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[H][US][Thrall]<The Midnight Club> 2 day (Fri/Sat 10-1a PST) raiding, 8/8H LF Dps/Heals for Raid team and Mythic+

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Hello Gals and Guys!

We are a guild that likes to have fun and understand that people do have real lives out side of WoW. However, we do want to be able to stand a chance at clearing content before it gets old and stale. We are looking for anyone who is willing to accomplish this same goal, but does not want to turn WoW into a second job.

We are looking to add all types of players to our guild and current core raiding group. We have achieved AOTC for Uldir and plan on doing the same for future content. We would also like to build a Mythic raiding team and run multiple Mythic+ groups to push high keys as it is a really good way to develop your skills as a player and an excellent way to improve your gear.

The content lull has been particularly hard on us this expansion and we have lost a few people to other games and are looking to recruit for all classes and specs currently.

[Raiding Info] Our main raiding nights are Fri-Sat 10:00 PM - 1:00AM PST and there may be an added day here and there for progressions sake, but we try to stick to our raiding schedule as consistently as possible.

[Guild Requirements] Essentially all we ask is that you are consistent and want to progress. We are generally willing to work with all specs and classes as long as you can play it well and contribute to the team.

The thing we really want to have is your dedication to your class. That means using the resources to practice your class. Also preparing for fights through guides or even prior knowledge like LFRs, PUGs, or YouTube videos.

Please feel free to add me GoldfishGaby#1464 on Bnet if you have any questions, if I am not online then you can also add our GM GorillaMike#1667 or one of our officers BlueTheHero#1722.

[VOIP] - we use Discord, we are an active community on Discord, most of us do play across different games and platforms when not on WoW so if you find yourself a little lonely on WoW, always check our Discord.

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