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Sets, Sets, lots of Sets.

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Now I think I know the answer to this but i would be grateful for some clarification being a relative newbie here.

I can see there are playing 2 modes , Standard and Wild, and  - to put it simply - after 2 years any Standard Cards become Wild Cards - and in game play they never meet.

However am I correct in saying that regardless of what the themed pack ('Ungoro', Kobold', 'Knights' etc.) you buy, each has a random 5 cards that can be used by that calling (Mage, Rogue etc) so an Ungoro Mage card, can be in the same created deck as a Kobold Mage card and so on.

Finaley do the packs contain any Wild, or are they all standard and you have to get Wild separetly ?

Thanks in advance

PS Any Rogue tips on the basic, I won only 1 match on my way to lvl16, basic deck set up is as per Icy Veins (yet won loads with my basic Mage set up).

PPS. I don't have tons of money to go purchase packs, I do my best ?   

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4 hours ago, Sleete said:

I can see there are playing 2 modes , Standard and Wild, and  - to put it simply - after 2 years any Standard Cards become Wild Cards - and in game play they never meet.

Once cards rotate out, they are no longer playable in Standard. However, before that happens, Standard cards are playable in Wild, and therefore can meet in that mode.

4 hours ago, Sleete said:

However am I correct in saying that regardless of what the themed pack ('Ungoro', Kobold', 'Knights' etc.) you buy, each has a random 5 cards that can be used by that calling (Mage, Rogue etc) so an Ungoro Mage card, can be in the same created deck as a Kobold Mage card and so on.

Yes. Your standard deck can include any combination of cards from Standard sets that are either neutral or belong to the class of the deck. 

4 hours ago, Sleete said:

Finaley do the packs contain any Wild, or are they all standard and you have to get Wild separetly ?

Packs contain only Standard cards for a specific set. Kobolds and Catacombs contain only cards for that set. Once a set rotates out of standard, its packs are generally no longer purchasable. This means that Wild cards need to be crafted in most cases.

4 hours ago, Sleete said:

PS Any Rogue tips on the basic, I won only 1 match on my way to lvl16, basic deck set up is as per Icy Veins (yet won loads with my basic Mage set up).

Rogue is a very complex class. If you are new to Hearthstone, I would suggest avoiding it until you get more experienced in the game, especially when it comes to resource management, as that skill is pivotal when it comes to playing rogue decks.

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