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Resto gemming question

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I think it's a general observation about the ratio of base heal to spellpower coefficient. I'll ask more/investigate later.


Indeed, and the ratio of Base/Coeff is seen quite often during calculations. From my observations it's almost always a relatively fixed number for abilities from the same category.

For instance for mage spells it's ~1040.

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Using an extension of Dayani's analysis, I calculated the threshold for 1 Int = 2 Crit, and made a handy diagram and spreadsheet! To know what to gem, simply find out your Crit and Spell Power values without gems. Then, find that point on the diagram. If you're in the top section, gem Crit (towards the line, right), and if you're in the bottom section gem Intellect (towards the line, up).



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I follow the maths, which is very interesting, but I'm struggling to balance my stat weights such that AMR wo n't throw all socket bonuses out and go crazy with the pure crit gems. I've checked and loosing the socket bonus definitely makes the extra crit not worthwhile (increasing the value of Int from 160 to include socket bonus). Should I just use AMR for my haste balancing and leave the rest to manual methods?

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Dumb question, for the values in the table, are we assuming base stats or raid buffed?


What table?


The graph above is assuming raid buffs, I think.

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I follow the maths, which is very interesting, but I'm struggling to balance my stat weights such that AMR wo n't throw all socket bonuses out and go crazy with the pure crit gems. I've checked and loosing the socket bonus definitely makes the extra crit not worthwhile (increasing the value of Int from 160 to include socket bonus). Should I just use AMR for my haste balancing and leave the rest to manual methods?


Try these:



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I think this is exactly what most people need! Awesome work on that one!


<AMR weights>


0.55 feels about right, though I switched to 0.52 tongue.png Not that it matters really.

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 0.55 feels about right, though I switched to 0.52 tongue.png Not that it matters really.


Yeah, the intent is really to prioritize Crit gemming over Intellect gemming, although these weights change my BiS pieces massively. Looks like I'll be moving to Crit gear after all!


 I think this is exactly what most people need! Awesome work on that one!


Thanks! I'm glad we found a good solution on this one =3

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Stoove, when looking you up on armory, I see that we are very much alike smile.png

Prostatan @ Twisting Nether


So it seems! I think you have better gear than I do, in terms of whether it's BiS. My stat priorities have just changed thanks to this thread xD

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Yeah, I have the 4-setbonus, but I chose not to use it, since it has too much mastery for my taste. Also, the 4piece-bonus isn't that good...

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Yeah, I have the 4-setbonus, but I chose not to use it, since it has too much mastery for my taste. Also, the 4piece-bonus isn't that good...


I disagree there, it's useful when you need to save people. We had this discussion here. More discussion welcome, of course :)

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Just because of that answer, tonight's raid will be an experiment smile.png


I'd definitely advise using it on a progress raid.

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Yeah, tonight will be a normal-run. We got some new members that we're gonna boost, but I'll be 2healing with another raider's alt, so it might be useful still

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