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Patch 8.2: Conflict and Strife PvP Essence

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An interesting new Essence has been added to 8.2 PTR yesterday called Conflict and Strife. It allows for the use of a single predetermined PvP talent for each Class in PvE and we have the full list.

If you're late to the party, check out our Heart of Azeroth Changes and the Introduction to Essences in Patch 8.2 to learn about upcoming changes to the system in Rise of Azshara.

Conflict and Strafe (8.2 Build 30495)

The Essence serves as a nice modifier, allowing each Class to use a predetermined PvP talent in PvE, which is different for each specialization.

Rank Source Major Power Desc Minor Power Desc Major Power Actual Minor Power Actual
1 Claim a weekly PVP War Chest in Season 3 or later. Conflict Strife Conflict Strife
2 Reach 1000+ rating then claim your next weekly PVP War Chest in Season 3 or later. Conflict Strife Conflict Strife
3 Collect Burgeoning Battlefield Furor from your weekly War Chest. Conflict Strife Conflict Strife
4 Reach the rank of Elite in the week then claim your next weekly PVP War Chest in Season 3 or later. Conflict Strife Conflict Strife

We datamined the following PvP talents related to Conflict and Strife in the latest 8.2 PTR build:

Death Knight Death Knight

  • BloodUnholy Command Unholy Command -  Your Death Grip has two charges.
  • FrostChill Streak Chill Streak - Deals up to 6% of the target's total health in Frost damage and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Chill Streak bounces up to 9 times between closest targets within 6 yards.
  • UnholyNecrotic Strike Necrotic Strike - A vicious strike that deals [ 30% of Attack Power ] Plague damage, and converts 1 Festering Wounds into a Necrotic Wound, absorbing up to 7% of the target's maximum health in healing recieved.

Demon Hunter Demon Hunter

  • HavocDemonic Origins Demonic Origins - The cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 2 min, but now lasts 15 sec.
  • VengeanceCleansed by Flame Cleansed by Flame - Immolation Aura dispels all magical effects on you when cast.

Druid Druid

  • BalanceMoonkin Aura Moonkin Aura - Starsurge grants 4% spell critical strike chance to 8 allies within 40 yards for 18 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
  • FeralLeader of the Pack Leader of the Pack - While in Cat Form, you increase the melee and ranged critical chance of raid members within 40 yards by 5%. Leader of the Pack also causes affected targets to heal themselves for 4% of their maximum health when they critically hit with a melee or ranged attack. The healing effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.
  • GuardianSharpened Claws Sharpened Claws - Maul increases the damage done by your Swipe and Thrash by 25% for 6 sec.
  • RestorationOvergrowth Overgrowth - Instantly applies Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Regrowth's heal over time effect to the target.

Hunter Hunter

  • All SpecsSurvival Tactics Survival Tactics - Feign Death removes all harmful magical effects, and reduces damage taken by 99% for 1.5 sec.

Mage Mage

  • ArcaneArcane Empowerment Arcane Empowerment - Clearcasting can now stack 2 additional times, and increases the damage of Arcane Missiles by 5% per stack. Clearcasting no longer reduces the mana cost of Arcane Explosion.
  • FireFlamecannon Flamecannon - After standing still in combat for 2 sec, your maximum health increases by 3%, damage done increases by 3%, and range of your Fire spells increase by 3 yards. This effect stacks up to 5 times and lasts for 5 sec.
  • FrostConcentrated Coolness Concentrated Coolness - Frozen Orb's damage is increased by 10% and is now castable at a location with a 40 yard range but no longer moves.

Monk Monk

  • BrewmasterHot Trub Hot Trub - Purifying Brew deals 30% of your purified staggered damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
  • MistweaverWay of the Crane Way of the Crane - Increases your Physical damage by 25%, you remove and become immune to all snare and root effects and you heal up to 3 nearest allies for 150% of all damage done. Lasts 15 sec.
  • WindwalkerReverse Harm Reverse Harm - Heals a friendly target for 8% of their maximum health, and causes 100% of the amount healed to instantly be dealt to the nearest enemy as Nature damage within 5 yards.

Paladin Paladin

  • HolyDivine Favor Divine Favor - Your next Holy Light or Flash of Light is increased by 100%, costs no mana and is unable to be interrupted.
  • ProtectionSteed of Glory Steed of Glory - Your Divine Steed lasts for an additional 2 sec. While active you become immune to movement impairing effects, and you knock back enemies that you move through.
  • RetributionUnbound Freedom Unbound Freedom - Blessing of Freedom also increases movement speed by 30%.

Priest Priest

  • DisciplinePremonition Premonition - Heals nearby targets within 20 yards for [ 75% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement to yourself. Deals [ PS * BC1 ] Shadow damage to yourself for each Atonement you have active, and increases their duration by [ 5 + 0.1% of Spell Power ] sec.
  • HolyRapid Mending Rapid Mending - Prayer of Mending is now instant cast, and its jump range is increased by 10 yards.
  • ShadowVoid Origins Void Origins - Void Eruption is now instant cast.

