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By Rosss
Hello Lads,
Sory to bother you, but I have small issues with summoning Golem and skeletons. For some reason yesterday during the game I press something or I did and can't summoning Golem and Skeletons anymore.
I play on PS5 console
I'll attach few pictures to give you idea what I did or I gave to do to fix the problem.
By Jacker96
Hello all,
does anyone know if you have an old legendary/ancient/primal item that is missing an effect from a recent upgrade to game, can it be re-rolled in the cube to get the new effect?
For example: I have 2 Etched Sigil
One only casts Energy Twister, the others allows me to cast almost any spell.
I have the one that casts Energy Twister extracted, can I change It to the other?
I am playing Diablo 3 Eternal Collection on Switch.
Thanks :3
By Cutthraot
I recently returned after a semi-long abscence/break and remembered I enjoyed the Necromancer Pestilence set with Corpse Lance, but couldn't quite remember the build, so I hit up the Necromancer Corpse Lance Build with Pestilence or Trag'Oul's set.
In the Skills and Runes section, it's mentioned that alongside Land of the Dead, one would also pick Simulacrum (3rd and 4th paragraph of "2. Skills and Runes"), yet the skill shows nowhere in the build's actual skills and between the stated skills to be picked, there's no room for it. Similarly confusing was the mention of picking the "Stand Alone" passive as it would "take full advantage of the lack of permanent minions on its side, and enjoys the full 100% armor bonus." - yet the build includes "Command Skeletons".
Am I missing something crucial or has the guide been reworked at some time and this was overlooked?
Thanks for any clarification!
By Leto
Set myself a challenge to create a T16 viable funbuild with some rarely used legendary gems and here it is 💝
Of course Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver and Gem of Efficacious Toxin can be easily switched for things like Bane of the Stricken or Bane of the Powerful to make build viable for even higher Rifts, but that wasn't really the point 🦄
I like not having to cycle through too many buttons so that's why I picked two aura runes.
I personally don't have the seasonal 4th cube unlocked, but I think the best option would be to add Reilena's Shadowhook for an added damage buff.
In terms of Paragon Points, I'd just max movement speed and essence increase and then put everything in intelligence, since the build is very sturdy and you shouldn't struggle with survival once you hit 15 stacks of Bone Armor at all. Like with every Grace of Inarius build though, you need to be careful when when you're low on stacks, but keeping them at 15 at all times shouldn't be a problem.
Since it uses both the Inarius and Aughild sets with Ring of Royal Grandeur, the set items used can be swapped to personal preference as long as both are active.
Head: Aughild's Peak
Chest: Inarius's Conviction
Shoulders: Inarius's Martyrdom
Bracers: Aughild's Ultimatum
Gloves: Inarius's Will
Belt: Dayntee's Binding
Pants: Inarius's Reticence
Boots: Inarius's Perseverance
Amulet: Wisdom of Kalan
Ring1: Krysbin's Sentence
Ring2: Lornelle's Sunstone
Weapon: Jesseth Skullscythe
Off Hand: Jesseth Skullshield
Active Skills:
Grim ScytheCursed Scythe
Command SkeletonsFreezing Grasp
Command GolemBone Golem
Bone ArmorDislocation
FrailtyAura of Frailty
DevourDevouring Aura
Passive Skills:
Fueled by Death
Spreading Malediction
Commander of the Risen Dead
Rigor Mortis
Legendary Gems:
Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver
Gem of Efficacious Toxin
Red Soul Shard
Bane of the Trapped
Kanai's Cube
Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang
Aquila Cuirass
Ring of Royal Grandeur
Reilena's Shadowhook
The general principle is to soften enemies up with Inarius, Gem of Efficacious Toxin and a barrage of debilitating effects to make the damage output from Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver and Red Soul Shard actually significant.
Questions, experiences, suggestions and love letters are always welcome!
By Saphiq
I decided to start making this build because i enjoyed the effect of Etched Sigil and Ranslor's Folly together. Legacy of Dreams is not required for this to work, you can also use Litany of the Undaunted and The Wailing Host, but LoD makes it a bit more flexible and doesn't require chancing perfect ring rolls. The greatest thing about this is that you don't need to worry about enemies being sprawled about or worry about pressing multiple spells. The damage does not really stack until you get more ancient legendaries equipped but once those start happening you will get to at least GR 80 with no trouble.
In terms of paragon stats, you should be maxing out movement speed and then just stacking into intelligence. You can put some stats into vitality if you are dying too often.
Try to stay away from diving into enemies too much and keep your distance. i found that the tornadoes do not spawn well with enemies up close.
Main hand: Deathwish
Off hand: Etched Sigil
Hands: Penders Purchase
Shoulders: Mantle of Channeling
Chest: Aquila Cuirass
Head: Andariel's Visage
Neck: Haunt of Vaxo
Wrists: Ancient Parthan Defenders
Belt: Cord of the Sherma
Legs: Skelon's Deceit (or Death's Bargain)
Feet: Irontoe Mudsputters
Ring 1: Convention of Elements
Ring 2: Stone of Jordan
Energy TwisterWicked Wind
Ice ArmorCrystallize
Magic WeaponDeflection
Unwavering Will
Temporal Flux
Power Hungry
Legendary Gems:
Esoteric Alteration
Legacy of Dreams
Bane of the Trapped
Kanai's Cube:
Valthek's Rebuke
The Twisted Sword
Oculus Ring
Ranslor's Folly
Feel free to comment with any changes you think would improve this or how it worked out for you.