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Show me your perfect MW UI

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Hello, my friends. 

To pull out 110% of my Mistweaver, i am still trying to optimize my UI, so it'd be even more comfortable to play our beloved healer class. Tonight i'll screenshot my UI in raid conditions, maybe together we'll work out some new concepts of UI. Can you show me your UI as well, maybe i'll come with some new ideas?




This is my current UI: 2mgrtzb.jpg


i am still adjusting my binds to Logitech G13 i've bought recently.

Edited by Krazyito

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I fixed your picture for you.


that looks pretty cool.  Mine is pretty much similar to Affinitii.  I took it back in Dragon Soul and just changed a couple things for myself.  I'll upload it later when I get a chance

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Well, currently my bindings are the one that is bothering me so much. Logitech G13 and every other gaming pad is enormously awesome device, but after playing for a while with normal keyboard, it's pretty hard to switch to different bindings layout. 

Also, i thought that placing raid frames in the middle of the screen is not so bad idea since it's pretty close to see what's happening, not only focusing on raid frames. 


P.s. Thanks for editing, although i ment to place only link, so that mobile users won't have their forums strained.

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Eh, looks fine on my phone. =P

OH so it was you who replaced me biggrin.png .Tell Raanch and Swquel I said herro and I love them tongue.png


Also, on point to this topic.


I use the Affinity UI, its really clean version of Elvui for me. I have weakauras for the spells (same as Affinity) but also for each fight including healing cooldowns of the raid so I can call out for them in high damage (revival cant do it all). 


Very cool UI though, except not for me. I don't like having timers and weakauras in the middle it interferes too much with mechanics and in case i need to drop spheres for quick burst.


Raid frames look cool there, very minimalist. Although I don't understand how healers can use just the keyboard and hotkeys, it would bother me. Instead for me I have a naga mouse and I cast using modifiers alt-shift-cntrl + # ect. Really loving it though.

Edited by Albomonk

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OH so it was you who replaced me biggrin.png .Tell Raanch and Swquel I said herro and I love them tongue.png


I play Resto Druid here, not monk.  But, ok.  Pretty sure I didn't replace anyone since their last druid went to stormrage.  We had 3 MW monks too, but 1 went pally now i guess and the others are all right



Here's that screenshot I promised but never did., It's basically the same as my monk one.  Just a sort of knock off from Affinitii UI..  I made most of this Back in DS and MoP beta when he was messing with it.


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I play Resto Druid here, not monk.  But, ok.  Pretty sure I didn't replace anyone since their last druid went to stormrage.  We had 3 MW monks too, but 1 went pally now i guess and the others are all right



Here's that screenshot I promised but never did., It's basically the same as my monk one.  Just a sort of knock off from Affinitii UI..  I made most of this Back in DS and MoP beta when he was messing with it.



Your UI looks very similar to mine. And okay, just teasing lol.

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6E5A10I.jpgThis is the UI in combat




This is another combat shot with a few more elements active.



4gEdSFt.jpgThis the UI at rest. It only tells me what I need to know when I need to know it.



kovpPCM.jpgThis is what the guts of the UI look like. Most of the icons are consolidated into other icons or they are action bars that never show. Bartender4, Tellmewhen, Grid, Quartz, Shadowed Unit Frames, Sexymap and Deadly Boss Mods are the core components.

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