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Advice to improve myself as restoshammy

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Hello fellow shamans, i have since 5.4 recently rerolled restoshaman due to discpriest was really utter boring, i played restoshaman back in firelands in cata so some stuff do i still remember. My question is now what i can do to improve, since i have seen that im doing pretty bad compared to other shamans. 

anyways, this is all the wol that have been taken with me , spoils normal and jugg heroic 25man did i die on but yeah.
i can also tell that my guild just went 25man, due to both 10man and 25man logs.

world of logs:http://raidbots.com/epeenbot/eu/frostmane/fluttershyxd/
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/frostmane/Fluttershyxd/advanced

i recently let go off the 10118k hastecap to get more crit.
What i need help mostly is to learn how to heal bosses like malkorok,thok and spoils. Simple bosses that people are more spread out.  i have healing stream totem always on CD, healing rain up as much as possible where people are standing. i like to use glyph of chainhealing when im on bosses like juggernaut. 

Please give me some advice! i can take critism. :)

Thanks for readin.

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Hi Fluttershyxd, 


First thing I noticed was that you're using the Glyph of Telluric Currents, while it's not wrong to use that glyph, it is a glyph that doesn't directly affect your hps throughput. Are you dpsing during a fight? That could also affect your hps. Do you have a mana problem? Mana can be gained by stacking crit, using Mana Tide totem on cd, using other glyphs and smart healing.


I would recommend to use a directly related healing glyph instead such as Glyph of Riptide and switch around to using Glyph of Chaining for spread out fights.


As for the bosses-

In 25m raids there is a stack of people no matter where (especially melee+ tanks) and there's no reason why to not use Healing Rain on them at all times.

When people are spread out you can always use Glyph of Chaining to make your Chain Heal jump further, but in 25m there is rarely a need for that, you can usually find 4 people in need of heal within the normal range of CH.

I'm a big fan of the Conductivity talent in general, it is a huge help and increase in hps, not only because it is a mana save (yes ok it is), but because while its running you can heal heal heal (spam Chain Heal for example) and not worrie about Healing Rain. Conductivity also saves you the casting time of Healing Rain and allows you to cast a new HR while the old one still exists, thus making sure you have a 100% uptime of healing rain.

Malkorok in normal has a stacking phase, and even in heroic many guilds choose a stack strategy (you can even help by using Windwalk Totem to allow people with a debuff to move out of range of stacked people)- which provides again an excellent opportunity for Healing Rain.

Thok has a huge stacking phase, and most strategies involve stacking in groups by the boss' side. Thok's stacking phase would require you to keep an uptime of 100% Healing Rain. It is also a great opportunity to change your talent to Conductivity to make your healing rain last longer and just heal heal heal.

Spoils in 25 is normal healing, obviously Conductivity is of no use there whatsoever. No tips here except be very lenient in the use of cds whenever possible/ applicable.

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Hi Fluttershy, firstly I'd like to give my apologies that I've not managed to get you a prompt reply. I've been working long hours this week and your post got lost on my todo list. I shall have a look at your logs and things tomorrow.


In the mean time, I'd like to thank Ashtoret for the thorough reply.

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i dont really understand this raidbots website, so i looked you up on WoL.




you had a really huge spike at the end of the siege phase. i think it might be the highest burst in the fight. if you had lived to see the end of the next siege you may have had another huge burst.


i had a resto shaman in my group back in tot and he went nuts looking at charts trying to beat a tree and a disc in ten man. he finally figured it out towards the end. he stacked mastery and spirit and put the rest in haste. he glyphed riptide and put rains down on cd. and he did it, he topped the charts every fight that he lived though.


it was so worthless. he would tunnel his raid frames and die, and then there would be no difference in the fight except the other healers numbers would go up. all he figured out was how to push other ppls heals into over, and top charts. his cds were weak and he was hesitant to use them. 


keep telluric and attack mostly, heal as little as you can. take primal elementals and use a potion when you sic the fire ele on the boss during hero. dont glyph riptide and lose some spirit for crit. be the burst. save the day and get loot and dont worry about recounts pathetic little bar graph guestimate. if people want to know what youre doing send them to the WoL healing analysis graph and point out the spikes. dont react to healing bars, know the fights and have cds roaring in the exact second spikes are coming. 


the tree and the mw were made to blanket the raid, let them do their job. keep your eye on the game and observe everyone to try to figure out when too many people are going to get hit by that rolling saw blade. be the hero that makes the bad go away.

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another thing to note, with talents:


conductivity is pure hot - like a tree

rushing streams is kinda gray area - like a monk

Ancestral Guidance is pure burst - its really fun


every group is going to need different things. with your group tree and monk are probly covered.

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I'd like to reinforce what Kitsu said about burst. You are the burst GOD as a Shaman, so plan those cooldowns. Use them. It's fantastic.


I don't like to contradict kitsu, but stacking Mastery will make your cooldowns much more powerful (assuming you are using them when they are required - i.e. when people are due to be low).


i recently let go off the 10118k hastecap to get more crit.
What i need help mostly is to learn how to heal bosses like malkorok,thok and spoils. Simple bosses that people are more spread out.  i have healing stream totem always on CD, healing rain up as much as possible where people are standing. i like to use glyph of chainhealing when im on bosses like juggernaut. 


These are all good things to do, and I think you have a rough idea of what you're doing here.


From the logs Kitsu posted, I agree that you were doing a good job responding to that burst (though you only used Ascendance once, only used Healing Tide once, didn't use Spirit Link at all!).


I'm surprised that on that log your HST did so little comparative healing. Were you using Rushing Streams?


