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DPS Rogue 1.12 (Classic)

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This thread is for feedback concerning our DPS Rogue guide for World of Warcraft: Classic.

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nice guide, anyway it should contain only items avaiable in Phase 1 for now, especially in gear page to avoid confusion of new classic players.

Then upgrade it, as classic progress goes.



Edited by Onehalf

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Guest Spiffyriffic

I just read that the PvE hit cap for abilities is 9%. Does that mean hit raiting loses tons of value after that? The pre-raid BiS has 8-9% hit rating, which puts the rogue at 13-14% with talents. That seems like wasted stats; I don't get it.

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On 8/21/2019 at 7:32 PM, Guest Spiffyriffic said:

I just read that the PvE hit cap for abilities is 9%. Does that mean hit raiting loses tons of value after that? The pre-raid BiS has 8-9% hit rating, which puts the rogue at 13-14% with talents. That seems like wasted stats; I don't get it.

9% is the PvE Ability hit cap, 24.6% is the auto attack hit cap meaning that extra hit rating is not wasted at all.

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Guest Dudewhohasaquestion

Now, for the swords build, would you be dual wielding swords or should you have a dagger in your main hand or off hand?

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Guest Sharkathi

Why do you recommend using 5 combo point Slice and Dices in the rotation? Did some napkin math, and it seems to me that 1 CP SnD is much more energy efficient (taking into account both Ruthlessness and Relentless Strikes). Am I missing something? Are my numbers wrong?

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On 9/12/2019 at 10:18 PM, Guest Dudewhohasaquestion said:

Now, for the swords build, would you be dual wielding swords or should you have a dagger in your main hand or off hand?

dual wielding swords!

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Guest Sharkathi

Actually, after doing some more math, it seems like the rotation suggested in the guide (5 CP SnD, 5 CP Eviscerate) will inevitably result in SnD not having 100% uptime. Given the importance of white/poison/windfury damage for Rogue DPS, I suspect this would be DPS loss compared to dropping CPs from either SnD or Eviscerate.

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On 9/24/2019 at 8:26 AM, Guest DakZak said:

What is the best supporting stat(s) for quicker energy regeneration? 

There is none however the talent Adrenaline Rush does provide more energy regeneration on a cooldown.

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Guest Zetla


Thx for this guide but,

pity there is no alternative equipment like the hunt

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Guest Weapon skill.

No sure about swords or maces but Diremaul has a offhand dagger which should be BiS with it's +6 weapon skill.

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On 10/14/2019 at 4:42 PM, Guest Weapon skill. said:

No sure about swords or maces but Diremaul has a offhand dagger which should be BiS with it's +6 weapon skill.

I forgot to update that to Distracting Dagger, thanks for the reminder!

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Guest DragonBane

Excellent guide, I refer to it often. The only thing is Hand of Justice, it doesn't drop from Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, it drops from General Angerforge in Classic. 

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Guest neimet



I would like to mention that blade flurry increases your attack speed by 20% and should be included in rotation/opener 

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On 10/23/2019 at 1:03 PM, Guest DragonBane said:

Excellent guide, I refer to it often. The only thing is Hand of Justice, it doesn't drop from Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, it drops from General Angerforge in Classic. 

Will fix, good catch!

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On 10/24/2019 at 6:24 PM, Guest neimet said:



I would like to mention that blade flurry increases your attack speed by 20% and should be included in rotation/opener 

That's a good idea, thank you!

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Guest Greannan

On the build and talent page, you mention that you need 9% hit for Seal Fate. Since you will have at least +5 dagger skill (from MC gloves or other sources) and precision talent under that build, you only need 1% hit from gear (Yellow hit cap is 6% with weapon skill 305 on defense 315)


On the rotation page, it would be nice to mention that you are better off getting a swing timer and use your Sinister Strike right after a regular main hand attack. The reasoning is that Sinister strike can proc extra attacks from the sword specialization talent, which reset the swing timer. 


Point 5 on the Combat sword opener is missing. Im assuming its using Blade Flurry for the 20% Atk Speed (unless there are adds to cleave down in the first 2 minutes of the fight)


In the Stat Priority section, you only mention that the yellow hit cap is 9% if you have 300 weapon skill. However, both combat dagger and combat swords have a talent that increases their weapon skill to 305. That reduces the yellow hit cap to 6%. Hit still holds a portion of its value after cap, but is not the best stat after you have optained a single point from gear.  

In the consumable portion, you can have both Mongoose and Elixir of the Giants at the same time


The BiS list should be updated to reflect the fact yellow hit cap isn't 9%.

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Guest Spiff

This guide has been insanely helpful. I think for BiS list, quick strike ring may beat out tarnished elven ring by a bit. 

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