you desire may cause a domino effect in other areas of the game.

Edited by Ragingwolf
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16 hours ago, Phantor said:

Allow Horde players to get Faction Transfer for free. Maybe it would work. With limits of course. 

Blizzard use to make this, would like to point out BLIZZARD because once Blizzard got that cancer called Activision they only do stuff for money now, i`m sorry to say but the cancer at Blizzard is doing to them what EA did to Bioware.

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16 hours ago, geofferson said:

I think they need to give people an X% health / damage buff when they get killed in warmode that increases by X% every time you are killed within X% seconds.

For example, if you are killed in Warmode PvP when you rez you have a 5% buff to health and damage.  If you are killed again within 30 seconds your buff goes to 15%, if you are killed again within 45 seconds your buff goes to 50% if you are killed for a 4th time your buff goes to 100%.  The idea is if 5 Horde are camping you, you basically become a raid boss after a few kills and you will be able to wreck your campers with ease.

This is completely possible using blizzard's existing scaling tech.  It would need to be tuned so that the health / damage increase only worked on other players and in the open world so someone couldn't have their friend kill them 10 times and then have them solo mythic g'huun.

This is actually a very good idea!

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Am wondering if would this buff be just for Patch 8.1? Or will it continue for Alliance through the other patches as well? Or if Horde becomes underrepresented by 8.1.5, would the buff then be applied to Horde for that patch? 

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On 11/22/2018 at 9:12 AM, Calysia said:

Blizzard still doesn't get it...the majority of WoW players don't like PvP. Never have and never will. 

I disagree, people just dont like being slowed down or camped. Its one thing getting in a fight, its another spending 30 min in a single fight because you get camped by multiple people. Even if youre winning people just get tiered of it so they opt out. It doesnt have much to do with not liking pvp.

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29 minutes ago, Whisla said:

I disagree, people just dont like being slowed down or camped. Its one thing getting in a fight, its another spending 30 min in a single fight because you get camped by multiple people. Even if youre winning people just get tiered of it so they opt out. It doesnt have much to do with not liking pvp.

You aren’t wrong.

But I think the point they are trying to make is that forced-inscentivizing players to participate in something they don’t like, or aren’t good at (PvP/Sharding World PvP) for increased rewards feels wrong to have to go through.


(I myself am one of those people who doesn’t want to PvP for better rewards from PvE daily quests.)

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15 hours ago, Ragingwolf said:

I also don't see Racials being removed from the game either because several are already a core necessity for Dungeon and Raid farming/progression along with class skill rotation.  If you were to take them out then all forms of PvE would have a staggering high increase of difficulty If this sentence right here doesn't alarm you at all then you're part of the problem, horde racials shouldnt be so overpowered that removing them will break the way you run dungeons because anyone who plays ally doesnt have that option.  Eg) Many of the mobs in Mythic Dungeons (Waycrest Manor and Shrine) can not be cc'ed and are immune and will place a buff upon themselves if not stripped.  What you desire may cause a domino effect in other areas of the game.

"Dont nerf my class because I wont be able to compete"? I Shouldn't be forced to change races and factions to progress that's absolute and total bullshit. They have two options for balance either remove all racials OR make the racials the same across factions removing the most OP racial arcane torrent. Arcane torrent is so OP that they have nerfed it like what 4 times already in the last year (another nerf hitting in 8.1) and its still considered the best? It was so good last expac that every single top raiding guild switched to horde so their healers could get like 30% extra mana per fight depending on length like KJ was almost 15 minutes on mythic. The last tier boss from legion was a what 12 minute fight that means healers got 23-26% extra mana meaning an alliance guild would need 5 healers where as a horde guild would only need 4?! Its still 20% extra mana in a 9 minute fight and anyone who has ever played a healer knows just how big of a deal that is. that means the fights can last 20% longer for that last little push or that the tanks can spec more dps and dont have to worry about healers going oom as early or run an extra dps and one less healer because your healers can handle it with all the extra mana they have. And its an aoe dispel, They just nerfed mass dispel to only hit 5 targets but didnt feel the need to nerf arcane torrent? Here lets make a dungeon (Kings Rest) and stick mobs in that need to be dispelled to kill and lets give this ONE race a mass dispel to make it trivial AF, or waycrest manner like you mentioned and laugh at every single group that isnt running belfs.

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9 hours ago, BIGJAKE said:

"Dont nerf my class because I wont be able to compete"? I Shouldn't be forced to change races and factions to progress that's absolute and total bullshit. They have two options for balance either remove all racials OR make the racials the same across factions removing the most OP racial arcane torrent. Arcane torrent is so OP that they have nerfed it like what 4 times already in the last year (another nerf hitting in 8.1) and its still considered the best? It was so good last expac that every single top raiding guild switched to horde so their healers could get like 30% extra mana per fight depending on length like KJ was almost 15 minutes on mythic. The last tier boss from legion was a what 12 minute fight that means healers got 23-26% extra mana meaning an alliance guild would need 5 healers where as a horde guild would only need 4?! Its still 20% extra mana in a 9 minute fight and anyone who has ever played a healer knows just how big of a deal that is. that means the fights can last 20% longer for that last little push or that the tanks can spec more dps and dont have to worry about healers going oom as early or run an extra dps and one less healer because your healers can handle it with all the extra mana they have. AndThey just nerfed mass dispel to only hit 5 targets but didnt feel the need to nerf arcane torrent? Here lets make a dungeon (Kings Rest) and stick mobs in that need to be dispelled to kill and lets give this ONE race a mass dispel to make it trivial AF, or waycrest manner like you mentioned and laugh at every single group that isnt running belfs. its an aoe dispel,

