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Demonology Warlock PvP

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Guest Gravemane

Why do the level 15 talents also follow a similar trend of crossing out Demonic Strength while recommending it as the best against any team without two melee on it?

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Guest Briann

Why are you saying you get extra damage from Combustion Engine in Krytan when that is a Destruction Conduit instead of a Demonology conduit?

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  On 1/9/2021 at 10:35 PM, Guest Briann said:

Why are you saying you get extra damage from Combustion Engine in Krytan when that is a Destruction Conduit instead of a Demonology conduit?


That is a typo, it has been fixed!

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Guest Guest

I noticed a consistent error in the rotations part of the guide, stating that the Necrolord offensive ability boosted the damage of Shadow Bolt when it actually boosts the damage of Demon Bolt.


Regardless, good guide. Well written, and easy to understand.

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  On 1/16/2021 at 5:33 AM, Guest Guest said:

I noticed a consistent error in the rotations part of the guide, stating that the Necrolord offensive ability boosted the damage of Shadow Bolt when it actually boosts the damage of Demon Bolt.


Regardless, good guide. Well written, and easy to understand.


Hi! Thank you so much! And I have updated the rotations to show that it boosts the damage of Demon Bolt, rather than Shadow Bolt

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Guest Moonside

In the talent table, in the talents at level 35 it says that the best options are Soul strike and Summon Vilefiend, but right under the menu, in the explanation of all the talents recomended it says that From the shadows is the best option.
So i think someone messed up by puting the talents in reverse order of recomendation

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  On 7/15/2022 at 9:36 PM, Guest Moonside said:

In the talent table, in the talents at level 35 it says that the best options are Soul strike and Summon Vilefiend, but right under the menu, in the explanation of all the talents recomended it says that From the shadows is the best option.
So i think someone messed up by puting the talents in reverse order of recomendation


Thank you for pointing this out! An update to the Talents section has been made

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Guest Bloodrave

You say use power siphon but dont have it selected in the recommended talents https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/demonology-warlock-pvp-talents-and-builds

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  On 12/15/2022 at 3:26 AM, Guest Bloodrave said:

You say use power siphon but dont have it selected in the recommended talents https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/demonology-warlock-pvp-talents-and-builds


Thank you for pointing this out, updated damage rotations to not include Power Siphon

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Guest Dooley82

The information about gems / enhanchants is wrong... I ain't no shadow priest!

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Guest Amateur

I think the gear makes little to no sense considering the pvp tier set, crafted items, etc.. ?

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Guest Maedx

Why do we take Temporal Spellthread instead of Frozen Spellthread on legs?

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Guest Maed|

Why we pick Temporal Spellthread over Frozen Spellthread as leg enchant?

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  On 1/1/2023 at 11:05 PM, Guest Maedx said:

Why do we take Temporal Spellthread instead of Frozen Spellthread on legs?


Thank you for pointing that out, Frozen spellthread is the better enchant. Guide has been updated!

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