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Favorite starting zone?

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I am a new player on vanilla WoW and I am wondering where is the best/ a personal favorite place to start at. I am curious about this in regards to level-up speed and general fun. Any response helps!

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I would probably start with your race's starting zone, but it depends on what level you are.

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If we're talking about the level 1-5 subzones, it really doesn't matter. They are all designed very similiarly in terms of quests since they act like a tutorial, so like Blainie said, it would probably be best to stick with your race's starting zone, even just to save some unnecessary travel time.

I can only talk for the Horde side, but past the tutorial zone my favorite has always been Durotar (minus Echo Isles, those are trash). Mulgore feels kinda slow (although that might just be the Tauren running animation), and I've never really warmed up to Tirisfal, just thematically.

If you are interested in speedleveling in Classic, check out Kargoz on Youtube.

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I used to travel to level through the Human zones on Night Elf characters just because I hated their zone so much, but at that point I just didn't care about speed at all. I just enjoyed the Human zones so much more

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