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Post here if you'd like to talk about trends happening in ranked play.


I'm currently playing a somewhat modified Warlock rush deck and it's been working pretty well.  I've been struggling to hit rank 7 lately, but I'll get there and beyond.


Right now I'm starting to run into more and more decks that try to delay the game and then start pooping out large minions.  The biggest offender lately has interestingly enough, been other Warlocks. 


These are the core cards that make it happen for these Warlocks:


2x Molten Giant

2x Mountain Giant

2x Defender of Argus

2x Sunfury Protector

2x Twilight Drake

1-2x Shadowfury


The assumption is that they allow the opponent's board to fill up with minions while they draw cards, wait and let their health get low.  Once they have enough cards they can begin playing really, really low cost large minions and buff them with taunt.  If things are going extremely bad they can burn a Shadowfury on one of these creatures to do 8 damage to their opponent's board.  It's devastating, but doesn't work very well against Mages due to how quickly their health is being reduced and because Mages can delay the game with freezes and go straight for their face.  I've also run into a few that supplemented this play with Jaraxxus, which made me cry a little inside.


Try it out if it's something that interests you, but I prefer my rush deck due to how quickly games are decided.  Faster games = more games.  smile.png


If anyone else would like to share some interesting themes they have been running into, then I'm sure many of us would be interested to hear!

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I've been playing a little bit the past week or so and managed to reach level 10 (hovered around 14 for a while too).


So far I have been coming up against Paladins Mages and Warlocks.  I havent seen another class since at least level 15.  I'm sure I am adding to the problem playing my mage deck anyway.


I have found that players are still making really simple mistakes (equivalent of playing a spell card before they play theyre mana wyrm for example, or leaving theyre hero power untouched when they have mana available at the end of their turn etc).


I've found the new rank play to be pretty engaging, with myself and a few friends having something to aim for (and a bit of hearty competition between ourselves etc).  The new style rankings seem to make it a bit more challenging etc

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Season resetting tomorrow. Calling it now: aggro warlock, aggro murloc warlock, aggro mage, aggro paladin; OTK warrior; control rogue; control druid; control shaman.

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Druids seem to be pretty solid so far.  They have a lot of board clear and a lot of big taunt minions.  Ragnaros seems to fit most of their decks really well.

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Control Druid with a lot of taunts and no Wrath/Starfall was my favourite in Season 1. It felt like my decisions actually made a difference in the outcome of the matches, and it wasn't just "will this mage/warlock get the cards they need or not?". That said, I'm pretty interested in playing a Paladin.

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They're frustrating to play against as an aggro deck.  They have so many ways of easily clearing your board (Pyromancer, Equality, Consecration, Avenging Wrath) it's silly.  Most aggro decks also don't have a way of dealing with super nasty minons like Tyrion.  The luckiest I ever was on my Warlock was popping the shield with an engineer, running a Scarlet Commander into him along with another small minion and then dropping an Acidic Swamp Ooze after he died.

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