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Hunter PvP 1.12 (Classic)

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Guest Razine

Hello, I might have missed something but in the PvP gameplay you tell us to use or instant like Multishot, but Multishot is not instant.

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Hi Impakt,

Entrapment + frost traps are the single most broken thing hunters had in vanilla wow in many pvp situations, and IMO skipping this talent is nearly downright criminal. 

The reason is a synergy that is unique to frost trap. Because frost trap pulses it's snare as a timed ticking check (is player on the trap? then tick the snare), each time this check is performed, entrapment has a chance to proc. So entrapment gets a huge number of chances to proc over the course of a maximum duration, 2/2 clever traps trap; and reprocs can leave hostile entities chain-immobilised for the entire duration at times depending on RNG.


Take this build, pick a fight with a warrior and give it a run. Good RNG with 5/5 entrapment frost traps can get you a victorious 3v1. 

Edited by Jaimaster

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On 9/22/2019 at 2:58 AM, Jaimaster said:

Hi Impakt,

Entrapment + frost traps are the single most broken thing hunters had in vanilla wow in many pvp situations, and IMO skipping this talent is nearly downright criminal. 

The reason is a synergy that is unique to frost trap. Because frost trap pulses it's snare as a timed ticking check (is player on the trap? then tick the snare), each time this check is performed, entrapment has a chance to proc. So entrapment gets a huge number of chances to proc over the course of a maximum duration, 2/2 clever traps trap; and reprocs can leave hostile entities chain-immobilised for the entire duration at times depending on RNG.


Take this build, pick a fight with a warrior and give it a run. Good RNG with 5/5 entrapment frost traps can get you a victorious 3v1. 

Interesting, I'll definitely take a look at the build. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Guest Dieselwarden

Intimidation/Scattershot build isnt listed? Which in my opinion is the top tier of hunter pvp builds.

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Guest Barracoon

Hey, really interested the thought process behind the 8% hit in your pvp bis setup. This is not counting the extra hit from Surefooted.

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On 10/18/2020 at 12:31 AM, Guest Barracoon said:

Hey, really interested the thought process behind the 8% hit in your pvp bis setup. This is not counting the extra hit from Surefooted.

The 8% hit is really just a byproduct of the gear - you definitely do not need 8% hit for pvp. The gear is just very strong in addition to the hit, offering lots of stamina, agility, int, and other stats you would want for a strong general PVP setup to combine high damage potential with survivability. Keep in mind there is no hard and fast BiS setup for PvP since everyone is going to want to change around what they use depending on how you are PvPing and how you like to play. Personally I love a more glass-cannon style build and will go for more damage.

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Guest mistake

well grimore is in trinekt menu, and its offhand weapon some one was 2 high? :D

also bis weapon would be axe from cthun, i know stats etc but this proc is insane, rly useful for hunter, also aint that bad stats if u ask me

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On 2/28/2021 at 10:56 AM, Guest mistake said:

well grimore is in trinekt menu, and its offhand weapon some one was 2 high? 😄

also bis weapon would be axe from cthun, i know stats etc but this proc is insane, rly useful for hunter, also aint that bad stats if u ask me

The Cthun axe is interesting for sure, but I don't think it'd be worth it. 19 Agility + 25 Stamina is pretty poor for taking up your melee weapon slot, and the proc is too unreliable given that you normally wouldn't get many melee swings in most of the time. The melee damage is extremely high which is great, but there are better weapons now, and I'm pretty sure Warriors would murder you if you took this from them.

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