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Mistweaver Monk PvP

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Guest Sheepman

Hi there my friend,

Can i please ask you how would this actually work?

  • Provoke Icon Provoke can be used to taunt enemy pets. Using this on a pet 1-2 seconds before being in crowd control can cause the pet to attack you and break the crowd control. For example, taunting a Mage's Water Elemental right before a Polymorph Icon Polymorph cast will cause the elemental to release you."

What if the pet is in passive and doesn't have his waterbolt on autoattack? How would it break the poly then?


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On 3/16/2019 at 3:45 AM, Guest Sheepman said:

Hi there my friend,

Pasting the PM reply from Mysticall, just in case you're not the same user:


Unfortunately, if you taunt any pet that is on passive, it will not make the pet attack you. This goes for all Hunter, Warlock and Mage pets. The cooldowns will go off, you will see the taunt buff on the pet, but they will just stand still. 

It’s good and bad if a pet is passive. The other team is doing less damage, but you will not be able to break crowd control with Provoke. It’s really good versus Warlock and Hunters because they don’t normally have their pets on passive. 


  • Thanks 1

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Guest Kyoshi


I think the pvp rotation guide for mistweaver monk when using way of the crane needs to adjusted as it suggests inefficient use of tft and rsk procs from bk.

  • build two (max) stacks of TotM with tiger palm if you have tft available
  • Mt
  • Wotc
  • Tft
  • rsk
  • tp for last totm stack (with tft cd reduction there is time for one global before rsk is available again)
  • rsk (as tft reduces the cd of rsk by 9secs and not to waste possible proc from bk)
  • blackout kick (to try to proc rsk cd reset)
  • if procs rsk
  • otherwise spinning crane (against 3+) or  tp, tp, tp, rsk if avail otherwise blackout kick (here you can play the proc lotto if you like and tp bk or tp tp bk)


I would only follow the guide's rotation if I do not have tft available for wotc (which is very unlikely as the cds align well 30tft:60wotc)

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Guest Kyoshi
23 hours ago, Guest Kyoshi said:


I think the pvp rotation guide for mistweaver monk when using way of the crane needs to adjusted as it suggests inefficient use of tft and rsk procs from bk.

  • build two (max) stacks of TotM with tiger palm if you have tft available
  • Mt
  • Wotc
  • Tft
  • rsk
  • tp for last totm stack (with tft cd reduction there is time for one global before rsk is available again)
  • rsk (as tft reduces the cd of rsk by 9secs and not to waste possible proc from bk)
  • blackout kick (to try to proc rsk cd reset)
  • if procs rsk
  • otherwise spinning crane (against 3+) or  tp, tp, tp, rsk if avail otherwise blackout kick (here you can play the proc lotto if you like and tp bk or tp tp bk)


I would only follow the guide's rotation if I do not have tft available for wotc (which is very unlikely as the cds align well 30tft:60wotc)

I forgot to add that you should pre-apply reMs and between Mt and Wotc use essence font if in bgs (especially if you are using rising mist to maximise the extended hots)

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Guest FFFF

The mastery weapon cant be bought by monks. Best pvp weapon is the haste staff. Thanks icy veins, you cost 1000 conqueror points.....

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On 12/30/2020 at 12:35 AM, Guest FFFF said:

The mastery weapon cant be bought by monks. Best pvp weapon is the haste staff. Thanks icy veins, you cost 1000 conqueror points.....

You can use either and be viable! The Haste/Verse staff is great because it'll help the GCD on Soothing Mist. The MH/OH is good for getting more Mastery. Both are good options

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11 hours ago, Guest Vik said:

So now that the last Venthyr Soulbind row is available, is it still advised to run Sinful Gladiator's Relentless Brooch as human while having acces to Familiar Predicaments ? Do they stack in some way or is it time to move on?

From what I have tested, they do stack and I would use that combo when playing against Balance Druids to avoid root/beam on yourself. If you are human, Brooch is also really good versus teams with a lot of CC/stuns for you so you can leave CC way sooner

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Guest gear

say's 2 and 4 set is essential but only has 1 tier piece in recommended gear. i assume its not viable for mw base on the stat combs?

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18 hours ago, Guest gear said:

say's 2 and 4 set is essential but only has 1 tier piece in recommended gear. i assume its not viable for mw base on the stat combs?

Hi! I have included the tier gloves in the recommended gear section. Yes, the stats on the gear is not ideal and the 4-set is not even that impactful, so I would not recommend going for 4-set. Get 2-set with Shoulders/Gloves

Edited by Mysticall

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Guest Grim

Hello, thanks for the guide!


Question: in the guide it says we need 10% haste and then stack mastery. Is this 10% outside PvP or inside PvP?

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On 9/17/2024 at 12:56 PM, Guest Grim said:

Hello, thanks for the guide!


Question: in the guide it says we need 10% haste and then stack mastery. Is this 10% outside PvP or inside PvP?

Hi! It's about 10% Haste inside of PvP combat. I will make an update to clarify that!

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Guest Steleo


The Gear & Stats section recommends buying Forged Gladiator's Battlestaff - don't be like me and just buy it and then equip it without checking the item stats in-game. I think the Greatstaff should be recommended instead because that gives Intelect. Battlestaff gives Agility.

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Guest JMoll

Hey Mysticall, will you be updating the PVP talents and rotations for the crackling lightning play style? If not then why? Thanks for your time.

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Guest Cham
On 1/15/2019 at 6:45 PM, Valks said:

This thread is for comments about our Mistweaver Monk PvP guide.

Why am I brought to a Monk PVP comment section? I was on the Devastation Evoker PVP guide and the comment section brings me here. The Evoker PVP section clearly hasn't been updated for season 2 as it's still showing season 1 gear.

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