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[Classic][A] <Kind of a Big Deal> | Fairbanks | [SUN/MON 7 - 11PM]

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I don't know how to put this, but we're Kind of a Big Deal. People know us. We're very important. We have many leather-bound books and our mothers' basements smell of rich mahogany.

We are a progression-focused Alliance raid guild intent on competing with top NA 2-night guilds. Together, with our trusted doggo Baxter, we are creating a community of like-minded players who are focused on having a great time while competing as a top American two-night guild. We are also old, so we realize we don't have as much time as we did in the past. As such, we will never add a mandatory third night of raiding.

As always, any exceptional player may apply for any class, but you will receive more consideration if you're one of the classes specified:
- Druid - 1
- Hunter - 1 (if you're amazing)
- Paladin - 2
- Rogue - 1
- Warlock - 1
- Warrior - 2 (DPS)

Loot System

We use a player-driven loot distribution system. Each class, as a team, will determine the distribution order prior to raid release. This can be explained more in voice during the interview process.

Raid Schedule

- Sunday: 7 to 11 p.m. PST.
- Monday: 7 to 11 p.m. PST.

Ideal Applicants

- Understand the expectations involved with competitive progression and know what&rsquo;s expected of them personally
- Are able to give and receive professionally given constructive criticism
- Place a high priority on community, team work, and insuring a positive culture
- Possess a sense of humor


- September 18 - All raiders to 60 (understanding some might be slightly behind)
- September 22 - First raid

How to Apply

Apply: guilded.gg/r/EnWloDm52E?i=NmLxG1wm
Join Discord: discord.gg/NjtEAc5

Edited by RonBurgundy
Added Recruitment

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I'm gonna make a holy only alliance raiding guild with nothing but paladins and priests.  It'll be awesome.  Stack every rank of judgement of the crusader and suddenly priests become holy mages and paladins can actually hold aggro.  True story, ask me ill you.

Edited by sinyou

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Hey Cobalt....whats the likely hood youll assign 4-5 paladins to stand out raids on my raid nights for my priests to mind control and casting blessing on stuff?

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On 7/18/2019 at 1:33 PM, sinyou said:

I've been getting busy. . . about that moonkin class leader position.  Is it still open?


I am looking for leaders. Of mages.

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