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<US-Kil'Jaden> [H25] SHO 10/14HM Late Night

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<Silly Hats Only> is a late night 25 man raiding guild on US-Kil'Jaeden where the core are working adults who can not raid at other times. We offer a fair, friendly, mature, and progressive raiding environment. The majority of our raiders are over 20. We all share the common values of being respectable, responsible and accountable.

If you like to cause drama or have tendencies to go emo, easily offended, or can not take criticism in a mature manner, we are probably not for you.

We raid:
- On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- From 10pm to 1am Pacific (Server)
- For 3 days / 9 hours a week

We have been around since 2008 with a strong leadership core that have been raiding together since Ulduar.

As part of being raid ready, we expect every raider to pick up information regarding raiding (etiquette, speccing, gemming, glyphing, enchanting, boss encounters, consumables, gear for mainspec, offspec, etc).

We raid 9 hours a week and we push to get as much done in that time as possible.

We are always looking for strong individuals that can contribute in raids and socially out of raids.

We are interested in folks who share these qualities:
1. Remain informed and updated about WoW.
2. Are driven to excel and be competitive with their peers.
3. Are self sufficient and reliant but willing to lend a helping hand.
4. Are self aware and accountable for their actions or lack there of.
5. Are environment aware and will adapt quickly to situational changes.
6. Are able to take directions and executes them well.
7. Have a good personality and strong moral character.
8. Have a silly inner child that enjoys a good laugh.

We like to keep our roster at about 30-35. Our aim is for everyone to get playing time, while we sometimes may rotate folks in and out depending on progression needs, we will always try to make things fair for everyone.

All applications are private. We prefer applicants who can contribute at or close to our level of progression.

We are always open to players who share our values and culture. If you are looking for a long term raiding home, we are looking for good long term folks to raid with.

More information can be found on our Guild Site: http://www.sillyhatsguild.com

Raid Times (Pacific):
Tuesday: 10:00pm - 1:00am
Wednesday: 10:00pm - 1:00am
Thursday: 10:00pm - 1:00am

Loot System: DKP for everything except tier pieces which is officer council

Badnewsbear, Rage, Fury, Ayleah, Mularos, Snapplez, Meyp, Cutiepie

Classes that are currently a high priority:
Feral Druid
DPS Warrior
Enhance Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Restoration Shaman
DPS Deathknight
DPS Priest
Healing Monk

But we are always recruiting exceptional players

Edited by Drafty53

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