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Bombardment Crusader

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Some questions and notes:

1) Leoric's Crown is said to be in the Kanai's Cube in the Introduction page, but not in the Gear page (where the choice of other armor powers is well detailed). Thus I think the Introduction page should be corrected.

2) In the Gear page, when talking about wearing 2 Sage + 5 Akkhan pieces, there is an "example setup", which is different from the setup detailed in the Introduction pag. It's not a big difference (Sage's Purchase instead of Apogee), but the two setups should be made the same for aestethic reasons...

3) In the Gear page it is written that "The jewelry cube slot is necessarily taken by Ring of Royal Grandeur": this seems to mean that using the Sage Set is the default recommendation with this build, not simply an "alternative". Thus, two Sage's Set items should be mentioned as "Best in Slot" in the table of stat priorities. If Sage's Set is not a "must" but only an "alternative", another jewel should be the "Best in Slot" for Kanai's Cube; moreover, if the non-Sage build is a viable alternative, RoRG should be labelled as "Alternative DB farm" in the cube... Following what's Best-in-Slot now, one will end up with 7 Akkan Set pieces AND a cubed RoRG...

4) In the Gear page and in the Solo Progression page "Physical Damage (if Stone of Jordan)" is among the stat priorities also for Unity, Avarice Band and (in the solo page) Convention of Elements: it should be removed from all lines that do not include Stone of Jordan as an option...

5) In the Solo Variation page it is written: "In Greater Rifts, the armor Cube slot is interchangeable between Leoric's Crown and Aquila Cuirass depending on your better rolled item". The table of gear pieces with stat priorities should be modified to include both options: not only Helm of Akkhan + Aquila Cuirass, bt also Leoric's Crown + Breastplate of Akkhan...

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Guest Katrina

I know it's retired hoping you bring in back since there's a buff coming also would adding the thorns chest in cube be better and just try and go for better roles

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Guest Katrina
  On 9/30/2020 at 11:15 AM, Guest Katrina said:

I know it's retired hoping you bring in back since there's a buff coming also would adding the thorns chest in cube be better and just try and go for better roles


https://www.d3planner.com/815422231.  Here i made a build it should be really better and just good with the buff coming and stats aren't perfect just did it quick

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Guest JerryBoy

How can you get the 4 piece bonus from belt of trove when you only have 2 pieces of invoker set or am I missing something ?

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  On 12/16/2020 at 4:20 AM, Guest JerryBoy said:

How can you get the 4 piece bonus from belt of trove when you only have 2 pieces of invoker set or am I missing something ?


Heya! You're right in your observation, as the build only makes use of the 2-piece Invoker bonus. The inclusion of the item is correct, but its reasoning is much more straightforward - it's just there for the damage multiplier. I've fixed the Cube explanation and it should be up on the website shortly!

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Guest Boubou

TY for the Thorns Bombardment guide.

A small error has gone unnoticed, I think.  In Chapter 3 (Gear, Gems and Paragon Points), Section 1.1 (Desired Stats, Breakpoints and Other Notes), 1st sentence reads:


For Offense stats, try to obtain Frenzy % bonus on the shoulders, torso and shield (maximum of 45%), ...


You probablty meant Bombardment %  😀.


Cheers !


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Guest Dr SuperTank

The follower guide is incorrect, the build does not utilize crit. So there is no need for the scoundrel. The only multiplier that the affects thorns is area damage.

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Thanks for the catch! The correct recommendation here is the Enchantress. It's a pasting error, it has been fixed and will be up on the website shortly.

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Guest Slacks

Just happened to notice while reading the rotation under "skills & runes" section - you have us use Shield Glare, BUT, in the rotation you mention having Iron Skin + Laws of Valor up for protection, YET there's no slot taken for Laws of Valor.

Overlooked mistake perhaps?

I'm just trying to not get embarrassingly 1-shot slapped by Diablo during bounties again.

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Guest Grim

Why are you running RoRG when you have a full 6 set bonus a set that reaches a 2 bonus but won't make it to 4 and a full 2 set of weapon/off hand it would be more useful to have either a useable ring in the cube or replace some of these set pieces to other set pieces or random legendaries with good effects

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Guest ShadowSoul66666

Thank you so much for this guide. I was really struggling to get anywhere with my crusader, but after a few minutes of following the guide and making the changes to my character its been an exponential improvement. Thank you for doing the research and math for me.

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I'm so squishy compared to the sweep build.  Am i doing something wrong?   Only thing I have different than recommended is the ring as I haven't found a pair of the rings to share damage with my follower.  

Yet I die near instantly in combat if I try to get into melee..  am I not supposed to?  Ring I have is a primal Bul-Kathos's wedding band.  


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