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Which should I chose and what to replace.

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Out of interest I  thought I'd try an otk Priest,

The one below is the nearest I have to match one, just 2 cards short, both however are important cards

I don't have Prophet Velen nor do I have Malygos

I have enough dust to craft one of them

I'm guessing Valen is the one to go for

But I can see the adantage of a +5 spell damage

So the question is twofold.....

1. Which to Craft! (Or is there an alternative?) 

2. What to replace the other one with ?


oh, here's the full deck......


Neutral (1)

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I suggest you not to craft things for a standard priest deck, as the class is in a bad place right now and I don't think it will be better for some time.

Even if you really want to play priest, I don't think this is the kind of deck that work without both Velen and Malygos. I'm not sure about how this standard deck works right now (I'm most a wild player), but I think that you need 2 otk enablers (V&M) for having better chances to draw at least one of them. With only one, your win rate will be lower (with overall priest win rate being bad this season).

Then, if you really really want to play this deck, this are pro and cons: Velen and Malygos are equal strong with one mind blast (10 dmg), while 2 Velen on board are better for mind blast (20 damage instead of 15 with 2 Maly), and Maly is better with less-then-5 damage spells like holy smite (7 dmg instead of 4). So I would say that Velen is better, but we must remember that Malygos is a neutral minion used in lots of OTK deck through years, while Velen is only used in Priest OTK deck.

The choice is yours.

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As Mr Synesthesy notes, priest is not in a very good state right now in standard.

BUT, since OTK decks are my favorite thing in this game after control warrior, i would love to give you my thoughts.

  • In order for an OTK priest to work, you would definitely need both Malygos and Prophet Velen. These two are not enough by themselves tho to beat decks like control warrior, which is very popular right now. You will need imo to play Jepetto Joybuzz, and try to highroll a 1 mana 1/1 velen and/or 1 mana 1/1 maly. If you manage to get that combo off, you can have a maximum damage output of 68 (2x Mind Blast for 20 each plus 2x Holy Smite for 14 each, for 8 mana total (1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1)).
  • Generally in OTK decks you want to include Alexstrasza as well.
  • Building that deck will require surviving and being able to handle big boards. As for survivability, the only things priest has are Divine Hymn and Regenerate. As for board clearing, any combination of Mass HysteriaHoly Nova is not enough, and you generally want to avoid combos like Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing and Wild Pyromancer if you are playing Jepetto Joybuzz.
  • One very important thing to keep in mind, is that priest doesn't have a consistent way of getting Jepetto Joybuzz. Hunters, in the Malygos Hunter build, can utilize Master's Call to get Jepetto Joybuzz in a very consistent basis.
  • Not all who wander are lost tho (and i am certainly not the essence of magic), so since i like the idea a lot and i have the cards required, i could try to build and test some lists the following days and give you my results <3.

PS : I don't think we can get better results than Malygos Hunter, but we can certainly try

Edited by CodeRazor
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If you really want to try out OTK Priest (albeit a different approach) for cheap, have a look at Wall PriestArchmage Vargoth you got for free, and you can swap both Catrina Muerte and Zilliax for a second Inner Fire and Hench-Clan Shadequill to get started. Both are pretty good cards but not essential ones for the deck to work.

Once you've done that and played some games to get the hand of it, then you'll know whether you actually like the gameplay and if investing dust in any of those legendaries is worth it.


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Synesthesy, ColdRazor, Keizoku

Thank you, very good points and explanations from you all.

ColdRazor, like magic, you manage to state the legend cards I don't have... lol  -                                                                                                        I have double checked and I can - if need be  - craft any 2 legendaries  though once again I see the point about - in effect - wasting dust on a not so good (at this time) class.

 I am relatively new at this and really just trying things to learn.

I do like Hunter (I have a mid-range Hunter deck that utilizes Halazzi, the Lynx legendary instead of whatever normally is used I cant remember) & Priest, with an occasional Mage thrown in and this is - as I said - more of an exploration as to what and how to play such a deck, and how I can - if I can - change it to suit my collection, and consequently find which decks I enjoy playing. (getting to the   no 1 spot isn't as important to me as enjoying what I play, going up in rank is a bonus, not a requirement).

I have 1064 cards out of a total of  3707 (if HSReplay is Right) of which 24 are Legendary (dunno if that's a good ratio)

Lots of people/decks say play this or that legendary, which I don't have , which makes me think that -so far - I have the short end of the stick in getting Legendary's (though from a previous topic I know I do have a couple of good ones- and I think I picked up a couple good ones with RoS).

Plus, I seem to lack the luck needed - I mean I am presuming that regardless of how strong your deck is, not getting the the card draw you need at the time you need  would make the play well difficult at least.  I seem to have that [bad] luck (it's more likley due to my lack of skill and knowledge). Also I am still learning how to mulligan properly - which doesn't help.

2 hours ago, Keizoku said:

If you really want to try out OTK Priest (albeit a different approach) for cheap, have a look at Wall Priest

Keizoku, took a quick look at that, and apart from the two legendaries you mentioned I have all those cards,.                   Though I don't quite  understand the point of Hench-Clan Shadequill in giving your enemy hero 5 health back.

Edit: just a thought is it a distraction for a  low-health opponent targeting that instead of other minions ?  

Thanks again to you 3, once again I have had good clear comprehensive answers to my question - leading to more questions and a headache thinking.....lol



Edited by Sleete
make it neater
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54 minutes ago, Sleete said:

Keizoku, took a quick look at that, and apart from the two legendaries you mentioned I have all those cards.

Though I don't quite  understand the point of Hench-Clan Shadequill in giving your enemy hero 5 health back.

Edit: just a thought is it a distraction for a  low-health opponent targeting that instead of other minions ?  

The Shadequill is there to contest the board in the begin of the game and trade favorably into your opponent's minions, it's a cheap and huge body that'll keep you alive while you get into place. You don't care too much your opponent is at full HP throughout the game, your goal is to OTK them anyway.

What you must do is start with a juicy big minion on the board that can attack (Mosh'ogg Enforcer is the best one, but any minion with large health remaining works) and then you go Mass Dispel to get rid of any taunt and use a combo of Power Word: ShieldDivine Spirit and either Inner Fire or Topsy Turvy to turn that large health pool into attack and one-shot your opponent's face. Only warriors can possibly avoid this by gaining a lot armor.

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10 hours ago, Keizoku said:

What you must do is start with a juicy big minion on the board that can attack (Mosh'ogg Enforcer is the best one, but any minion with large health remaining works) and then you go Mass Dispel to get rid of any taunt and use a combo of Power Word: ShieldDivine Spirit and either Inner Fire or Topsy Turvy to turn that large health pool into attack and one-shot your opponent's face. Only warriors can possibly avoid this by gaining a lot armor

Well it's worth a try! and I see  the point about the warrior, had that happen many a time.

Thanks Keizoku

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