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WoL Monk

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According to what is recommended in the speed farm variation page, adding the Sage set requires to lose The Crudest Boots and either Tzo Kirin's Gaze or the 6-pieces Sunwoko set bonus. Is the build still viable after losing the boots and spirit stone? Is losing the 6-pieces bonus really an option? (if not, Sage's Purchase should not be mentioned as an option...)

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2 hours ago, Elekim said:

According to what is recommended in the speed farm variation page, adding the Sage set requires to lose The Crudest Boots and either Tzo Kirin's Gaze or the 6-pieces Sunwoko set bonus. Is the build still viable after losing the boots and spirit stone? Is losing the 6-pieces bonus really an option? (if not, Sage's Purchase should not be mentioned as an option...)

Realistically, the speed build is not particularly early-game friendly. It is definitely still able to clear T16 speeds without the boots and stone, you will just need a certain amount of gear to compensate. You don't need anything crazy, like full ancients or primals, but you shouldn't expect to run this in T16 after getting the basic items on the list. As for losing the 6-set, no, it is not a viable option and I'll have Deadset remove it.

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Uncommon Patron

Does anyone else have a problem where they just 'roll' around a target when trying to proc the generator half of the FocusFocus and RestraintRestraint set? I find that over half of the time I can't strike a target, unless I Force Stand Still - and often take large amounts of damage (or fatal damage) while I'm fiddling around trying to stand still and land blows. Is it the Sweeping Wind that is doing this? Admittedly I'm not the most sophisticated player in the first place, but would like to know if this is a common problem or something I'm just doing wrong at my end.

As always, thanks Icy Veins for the builds.

Edited by Megaptera

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Guest Anta3hrice

The Inna Wave of Light section needs some editing.  In the one section it says something about Serenity during Convention of Elements Fire rotation, in the gear section it says to equip Compass Rose and Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, and in the Cube section it says to have Ring of Royal Grandeur on the Cube Jewelry slot.  That's 4 Ring bonuses that the Inna WoL guide mentions, and the most you could have would be 3, 2 equipped and 1 Cubed.  And 1 has to be Royal Grandeur to retain the Inna 6 Set.  Personally, I am using Royal Grandeur in the cube, and Convention and Compass Rose equipped.  I don't see how you could work Zodiac in there.  I guess you could drop Traveler's Pledge for Squirt's now if you wanted to replace Compass Rose with Zodiac.  Someone should probably edit it and make sure it only mentions 3 rings.

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Guest Stumpy

The build makes reference to using Convention of Elements, but that ring is not included as part of the gear or cube slots. Should that be updated? Cheers!

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6 hours ago, Guest Stumpy said:

The build makes reference to using Convention of Elements, but that ring is not included as part of the gear or cube slots. Should that be updated? Cheers!

Hey - thanks for the catch! It's a remnant from an older version, I'll redact it.

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A friend of mine replace the belt and boot with crimson set (which become 3 full set due to rorg) and having a succes GR110 today. It seems in this season 18 the triune buff did boost the crimson set: extra dmg in cdr circle and extra toughness in rcr circle. Not exactly good build because dependent on chasing triune circle around, but rewarding for those with fast reflexes.

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Another question / comment regarding the Inna variation.

Why use The Traveler's PledgeThe Traveler's Pledge with The Compass RoseThe Compass Rose instead of Squirt's NecklaceSquirt's Necklace and Convention of ElementsConvention of Elements.


I mean for the inna variation. The normal build already requires another necklace.


Edited by Dwergux
Added build variation for which it was intended

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In section 6. Adapting Kanai's Cube, the guide mentions that "Multishot is great at incidental environmental destruction for the movespeed procs.". However true this might be, it doesn't seem to be very relevant towards monks. 

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Want to point out that in the Inna build, at Skills, the rune for WoL is wrong, you have selected Wall of LightWall of Light instead of Explosive LightExplosive Light

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I had noticed in this build guide it stated to use Wall of light rune under WoL (physical dmg), and yet on the stat roll options of the build for each piece, the elemental choice was fire % on shoulders and neck.  I don't understand this choice when main damage is coming from WoL itself so that Wall of Light will not have optimized dmg... Should then roll for Physical % dmg instead.

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On 8/30/2020 at 4:48 AM, MessyMarvin said:

I had noticed in this build guide it stated to use Wall of light rune under WoL (physical dmg), and yet on the stat roll options of the build for each piece, the elemental choice was fire % on shoulders and neck.  I don't understand this choice when main damage is coming from WoL itself so that Wall of Light will not have optimized dmg... Should then roll for Physical % dmg instead.

Hey there, all build variations (the main Sunwuko ones and the Inna variant) should use of the Fire rune Explosive Light. I have submitted a correction to the Inna variant which had the Physical rune selected by mistake, it should be up on the website shortly. 

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Guest CyriouslyDylan

Is there a suggestion to replace Unity if you are in a group, and not pushing solo?

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Since the Wave of Light Damage affix on the Tzo Krin’s Gaze occupies the slot of a secondary affix, which is the recommended 4th primary affix:


Critical Hit Chance


Life on Hit? Vitality?

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On 10/12/2020 at 4:57 PM, Guest CyriouslyDylan said:

Is there a suggestion to replace Unity if you are in a group, and not pushing solo?

I'd probably run Obsidian Ring of the ZodiacObsidian Ring of the Zodiac for better EpiphanyEpiphanyDesert ShroudDesert Shroud uptime. Alternatively, for faster runs you can add a straight damage boost via a Fire damage Stone of JordanStone of Jordan .


On 12/4/2020 at 1:11 AM, Gilthas said:


Since the Wave of Light Damage affix on the Tzo Krin’s Gaze occupies the slot of a secondary affix, which is the recommended 4th primary affix:


Critical Hit Chance


Life on Hit? Vitality?

I'd suggest a Vitality roll there, due to the massive Dex/Vitality roll potential of the helm slot. The LoH is better slotted elsewhere (bracers for example, which offer an equal max roll potential).

  • Thanks 1

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Hey there - but Kyoshiro's SoulKyoshiro's Soul doesn't add to the maximum stack cap, it simply nets you a passive stack gain? It's usually taken as a "lazier" option so you can spam more freely without thinking about stack maintenance, not really to boost the DPS output.

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Guest Raigntk

Hello! I'm wondering why the Sunwoku WoL build uses Bindings of the Lesser Gods in the cube. The build doesn't use mystic ally at all so I'm unsure how the damage bonus would even work on this build.

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Bindings of the lesser gods , enforcer and crudest boots when the build does not have Mystic Ally is all wrong. You made a mistake and used part of other builds somehow. Substituting random parts for now.

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Guest Travis

What I'm wondering is if rabid strike when activated is considered an "ally" which then would get boosted by the crudest boots, enforcer and Bindings of a lesser god. That's my only thought on this potentially being there.

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