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Holy Paladin PvP

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Guest J. Springfield

There are mentions of monk abilities in the holy paladin pvp guide, seems like a mistake?


Corrupted Gladiator's Emblem IconCorrupted Gladiator's Emblem is crucial if you fear you will be the target for the enemy team. It has a good amount of Intellect and the on-use effect increases your maximum health. This works well with Fortifying Brew IconFortifying Brew and Healing Elixir IconHealing Elixir for strong instant healing.


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On 12/27/2020 at 6:14 AM, Guest Reveille said:

No mention of legendaries in the itemization section?

Hi!! The legendaries are at the bottom of the "Covenants" page. Let me know if you have ANY other questions! 

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Guest Vanguard's Momentum

Vanguard's Momentum is for RET only, isn't it? So can't be the best option for Holy Paladin?

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23 hours ago, Guest Vanguard's Momentum said:

Vanguard's Momentum is for RET only, isn't it? So can't be the best option for Holy Paladin?

Hi! So, that is a Ret Pally legendary, but once you craft it, you are able to keep the affect! You are able to equip it as Holy and gain the damage buff from it. It is only recommended to use it if you are Venthyr because of the Ashen Hallow spell that you get from that covenant. If you aren't Venthyr, you should absolutely go for Shock Barrier. This gives you much more healing output. I hope this helps!

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Guest Noot


I think it's better for the Pelagos conduits to go left on the first choice in order to get Focused Light AND Ringing Clarity in the tree.

Pure Concentration is pretty specific and Phial of Patience is not always that effective.

Thanks for the guide!

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Guest Vampadin
On 1/12/2021 at 5:40 PM, Mysticall said:

Hi! So, that is a Ret Pally legendary, but once you craft it, you are able to keep the affect! You are able to equip it as Holy and gain the damage buff from it. It is only recommended to use it if you are Venthyr because of the Ashen Hallow spell that you get from that covenant. If you aren't Venthyr, you should absolutely go for Shock Barrier. This gives you much more healing output. I hope this helps!

Why Vanguard's Momentum and not Mad Paragon though? It gives you stronger HoW and synergises well with Awakening.

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On 9/18/2021 at 9:29 AM, Guest Vampadin said:

Why Vanguard's Momentum and not Mad Paragon though? It gives you stronger HoW and synergises well with Awakening.

Hi! After taking a look at the recommended legendaries, if you are venthyr you should definitely go with Radiant Embers for the cooldown reduction. If you aren't, the healing from Shock Barrier is the best go-to legendary. This also synergizes well with Kyrian. If you really want survivability above everything else, the Guardian of the Kings legendary is the best. I hope this helps!

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Guest Guest

"The 2 spells you will be spending Holy Power on are Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory and Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame. Your goal during your healing rotation is to use Holy Shock Icon Holy Shock off cooldown to generate Holy Power and use that Holy Power on these two spells. You always want to make sure that Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame is on the target. If it is active on your target and you have 3 Holy Power, use it on Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory."


I'm confused by this. Doesn't Eternal flame replace Word of Glory? 

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On 12/7/2024 at 9:44 AM, Guest Guest said:

"The 2 spells you will be spending Holy Power on are Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory and Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame. Your goal during your healing rotation is to use Holy Shock Icon Holy Shock off cooldown to generate Holy Power and use that Holy Power on these two spells. You always want to make sure that Eternal Flame Icon Eternal Flame is on the target. If it is active on your target and you have 3 Holy Power, use it on Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory."


I'm confused by this. Doesn't Eternal flame replace Word of Glory? 

Hi! Yes it replaces it, but both Hero Talents are viable for Holy Paladin. I will update the guide to clarify that and make it less confusing

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