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Discipline Priest PvP

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Guest Will135z

I just thought it was worth mentioning that using the Crucible of Flame Azerite Trait does not increase healing done through atonement. Neither does damage from trinkets.

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Guest Flowah

In the pvp talent section, Trinity is said to only allow atonement on 3 targets at a time. This is incorrect, it only triggers the 25% increase to crit if you have atonement on 3 or more allies. 

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  On 12/3/2020 at 5:07 PM, Guest Flowah said:

In the pvp talent section, Trinity is said to only allow atonement on 3 targets at a time. This is incorrect, it only triggers the 25% increase to crit if you have atonement on 3 or more allies. 


Absolutely, that's outdated info, my fault! Updated the PvP talent

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Guest Abzstraqt
  On 12/13/2020 at 12:23 AM, Guest Javlin said:

Why isnt the pvp legendary mentioned? Sephuz something


I was wondering the same!

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Guest uwu

Lol castigation is best talent with the patient one (best legendary) i play priest for 10 years and this made me laugh hard

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  On 3/27/2021 at 12:27 PM, Guest uwu said:

Lol castigation is best talent with the patient one (best legendary) i play priest for 10 years and this made me laugh hard


Castigation + Patient legendary are great for RBGs or spread damage comps! Helps with saving Mana and doing large amounts of healing quickly

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Guest Outdated

I believe "Heart Of Azeroth" is an BfA item. Should probably not be mentioned in a Shadowlands guide.

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  On 4/18/2021 at 8:10 AM, Guest Outdated said:

I believe "Heart Of Azeroth" is an BfA item. Should probably not be mentioned in a Shadowlands guide.


Hi! I couldn't find a Heart of Azeroth, but I did find Memory of Lucid Dream and I removed that from the guide. Thank you!

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  On 7/15/2021 at 5:37 PM, Darkwidow said:

Why did Ele PvP comments send me here when I was looking into why Adaptive Armor Fragment is not listed for Ele Sham


It seems that it was sending to the incorrect link. It should be fixed now. Thank you!

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Guest Shadyrose

How come you're recommending the draconic legs, which have crit/verse, instead of the Infurious Legwraps of Possibility that have haste and a pretty great equip?

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I have to admit I didn't account for the 2nd crafted item when deciding which set pieces would be best. But yes, I realized a few days ao that these crafted legs and the 4th set piece on the gloves is a much better way to gear your character than what I originaly wrote. It will be updated shortly.

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Guest Dangerzone

A few questions - 


How come Schism is not picked?  While by itself it doesn't do much damage it adds 15% damage to all offensive spells on the target this seems handy for 1 talent point.


Most top disc players have the pvp talent Cartharsis.  It lets you store 20% damage about 50k damage and let you add that to purge of the wicked.  It's one of my biggest hitters.


Its useless if people are not on you but for cases where your partner is not the kill target and you are its a handy spell.  It should get a mention.




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  On 1/4/2023 at 12:07 AM, Guest Dangerzone said:

A few questions - 


How come Schism is not picked?  While by itself it doesn't do much damage it adds 15% damage to all offensive spells on the target this seems handy for 1 talent point.


Most top disc players have the pvp talent Cartharsis.  It lets you store 20% damage about 50k damage and let you add that to purge of the wicked.  It's one of my biggest hitters.


Its useless if people are not on you but for cases where your partner is not the kill target and you are its a handy spell.  It should get a mention.





The recent 2v2 meta has shown that Schism (alongside a very much damage oriented build) is very powerful. A change that I haven't updated yet (holiays etc etc). It is definitely a good pick as Disc isn't the best healer in terms of raw healing, so your damage is very important.
Catharsis is the same. It goes with the damage build in 2v2. Since Disc is often an easy target due to how little mobility it has, you'll very often get a lot of value out of it. However you have to be aware that in some match-ups it won't be useful. For instance if you face Hunter/Rdruid and play with a Rogue, the Rogue will often be their one and only target, and you'll spend a lot of time in CC. In these match-ups Catharsis isn't such a great pick.
Hope it helps!

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Guest Luthoc

Now that the Orc race is available to Priests, I have to think that’s an auto win and instantly becomes the Horde race of choice. I’m surprised it hasn’t been more widely adopted.

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The talent tree for the 2v2 config has some errors. theres 2 points in surge of light but only 1 is possible, also there needs to be 1 more point spent for the last row, i'd recommend the extra point to pick mind control, that would fix it.

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  On 9/14/2024 at 9:12 AM, PsychedPaladin said:

The talent tree for the 2v2 config has some errors. theres 2 points in surge of light but only 1 is possible, also there needs to be 1 more point spent for the last row, i'd recommend the extra point to pick mind control, that would fix it.


Thank you so much for noticing this! The 2v2 spec should now be fixed. And Mind Control is a perfect spot to put that extra point

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Guest Synchronic

The talent tree for the 3v3 config has some errors. There's 2 points in "Surge of Light", but only 1 is possible, also there needs to be 1 more point spent for the last row

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