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Tempest Rush Monk

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Guest Elwyn

I tried this build but it's almost impossible to get enough damage reduction. Trying a LoN build with Tempest Rush I found on the internet instead. Using Cesar's momento, Sledge fist (for the stun proc), Aquila Cuirass,Mantle of channeling, Hexing pants of mister Yang, Lorics crown (for the double resource reduction), frostburn and Kyoshiro (for the extra regen) gives a massive dmg and and dmg reduction. heavy resource reduction needed to get the Aquila Cuirass bonus but now with 50%+ resource reduction running high greater rifts with ease. Use this LoN build to farm as its relative fast and requires no effort (just push the channel button and run around).

Shoudn't this build be replaced bij de LoN variant using LoN. My experience is that the LoN set has way more survivability. 

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Some possible typos:

1) The description on the Gear section states that the quadrifecta gloves has Crit Chance, Crit Damage, CDR, and rolling off Dexterity for Area Damage; however, in the table, Dexterity is mentioned as the top stat priority for the gloves: should Dexterity be moved to the bottom of the list of gloves' affixes?

2) Since the speed farm variation adopts the Electric Field rune for Tempest Rush, its damage type turns to lightning: since this is correctly stated on the suggested Stone of Jordan ring, the table with stat priorities still mentions Cold damage on the bracers and amulet entries.

3) As usual, some explicit suggestion on which follower to use, which ring to use in place of Unity in multiplayer, and which potion to wear will be useful.

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As an unexperienced player I found the guides on this website very useful, thus I began to "study"  them and I learned from them many things on "how to play" the game effectively. However, while carefully reading these guides, I noticed some minor mistakes, typos and incongruences (most of them seem to came from the cut&paste process that probably is the first step of creating a new guide...), and I reported many of them in the forum related to each build. Since I'm an unexperienced player I didn't recommend any kind of "change" to the builds described by Deadset; I just reported some material errors: they won't change the build, only make the guides more complete, coherent and clear to new or unexperienced players like myself.

After a few months I haven't see any of my reported errors corrected (I expected to see something when guides have been revised for season 17...), so I have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a way I can edit the guides myself? I suppose the answer in "no, only Deadset and maybe a few others can"...

2) Are the report of typos and minor errors appreciated or not? If not, I will stop spending time on writing them here the forums: as I said, they don't change the build at all, they don't introduce clever alternatives, they only change some words on a line or two on a table or something like that, so it is understandable if someone thinks they're useless...

3) If they are appreciated (for their "cosmetic" value of diminishing material errors on these guides), is there a way for them to reach Deadset or someone else who can edit the guides? Maybe the reason I didn't seen them implemented is that I used the wrong channel, writing on forums that people who can edit the guide simply do not read...

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  On 6/12/2019 at 10:26 AM, Elekim said:

As an unexperienced player I found the guides on this website very useful, thus I began to "study"  them and I learned from them many things on "how to play" the game effectively. However, while carefully reading these guides, I noticed some minor mistakes, typos and incongruences (most of them seem to came from the cut&paste process that probably is the first step of creating a new guide...), and I reported many of them in the forum related to each build. Since I'm an unexperienced player I didn't recommend any kind of "change" to the builds described by Deadset; I just reported some material errors: they won't change the build, only make the guides more complete, coherent and clear to new or unexperienced players like myself.

After a few months I haven't see any of my reported errors corrected (I expected to see something when guides have been revised for season 17...), so I have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a way I can edit the guides myself? I suppose the answer in "no, only Deadset and maybe a few others can"...

2) Are the report of typos and minor errors appreciated or not? If not, I will stop spending time on writing them here the forums: as I said, they don't change the build at all, they don't introduce clever alternatives, they only change some words on a line or two on a table or something like that, so it is understandable if someone thinks they're useless...

3) If they are appreciated (for their "cosmetic" value of diminishing material errors on these guides), is there a way for them to reach Deadset or someone else who can edit the guides? Maybe the reason I didn't seen them implemented is that I used the wrong channel, writing on forums that people who can edit the guide simply do not read...


Hi there! They are most certainly appreciated and I will get Deadset to fix the errors in the guides (should be visible on the live page later today once it is deployed). My apologies for not getting to this sooner and fixing it!

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  On 6/12/2019 at 11:31 AM, Blainie said:

Hi there! They are most certainly appreciated and I will get Deadset to fix the errors in the guides (should be visible on the live page later today once it is deployed). My apologies for not getting to this sooner and fixing it!


Thank you for your fast reply and for all the good work here!

Very well, so I will continue to look for errors to fix... ?

You will find many posts with my minor notes across the threads related to many class builds (usually one post for each build of most classes, including Followers...). I'm now moving to "study" the Crusader class: thus, if in the next few days I'll find something that needs o clarified or corrected, I will post it on the relevant thread.