Rogue Rogue

  • All SpecsSmoke Bomb Smoke Bomb - Creates a cloud of thick smoke in a 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud.

Shaman Shaman

  • ElementalLightning Lasso Lightning Lasso - Grips the target in lightning, stunning the target and dealing O2% of the target's maximum health in Nature damage over 5 sec. Can move while channeling.
  • EnhancementRide the Lightning Ride the Lightning - If there are more than 2 enemies within 8 yards when you cast Stormstrike, you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target, dealing [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Otherwise, you conjure bolts of lightning to up to 2 furthest enemies within 40 yards dealing [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.
  • RestorationAncestral Gift Ancestral Gift - You become immune to Silence and Interrupt effects for 5 sec after using Spiritwalker's Grace.

Warlock Warlock

  • AfflictionEndless Affliction Endless Affliction - Your Unstable Affliction deals the same damage as normal, but its duration is increased by 6 sec.
  • DemonologyNether Ward Nether Ward - Surrounds the caster with a shield that lasts 3 sec, reflecting all harmful spells cast on you.
  • DestructionDemon Armor Demon Armor - Protects the caster, increasing maximum health by 10% and increases armor by 150%.

Warrior Warrior

  • ArmsSharpen Blade Sharpen Blade - When activated, your next Mortal Strike will deal 15% increased damage and reduce healing taken by 50% for 6 sec.
  • FuryBattle Trance Battle Trance - You go into a trance causing you to regenerate 3% of your health and generate 5 Rage every 3 sec for 18 sec after using Raging Blow twice in a row on a target. Using Raging Blow on a new target will cancel this effect.
  • ProtectionThunderstruck Thunderstruck - Thunder Clap roots all targets for 1 sec.


Note that this is the initial push of abilities for the Conflict and Strife Essence. Expect more tuning to follow in future 8.2 builds.

Blizzard LogoBlizzard (Source)

It’s important to know – this is a preliminary look at this Essence. We’ll have changes to it in future PTR builds.

At this time, not all choices have been replaced or modified as needed to be acceptable in PvE.

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I am really psyched for the way of the crane!
Hate that avenging wrath was pally only!

It also in a way pushes monks in a fistweaving direction, what if someone does not want to? ONE pvp talent to rule them all?
What's worse:
I mean some are partly irrelevant while other force you to lean in direction to make use of it.
Chill streak looks pretty OP combined to retri's movement speed bonus ='D or hunter/rogue stuff, seems pretty lazy to retract from spec identify for one dps spec and not the other.
One spec gets 15% dmg bonus other spec gets 30% movement speed on a single ability? Really?

Edited by Koxsos

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That list is very very wonky. Some of the talents chosen are insanely powerful, some of them are okay, and some are really really week. I mean look at the warlock ones and then look at the mage ones, very uneven. Then again maybe that will be fine given you'll have a lot of choice for essences.

I'm not looking forward to grinding the PvP for the PvE power though.

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Ride the lightning will be fun in M+. *filtered* my enh is already broken and has 30-35K overall dmg in Dungeons

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4 hours ago, Stan said:

ProtectionSteed of GlorySteed of Glory - Your Divine Steed lasts for an additional 2 sec. While active you become immune to movement impairing effects, and you knock back enemies that you move through.

This will make me change from Ret to Prot main.  

This alone.  Now Gimme back muh Cavalier talent!

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24 minutes ago, Rooach said:

Ride the lightning will be fun in M+. *filtered* my enh is already broken and has 30-35K overall dmg in Dungeons

Saw hunters get Survival tactics and thought to myself great wtf did they give shaman then. Immediately became erect lol

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3 hours ago, Borgoff33 said:

Survival Tactics ? are you shiiting me blizz could you have picked a more trash talent.. (awnser is no they picked the most trash one)

Saw that too and wondered why they are giving a class that can only dps an option that does no damage?

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There is no way this list will go live this way, or this is NOT intended for actual PVE use. Rogue can probably break half the bosses ingame with this or else it wont work, which would be BS. Anythign mentioning % damage obviously cant work, Boomkin and Feral druid are INSANE, 12% spellcrit on 8 (or more depending on if it refreshes or starts new stacks when one group is capped) and 5% phys crit for everyone, with a heal to boot, this isnt balanced or really balancable IMO.

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3 hours ago, Borgoff33 said:

Survival Tactics ? are you shiiting me blizz could you have picked a more trash talent.. (awnser is no they picked the most trash one)


Iceblock on a 30 second CD is.. trash?


If this goes live, this will be a mandatory essence for Hunters - So many mechanics that you can just go "LOL NOPE"

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1 hour ago, Labi132 said:

There is no way this list will go live this way, or this is NOT intended for actual PVE use. Rogue can probably break half the bosses ingame with this or else it wont work, which would be BS. Anythign mentioning % damage obviously cant work, Boomkin and Feral druid are INSANE, 12% spellcrit on 8 (or more depending on if it refreshes or starts new stacks when one group is capped) and 5% phys crit for everyone, with a heal to boot, this isnt balanced or really balancable IMO.

