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Transmog Updates?

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I've noticed that every section for transmogs I've visited (I'm assuming all are like this) have yet to be updated in years. There are weapons and armor pieces/sets I've seen in game that I wasn't able to inspect... and coming here is yielding zero information. 
Has this part of IcyVeins been abandoned or will there be an update coming at some point?
If there won't be, a header or message saying so would be helpful so people are aware that only older content is covered.  

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The problem is that the introduction of the wardrobe (Appearances, as it is formally known) in Legion really killed transmog traffic. Also, we used to get our transmog thumbnails from here: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/item/105808 and that was never updated when they made the move back to worldofwarcraft.com. They keep adding more and more in-game help, so it really doesn't encourage us to invest in something to revive the transmog section.

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