I also have some "general" questions not related to a particular build or class: which is the right thread to post them on? Or should I repeat them for any build? Things like:

* Belts that replace the Witching Hour (e.g., Goldwrap in a speed farming variation) often have Crit Damage and Attack Speed left as stat priorities;

* Legendary Potions are never mentioned in the guides, but probably there are some best-in-slot potions too, and maybe different builds have different ones... Potions may not be game-changing, but if you list the 6th primary affix priority for a chest armor, you should also say something about potions, or not?

* Which is the best follower, and which are its best skills and items, for each build? The Follower page (which is not updated since 2016) lists many viable options, and I suppose each class build has a recommended one. Or am I wrong?

* etc etc...

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Uncommon Patron

I've found that using Lefebvre's Soliloquy helps tremendously at higher GRs to slow down incoming damage. Just wear sunwuko's leggings and cube the hexing pants or mantle depending on if you need more resource generation or damage reduction.

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Guest Cyclone Strike??

In this guide under the Skills section you state that Cyclone Strike will be slotted as active ability for being procc'd automatically by Won Kimh Lau weapon's ability. 

However in the very similar Monk build you posted using the Patterns of Justice set; the same weapon wkl is being used but no Cyclon Strike SKILL is slotted .. instead Serenity is on the skills bar....

Can you explain .. is CS required to be on the skills bar for WKL weapon's proc ?  If so why not as well for the Patterns of Justice build?

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Guest Blayde

Having issues just keeping up with party using this or Justice build. What are you all doing for movement speed if you're not using dashing strike or any gear that buffs movement?

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Guest Narkomar

Blinding flash doesn’t cancel my tempest rush, I’m playing on ps4, is that normal? 

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Guest Sebastionleo
  On 12/11/2019 at 9:28 PM, Guest Narkomar said:

Blinding flash doesn’t cancel my tempest rush, I’m playing on ps4, is that normal? 


I noticed this while playing this build tonight. I used a manual activation of cyclone strike to cancel. 


Also this build is insane. My wife has been playing the LoD WoL build all season and 102 was her max. She swapped over to the pieces she had accumulated for this set, only one ancient weapon, Taeguk lower than 50, and mediocre rolls on half non-ancients and I was able to do 107 with ease.

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Guest GregBo

I'm not sure Epiphany can negate the drawback of stone gauntlet! None of the skill used can target an enemy so Epiphany can't teleport… or i'm missing something?

nice guide btw, i tried the build and i'm happy with it, far more resilient that the uliana SSS build i used before! But I miss dashing strike, i feel like a turtle so I'll probably cube the daibo warstaff of general quang for the tailwind rune instead of stone gauntlet  (i'm running low GR so i don't need much DR)



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  On 4/10/2020 at 12:32 PM, Guest GregBo said:

I'm not sure Epiphany can negate the drawback of stone gauntlet! None of the skill used can target an enemy so Epiphany can't teleport… or i'm missing something?

nice guide btw, i tried the build and i'm happy with it, far more resilient that the uliana SSS build i used before! But I miss dashing strike, i feel like a turtle so I'll probably cube the daibo warstaff of general quang for the tailwind rune instead of stone gauntlet  (i'm running low GR so i don't need much DR)




It can, it is not the teleport thing but the skill itself makes you immune to Slows (thus the whole effect os SG) 

Uliana is very fragile compared to other builds. 


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Guest GregBo
  On 4/10/2020 at 4:37 PM, Yolo said:

It can, it is not the teleport thing but the skill itself makes you immune to Slows (thus the whole effect os SG)


Many thanks for your answer Yolo!

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Guest Wilder

I’ve been using this build but missing a few pieces for the set, my issue is that I can bearly make it past 20-25 stacks of tempest rush before my spirit is drained, even with 13 stacks of sweeping wind . Without epiphany active I’m at a standstill not being able to use my abilities at all it seems that inner storm doesn’t give anywhere near enough spirit to hold a tempest rush for more than a few seconds before losing your stacks and epiphany’s cool down is too long to wait around for. The items I’m missing don’t give any bonuses to spirit or spirit cost of abilities and neither do the set bonuses so even with these items I feel like my character is unplayable?

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Guest Izo
  On 5/7/2020 at 5:09 PM, Guest Wilder said:

I’ve been using this build but missing a few pieces for the set, my issue is that I can bearly make it past 20-25 stacks of tempest rush before my spirit is drained, even with 13 stacks of sweeping wind . Without epiphany active I’m at a standstill not being able to use my abilities at all it seems that inner storm doesn’t give anywhere near enough spirit to hold a tempest rush for more than a few seconds before losing your stacks and epiphany’s cool down is too long to wait around for. The items I’m missing don’t give any bonuses to spirit or spirit cost of abilities and neither do the set bonuses so even with these items I feel like my character is unplayable?