The best way to improve would be thinking more carefully about how often you can cast those cooldowns, and then executing it well.


Also staying alive is, traditionally, the optimal strategy ;)

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hey! im glad you guys took your time to answer! just remember about this and checked in. The log kitsu linked was the first time we were doing 25man heroic jugg, and i was sadly enough getting the beam right at me in p2 and died. 

here is the log from yesterdaynights raid: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/0zecjcprhuj400rx/sum/healingDone/?s=12031&e=12470

fights like jugg i have a hard time to find a really good spot to place spirit link. 

about the glyph turrets, i saw yesterday during sha of pride, galakras and jugg that when the other healers ( usually we are on 1 holypriest, 1 disc, 1 restodruids, me and a holypally) were on 50 % mana or less, i was still at full, i love the crit and i actually removed the glyph for certain fights cus i gain so much mana from the crit now. 

And i also wanna point out that i just need some advice to improve myself on fights like thok and malkorok, its not cus i wanna be rank 1, its just that i know im doing something terrible wrong cus i cant get any healing output directly sad.png

and yeah i switch the lvl 75 talents alot, i actually found ancestral guidance quiet useful on sha of pride heroic in last phase when people take constantly dmg. 

and again, thanks for the tips and responses!

Edited by fluttershyxd

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And i also wanna point out that i just need some advice to improve myself on fights like thok and malkorok, its not cus i wanna be rank 1, its just that i know im doing something terrible wrong cus i cant get any healing output directly sad.png


Normal version or Heroic? :)


If it's the Normal version, have you checked your strategies against our SoO Resto Shaman Style thread? Are you doing anything differently? :)


and yeah i switch the lvl 75 talents alot, i actually found ancestral guidance quiet useful on sha of pride heroic in last phase when people take constantly dmg. 


If you post this tip in the thread I linked above, I will add it as a tip to the guide for Heroic. Otherwise I'm afraid I shall forget! :)

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if you want help on a specific fight, please post a log or two from that fight.


thok is a bit tricky as well depending on comp. it kind of depends on your paladins and who is getting bubbled and when they use their aura. since totems dont need to cast, usually things like tranq and divine hymn get priority.

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malkorok 25man normal : http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rs0llzhofut9nj4h/sum/healingDone/?s=1582&e=1793 (prolly can update you with an heroic log after sundayraid)

thok 25man normal: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rs0llzhofut9nj4h/sum/healingDone/?s=4628&e=4951

we usually prio the two restodruids, but last time we killed thok i got bop to be able to burstheal but yeah..

i have been reading the thread but i find it still hard, i think i have tried everything on thok and nothing seems to work :<

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OK one thing I noticed from that is that you are popping Ascendance at really strange times. On that Thok fight, both of your Ascendance casts happened when your HPS was lowest! I can only assume that the movement and/or interrupts from the boss prevented you from using them optimally. Use Ascendance earlier and HTT later :)

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do riptide ticks add to ascendance and ancestral guidance?


Yes, for Ascendance. No for AG. AG only procs off direct heals, so Chain Heal, Healing Surge, that sort of thing. And the initial tick of Riptide, but not the rest.

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ah nice. so riptide - AG - Swiftness - Healing Surge lowest hp player at the time is probably a good move. HS rather than GHW since in the confined time AG is out, you want crits over efficiency. 

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Last I checked, GHW did more HPS than HS on average. I reckon that over that short time you're likely to get better spike from HS though. ASSUMING you can't get your Chain Heal to bounce :)

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i would guess going for 4set on thok would be pretty strong aswell? preferable would you use chainheal when popping ascendance or greater healing weave? tongue.png


The 4-set will improve your HPS, especially if you get lots of casts off. It won't stack with Ascendance. Sorry :)


Chain Heal procs Ascendance and does more HPS than Greater Healing Wave, so cast Chain Heal wherever possible! Only if you can't get Chain Heal to bounce should you use another spell.

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im using glyphed riptide and AG on malkorok, but i guess using all cds in the beginning is shit or?


On Malkorok I tend to pop Ascendance at the beginning, use AG after the first set of puddles, and wait to use HTT when the stack phase begins. Ascendance comes back up after the first stack phase. I usually AG after a set of puddles.


On the pull, I've hit 700k (effective) HPS burst before, with Heroism. :)


i guess using ascendance at like the 5th scream would be good timing? we usually try to take lots of stacks with our healers


It does depend entirely on your healing cooldown choreography, but earlier is better than later because you will get more Chain Heals in. When you aren't casing Chain Heal due to the screech, use your unglpyhed Riptide :)

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do you use heals like GHW etc on malkorok? cus im so confused what to cast there :| should note its 25man aswell


Well initially on the pull, we gather up for a few seconds so that the burst can happen for everyone. Chain Heal is very good here. Once the people spread out for the first mechanic, Ascendance is generally over.


On the second Ascendance, I usually Healing Rain the melee and Chain Heal them. You have a few seconds where everyone is still close together, so Chain Healing the Ranged before they spread out is also good.


Does that answer your question? :)

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Oh good!


I hope it goes well. I imagine you'll get good healing from Healing Rain and Ascendance on 25 man :)

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Last I checked, GHW did more HPS than HS on average. I reckon that over that short time you're likely to get better spike from HS though. ASSUMING you can't get your Chain Heal to bounce smile.png


So you'd really sit there and watch the staggeringly long CH cast over opening with HS and then CH HS HS? if you're already in a spot to use AG do you really want to wait for CH to go off before getting at least a little healing outbound?

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