My raid group was looking at this in discord earlier and my RL said that if it went live like this Feral/Balance would become mandatory in every mythic raid, so I highly doubt they'll actually make it to live in this state, as the article itself said this is datamined untuned stuff.

That being said I've long looked at some of the PvP talents with envious eyes. The Frost Mage orb talent alone is an amazing QoL improvement as there is nothing worse than your orb getting stuck on a pebble twenty yards away from the boss.

I really like this idea, but we'll have to see how the tuning goes to see if it they'll be worth using.

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7 hours ago, Stan said:


Demon HunterDemon Hunter

  • HavocDemonic OriginsDemonic Origins - The cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 2 min, but now lasts 15 sec.
  • VengeanceCleansed by FlameCleansed by Flame - Immolation Aura dispels all magical effects on you when cast.


Immolation Aura Icon Immolation Aura deals very high Fire damage to all enemies in an 8-yard radius instantly, and then also lower damage every second for 6 seconds. It has a 15-second cooldown (reduced by Haste) and it generates 20 Pain over the course of its 6 seconds. It is excellent for building threat in AoE situations  (Vengence)


Ok..........really not an ideal essence to be tied to this skill if most DH tanks use the skill to build threat and help pump dmg with relation to using Spirit Bomb :/

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4 hours ago, tkioz said:

My raid group was looking at this in discord earlier and my RL said that if it went live like this Feral/Balance would become mandatory in every mythic raid, so I highly doubt they'll actually make it to live in this state, as the article itself said this is datamined untuned stuff.

That being said I've long looked at some of the PvP talents with envious eyes. The Frost Mage orb talent alone is an amazing QoL improvement as there is nothing worse than your orb getting stuck on a pebble twenty yards away from the boss.

I really like this idea, but we'll have to see how the tuning goes to see if it they'll be worth using.

Honestly some of these are so broken for some specs and garbage for others. As a fury main it sucks balls to see Arms get it's bis dmg talent as theirs and we get a tiny bit of rage and a small heal on fury which is very conditional. Pretty much useless outside of ST fights or bosses. As you said with the Frost mage Orb, I believe this system would be a lot better if everyone just got Qol talents or non dmg talents rather than making some class talents insane and others useless. Makes you feel *filtered* for playing what you enjoy if you didn't get lucky with which side of the rng blizzards random talent lands you on.

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23 hours ago, tkioz said:

My raid group was looking at this in discord earlier and my RL said that if it went live like this Feral/Balance would become mandatory in every mythic raid, so I highly doubt they'll actually make it to live in this state, as the article itself said this is datamined untuned stuff.

That being said I've long looked at some of the PvP talents with envious eyes. The Frost Mage orb talent alone is an amazing QoL improvement as there is nothing worse than your orb getting stuck on a pebble twenty yards away from the boss.

I really like this idea, but we'll have to see how the tuning goes to see if it they'll be worth using.

Druids were always needed for the mark of the wild buf right. Or they were always mandatory. So this is great right?

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2 hours ago, Glaiver said:

Druids were always needed for the mark of the wild buf right. Or they were always mandatory. So this is great right?

Err not to be rude but when was the last time you raided? Mark of the Wild briefly returned in the BFA Beta but it never made it back to live. The only buffs required for a raid team are Priest for Fortitude, Warrior for Battle Shout, Mage for Arcane Intellect, Monk for 5% physical damage debuff on mobs, and Demon Hunter for 5% magical damage debuff on mobs.

Oh you can make do with scrolls for the three buffs themselves, 7% vs. 10%, but they are expensive and a night of progress raiding can easily cost 10k for a single type of scrolls, but there is no replacement for the two damage debuffs. It's the reason that Demon Hunters were the single melee in the CoS race.

Honestly looking at the buff system as it stands now I'm more convinced than ever that Blizzard deliberately poison pilled the reintroduction. In case people aren't aware poison pilling is common in the business world, it's where you make yourself unattractive to take over by deliberately harming an asset.

This is what Blizzard did with the buff system, which players had been asking for back for years, they deliberately went out of their way to make it cumbersome and an mandatory in the hope that we'll ask them to remove it.

It's not like they weren't aware of the problems they were bringing since those were problems they already solved before removing the system. For example the Priest Fortitude buff provides health, but so did the Warlock Imp Pet, the two didn't stack, so you could have one, or both, in the raid as it fit your composition. The same thing for Blood Lust, it was Shaman only during TBC, which was a problem, so in Wrath they gave it to Hunters and Mages, solving the issue as surely a raid group will have one of the three in there somewhere.

The simplest thing to do would have been to spread the buffs and debuffs to at least two classes for each one and not have them stack, maximising the chances that a organically formed raid group will have them.

It reeks of deliberate sabotage to me, of course it could just be incompetence. Can't really tell with Blizzard these days.

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