I would highly suggest you try out the Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush build: https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/monk-tempest-rush-build-with-patterns-of-justice. I was having the same issues as you with the Sunwuko TR build and eventually gave up on the build. PoJ TR is a much easier build to play (especially if you switch the stone gauntlets in the cube for Lefebrve's Soliloquy). PoJ's 4 piece set bonus increases your spirit regeneration by 50 when channeling TR, essentially meaning you'll never run out of spirit (allowing you to accumulate the full 100 stacks of TR). The only downside to using PoJ over Sunwuko is that the damage potential is lower (PoJ gives your TR a flat 15,000% damage bonus when sweeping wind is active, while Sunwuko increases your damage by 1,500% per stack of sweeping wind; 1,500% x 13 stacks of SW = 19,500%, which is greater than PoJ's flat 15,000%). However, another benefit of using the PoJ set is that you only need one stack of SW to get the full damage bonus. It is much easier to make sure that you have SW active at all times than it is to make sure you have 13 stacks of SW active at all times.

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Guest Voodoo

I'm also facing this problem with this build. I can't sustain spirit regen even if I have 13 stacks of sweeping wind. When epiphany runs out, I can't use TR as I'm already out of spirit by then making the character unplayable. I agree with Izo, PoJ is easier but I wanted to exploit the potential damage of the SWK set.

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Guest Hartassen

I had the same problem as many others mentioned with this build, I reached the breakpoints for cdr and rcr in this build 45%+ on both and I even slotted ag ogo kof swiftness for more cdr. Problem was that running with tempest rush with epiphany desert shroud and sweeping wind inner storm 13 stacks I was still losing spirit per second, my spirit globe was visible going down.

Swapping to POJ build I have no spirit issues and enjoy my playtime even more. But I am still wondering if it's possible to make this swk build work?

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It's really hard to give suggestions without taking a direct look at your characters, but I can assure you the build suggestions are correct. The likely culprit is Resource Cost Reduction and proper management of cooldowns. Do you manage a proper overlap of Epiphany?

P.S. Gogok will be more of a detriment than help in this case, since it scales your Attack Speed as well and will dump Spirit even faster.

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Guest Narkomar
  On 4/10/2020 at 12:32 PM, Guest GregBo said:

I'm not sure Epiphany can negate the drawback of stone gauntlet! None of the skill used can target an enemy so Epiphany can't teleport… or i'm missing something?

nice guide btw, i tried the build and i'm happy with it, far more resilient that the uliana SSS build i used before! But I miss dashing strike, i feel like a turtle so I'll probably cube the daibo warstaff of general quang for the tailwind rune instead of stone gauntlet  (i'm running low GR so i don't need much DR)




I use the lefebvre's soliloquy shoulders instead of stone ganulets in canin cube

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As the user above pointed out, Lefebvre's SoliloquyLefebvre's Soliloquy is absolutely a decent, beginner-friendly option in the armor slot of the Cube. It can provide you with more than enough Damage Reduction for a decent chunk of Diablo content ?

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Guest MonkinAround
  On 12/1/2019 at 8:13 PM, Guest Cyclone Strike?? said:

In this guide under the Skills section you state that Cyclone Strike will be slotted as active ability for being procc'd automatically by Won Kimh Lau weapon's ability. 

However in the very similar Monk build you posted using the Patterns of Justice set; the same weapon wkl is being used but no Cyclon Strike SKILL is slotted .. instead Serenity is on the skills bar....

Can you explain .. is CS required to be on the skills bar for WKL weapon's proc ?  If so why not as well for the Patterns of Justice build?


You do not have to select CS as a skill, but if you do you will get the rune associated with it. So if you do not have CS in your skill bar it will still Proc it will just do so without the benefit of any rune. I'm seeing now that people are removing CS from this build and using Way of a Hundred Fists, which is confusing to me. I feel I really benefit from the healing rune from CS. Hope this helps!

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  On 7/10/2020 at 9:35 AM, Guest MonkinAround said:

You do not have to select CS as a skill, but if you do you will get the rune associated with it. So if you do not have CS in your skill bar it will still Proc it will just do so without the benefit of any rune. I'm seeing now that people are removing CS from this build and using Way of a Hundred Fists, which is confusing to me. I feel I really benefit from the healing rune from CS. Hope this helps!


I've not seen anyone use Way of the Hundred Fists myself, but I also haven't combed through the leaderboards recently.  If I had to guess as to why they're using it, it'd be for the Assimilation rune giving 5% damage increase per target hit with the 3rd strike, which can be a pretty big extra damage multiplier.

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I'm new to Sunwuko so I printed out the guide.

There was one comment that didn't make any sense to me. In the "Best in Gear and Alterations" paragraph 3 you state that "...Endless Walk and Bastion of Will - are denied to the build due to the mandatory Sunwuko shines and lack of generator skill."

I took a look at Bastion of Will and it says,

(2) Set - When you hit with a resource-generating attack or primary, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.

(2) Set - When you hit with a resource-spending attack, deal 50% increased damage for 5 seconds.

Since EVERY skill except Blinding Flash and Epiphany is a resource-spending skill, I don't understand the denial of Bastion of Will.

Please explain for a novice.


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