To be honest I was talking about both factions Racials not just the Hordes.  And yes there are Alliance Racials that are OP as well along with Racial Passives.  Arcane Torrent only strips 1 hi-lighted Buff within 8 yrds of the target to be useful....you basically have to be close and it doesn't have a target telegraph to place at range....that's it and if it misses wait 1.5 minutes. If Blizzard where to set up Racials as a Mirror type System then yes this may work but taking them out is not the solution.  Believing that many players switch to Horde just for Racials alone is ludicrous.  Not everyone goes by that formula when they play an MMO.  Many players go by looks of character customization for personal appeal alone with abilities being second.  But lets for sh!t$ and giggles say Blizzard does remove all Racial skill abilities for all the Races along with Racial Passives; just the bare bone skills of the character that is created.  Because if we are going to make this 'fair' and knowing that once Racial skills were removed the next argument will be about Racial Passives.  No bonuses what so ever for the player.  Just a standard character shell.  Will the ratio of Alliance vs Horde characters be increased? Decreased? or stay on Average?

"I Shouldn't be forced to change races and factions to progress that's absolute and total bullshit."

No one is forcing anyone to spend money to race change or faction change for progression.  

"Here lets make a dungeon (Kings Rest) and stick mobs in that need to be dispelled to kill and lets give this ONE race a mass dispel to make it trivial AF, or waycrest manner like you mentioned and laugh at every single group that isnt running belfs. "

You be surprise on race/class compositions that don't use Blood Elves to run select Dungeons/content.  Wanna know how they do it?  They prioritize on what mob(s) can be cc'ed and burn/interrupt on what can not before that mob becomes an issue.  


Edited by Ragingwolf

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Giving a bonus of 30% to the other faction because they are out numbered doesn’t make sense. That will do nothing for the players who solo in war mode. Instead of giving a 30% bonus to one side of the war instead give people who aren’t in a group the 30%buff and you might see less ganking in the first place. Have players that are in groups while in war-mode  only have a 5% buff that way it would be a more level playing field. 

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Time to go alliance , untill they make the horde buff 50 % cuz all ppl left horde, and then back to alliance when they make it 70 % for the alliance after that. you get my point.

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I doubt this will correct the imbalance, but it will affect it, no doubt. 

For those crying the sky is falling come back in 90 days and we'll see if the factions have so ridiculously imbalanced as to have the nerf rolled back.

I doubt it.  But you just check back here.  For posterity, let's say.  ?

Basic economics says people respond to incentives.  Some will respond I guarantee it.  How many....  thats the million dollar question. 

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On 11/22/2018 at 6:27 PM, vl3x said:

Blizzard still doesn't get it or they don't care. Give Alliance races some decent racial abilities like horde races and maybe you'll see am upward swing in Alliance populations. Horde is so strong because the racials are strong which made all the try hards go Horde, which attracted other players going Horde to become try hards and so on and so on. 

I keep seeing this argument pop up over the years but I don't think it matters as much as people think. Some racials on both factions can be pretty nuts, yet the biggest thing for me when I play Horde is that queue times for pvp actually exist as opposed to the Alliance, where bg and whatever pop pretty much instantly. It makes a huge difference imo where you want to make your effort count when you waited up to 10 minutes to get a battleground. 

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Alliance gets cannon on being raid clearers, raid enemy faction cities, immortality on all faction leaders ( minus varian) a better city hub and now even gameplay advantages with this 20% more exp.


And people say this game is horde biased. Hard to decide if this is hillarious or just sad.

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On 11/26/2018 at 11:23 AM, Plergoth said:

I keep seeing this argument pop up over the years but I don't think it matters as much as people think. Some racials on both factions can be pretty nuts, yet the biggest thing for me when I play Horde is that queue times for pvp actually exist as opposed to the Alliance, where bg and whatever pop pretty much instantly. It makes a huge difference imo where you want to make your effort count when you waited up to 10 minutes to get a battleground. 

but you sort of illustrate the point i make. even tho you went horde for shorter pvp ques, why do you think that is? I'm not saying that Horde racials are op, most players think they are because the best of the best played horde ( what i call the "try hards") so people followed suit. 

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4 hours ago, vl3x said:

but you sort of illustrate the point i make. even tho you went horde for shorter pvp ques, why do you think that is? I'm not saying that Horde racials are op, most players think they are because the best of the best played horde ( what i call the "try hards") so people followed suit. 

I don't think in my 14 years of playing WoW I've really sat down and thought "damn, I lost that fight because of that racial" and this is going back to the days where Priests had extra spells purely because of faction / race. What has remained constant over the years are always some randoms in a battleground who rattle off every possible reason from the Horde / Alliance being noobs, not enough healers, too many healers, class whine of the month and all the while battleground designs and the lack of understanding or agreement as to how to approach each one.

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On 11/24/2018 at 4:44 PM, Mojo said:

Giving a bonus of 30% to the other faction because they are out numbered doesn’t make sense. That will do nothing for the players who solo in war mode. Instead of giving a 30% bonus to one side of the war instead give people who aren’t in a group the 30%buff and you might see less ganking in the first place. Have players that are in groups while in war-mode  only have a 5% buff that way it would be a more level playing field. 

This idea is genius! With a few tweaks imo. 


A flat 10% increase for both factions while in warmode. An increase to 30% for groups of 2 or more, but limited to a party of less than 5/non-raid group. 


The number of group members is negotiable, perhaps an increase to 30% only in groups of 5?


just some brainstorming. 

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