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University Research Project (chance to win 180 days of game time!)

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Hi all! I am doing a research project for my Computer Science degree, and I am collecting some data on how people play World of Warcraft (more detail is provided on the survey consent page). I'd really appreciate it if you could fill out the survey here: http://hci-mturk.usask.ca:8080

Five participants will win 180 days of World of Warcraft game time, and you can enter this draw by providing your email address at the end of the survey. It shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes or so to complete. 

The survey is hosted by the University of Saskatchewan's HCI (Human Computer Interaction) lab, so that is where the link is from for those wondering. The first page of the survey is the consent page and it goes into a bit of detail on what we will be using the data for, but here are the bullet points from the consent page for those interested before clicking on any links:

  • In this study, you will be asked to complete a survey, asking you some questions about yourself, including questions about your game-playing habits, well-being, and personality.
  • These survey data will be used to label a dataset of World of Warcraft gameplay data, gathered using the Battle net API for the purpose of predictive modeling and classification.

Hopefully this answers most of the questions, and please let me know if you have any additional questions by either responding here or via the email address in the survey. 

Thank you all so much for your time!

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