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Advice to improve myself as restoshammy

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So you'd really sit there and watch the staggeringly long CH cast over opening with HS and then CH HS HS? if you're already in a spot to use AG do you really want to wait for CH to go off before getting at least a little healing outbound?


For Resto these days the difference is fairly small, something like (under) half a second if I recall correctly. In addition, it's already been pretty well established that within that window, the highest HPS rotation uses Chain Heal instead of your other single-target heals. You might have a second at the end to squeeze a Healing Surge in where you can't get Chain Heal in, but that would take a lot of practice :)


The thing is these days, that these burst cooldowns are used as buffers by Resto, not as "oshit" buttons. The whole idea is that you plan when to use them, and do so in a controlled manner. In this case, the immediate healing you talk about is inconsequential in comparison to the overall HPS from the cooldown. The overall HPS being increased by using Chain Heal.


If you do use AG as an "oshit" button, and it can be used for that, of course you need to ensure that people stay alive. However, this is the only reason I'd use HS over CH. In fact, that's the only case I would ever use HS - to stop the target dying right now this second.


So I don't think that ones usage of Healing Surge should depend on whether you have Ancestral Guidance up or not.

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Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I have a related question.


Out of some rare cases (sha) I always glyph CH. So naturally during Ascendance (or AG) I can't spam it, so I do CH-GHW rotation.

Is this the best way to utilize Ascendance (or AG) without draining my mana in the process?

I tried CH-HS rotation, but my mana bar didn't like it so much. Will it change much once I'll get the LMG?

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Not to hijack the thread or anything, but I have a related question.


Out of some rare cases (sha) I always glyph CH. So naturally during Ascendance (or AG) I can't spam it, so I do CH-GHW rotation.

Is this the best way to utilize Ascendance (or AG) without draining my mana in the process?

I tried CH-HS rotation, but my mana bar didn't like it so much. Will it change much once I'll get the LMG?


That's the rotation I use in these situations, too. HS is very inefficient and you should be able to fit one GHW comfortably in between each CH. I agree that HS will eat your mana bar (crap, spamming Chain Heal eats mine fast enough already!). If you got the LMG proc at exactly the right time it might be cheaper to HS, but it's not worth the effort. Especially considered that  the LMG rarely procs exactly when it's needed :P

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Hi guys, i have improved my healing alot now but now my guild is on thok 25man heroic and im really struggling. I have tried pretty much everything and i dunno anylonger.. im assigned to use my cds around 20 stacks of the scream and i also get a bop at 15-16 stacks for ascendance. Any tips?

almost been thinking of going full retard on haste for that boss only..

Edited by fluttershyxd

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glyph riptide and finish every second cast with a que'd rip. keep in mind rip tics and rain go into your ascendance, so have min 3 ppl rip'd and use AS for your rain and ascend to open your cd time. that way if it gets bad you can pop tide. depending on what you notice happening a lot, either take AG for burst when fixate starts or rushing streams for output in roar phase.


i also like to focus thok. once he spams roar, time the start of your cast with his cast bar animation finishing. he doesnt seem to stick to a rhythm, so you have to use the visual que to start your cast.

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Also, depending on the other healers comp, try to have your CDs up every other stack. Kitsu is solid on this as well. I haven't cleared took heroic yet but you have lots of options. If you start CDs at 20 stacks you can go a long way on CDs and they will be up for the third stack. Also an instant healing rain is good. I personally haven't liked conductivity on Thor but I'm sure ill test everything when we get to him (working on malk now) but being able to keep hr down might be good.

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yeah i actually noticed using elemental mastery is pretty decent, since i still have the hastecap in raid i can switch out of AS. when bl gets out in first stackingphase i can pop elemental mastery and be able to chainheal for abit longer. 

Currently last raid we had 2 restodruids, 1 holypriest, 1 discpriest, me as restoshaman, 1 holypally and 1 monk. im assigned to use my cds at 20+ stacks and i get a bop from our pallytank around 18-19 stacks. 

I found AG best to use early in the stackingphase due to people (for some reason.. ) dropping low. I also should mention that our holypally (no offence to him) is doing really bad healing which makes it abit harder (pretty much forced to take him due to we need bops for our holypriest + druids for tranq).

i think im overthinking thok too much all the time. I tested out rushing streams aswell, but i think we are more in need of bursthealing atm.

the amount of crit i have also makes me never going oom or even low on mana, while our discpriest gets completely oom after first stackingphase, meaning i need to drop manatide just for him. Been thinking of going alot higher on haste but i really dont like the thought of going for an hastecap wthat affects my totems, due to latency.

i found the logs from yesterdays raid, in the end i fucked up alot, popping ascendance without bop etc xD


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Typically for Thok, I follow a couple of rules:


Is Healing Rain down?  If no, Unleash, wait for the next shout, and cast immediately after it.

Do I have time to cast a Chain Heal, and will it be at least 70% effective healing?  If no, use HST or cast Riptide on a new target.

Is there a BoP available for me? If yes, try to put out as many Riptides as I can, and a fresh Healing Rain before the BoP, then go to town with Ascend --> CHs.


For 25m, I'm a huge fan of AG and AS.  The few times I had to heal it, I got a BoP around 10 rolling Ascend to ~15, then hit AG, hit an AS HR, and continued by CH rotation while Devotion Auras are rolling, all the way to 20ish.


It also sounds like your Disc is used to other fights.  I'd suggest they try to significantly up their Spirit, so they can shield spam with ease.  You should also be able to roll Mana Tide on the first kite phase, and either second kite phase, or just into the third stack phase.

Edited by Hybrys

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Typically for Thok, I follow a couple of rules:


Is Healing Rain down?  If no, Unleash, wait for the next shout, and cast immediately after it.

Do I have time to cast a Chain Heal, and will it be at least 70% effective healing?  If no, use HST or cast Riptide on a new target.

Is there a BoP available for me? If yes, try to put out as many Riptides as I can, and a fresh Healing Rain before the BoP, then go to town with Ascend --> CHs.


For 25m, I'm a huge fan of AG and AS.  The few times I had to heal it, I got a BoP around 10 rolling Ascend to ~15, then hit AG, hit an AS HR, and continued by CH rotation while Devotion Auras are rolling, all the way to 20ish.


It also sounds like your Disc is used to other fights.  I'd suggest they try to significantly up their Spirit, so they can shield spam with ease.  You should also be able to roll Mana Tide on the first kite phase, and either second kite phase, or just into the third stack phase.

I like the priority system, it's a great algorithm similar to how real world medicine (my career field) works. You see dps do it all the time to squeeze out the most damage. Typically healing isn't about pushing the most hps at all times but a fight like Thok HC really forces that focus.

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