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Druid Leveling 1.12 (Classic)

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This thread is for comments and feedback regarding our Druid leveling guide for World of Warcraft: Classic.

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I don't believe Feral Aggression is good as a talent. Instinct should be taken as it will help stelth though difficult mob packs and help you tank in dungeons.

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11 hours ago, Gramis said:

I don't believe Feral Aggression is good as a talent. Instinct should be taken as it will help stelth though difficult mob packs and help you tank in dungeons.

Instinct is useless in the majority of scenarios while leveling though - it has no benefit outside of dungeons unless you are skipping large amounts of mobs in small areas that have little room to move through. You're sacrificing additional damage reduction and damage output, which is useful in every aspect of the game. 

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Guest Candle

In the guide section about unlocking bearform. 
you meantion after talking to the great bear spriit, to return to thunderbluff.
You have to talk to Starblaze first before doign so. I just wasted my hearhtstone cd :(

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On 8/28/2019 at 7:07 AM, Guest Candle said:

In the guide section about unlocking bearform. 
you meantion after talking to the great bear spriit, to return to thunderbluff.
You have to talk to Starblaze first before doign so. I just wasted my hearhtstone cd ?

Oh no! I know the pain :(. I'll update it to be more clear. Thanks!

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Guest Dorkus

For Tauren players on the Aquatic Form quest, the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility can be found in the Sludge Fen

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Guest Prospect

Why is it recommended to put 2 points in Improved Shred and then use Ravage instead of Shred in the rotation? Seems like one of these things is wrong?

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Guest tekki

It's suggesting to buy the hurricane bow in the resto leveling guide instead of skill Hurricane :D

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Guest ViveRamsey
On 10/22/2019 at 7:04 AM, Guest tekki said:

It's suggesting to buy the hurricane bow in the resto leveling guide instead of skill Hurricane :D

it's the same in balance too!

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Guest Mavon

I don't believe druid's can use bows yet the epic bow Hurricane is listed here. Ha-ha. Funny  :p

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Guest Mialta

I think there is a problem with leveling guide for restauration. The talents build doesn't work well

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Guest Gerhgja

As for Druid Balance 1-60 leveling guide, I got few notes:

- Improved Entangling Roots is pretty pointless, never had problems to apply Entangling Roots during leveling, Improved Thorns is much better option.

- Get 5/5 Improved Starfire ASAP (lvl 29), and once you get it, your main cast will be Starfire over Wrath, so Improved Wrath will be useless (1g for reset and change to 4/4 Improved Nature's Grasp instead it has nice usage during leveling) after you get it, it has still situational usage but it's not main part of your rotation anymore.

WoW Classic Hardcore starts on 24th August will be there with this build as were in past :)

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Guest Meatcat

Definitely suggest a revisit of the talent point allotment and order for the feral leveling guide. Why pick Feral Aggression over Thick Hide? More armor = more survivability. Armor is very important to leveling, and unfortunately often overlooked by 'experts'. Also as a fellow poster pointed out, Improved Shred is a complete waste of points, as admitted in the guide itself (!). A leveling guide should assume you are playing solo near 100% of the time and allot talents based on that assumption. Going on, unless you are playing on a pvp server, or pulling too many mobs, Furor is a waste. Just wait 5 seconds for the energy. Feral charge is a waste once you get cat form. 

TL;DR - Feral talent point allotment is a mess.

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On 8/2/2023 at 7:20 AM, Guest Gerhgja said:

As for Druid Balance 1-60 leveling guide, I got few notes:

- Improved Entangling Roots is pretty pointless, never had problems to apply Entangling Roots during leveling, Improved Thorns is much better option.

- Get 5/5 Improved Starfire ASAP (lvl 29), and once you get it, your main cast will be Starfire over Wrath, so Improved Wrath will be useless (1g for reset and change to 4/4 Improved Nature's Grasp instead it has nice usage during leveling) after you get it, it has still situational usage but it's not main part of your rotation anymore.

WoW Classic Hardcore starts on 24th August will be there with this build as were in past 🙂

I think it depends on the context of how you're trying to level, plus the speed. Personally I'd still go for the swap as a quality of life thing since 1g by level 30 is easily doable and will make your earlier levels better, but I can see the tradeoff. This is technically not meant to be a hardcore guide, but especially for HC I'd agree on the points. 

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On 8/9/2023 at 9:48 PM, Guest Meatcat said:

Definitely suggest a revisit of the talent point allotment and order for the feral leveling guide. Why pick Feral Aggression over Thick Hide? More armor = more survivability. Armor is very important to leveling, and unfortunately often overlooked by 'experts'. Also as a fellow poster pointed out, Improved Shred is a complete waste of points, as admitted in the guide itself (!). A leveling guide should assume you are playing solo near 100% of the time and allot talents based on that assumption. Going on, unless you are playing on a pvp server, or pulling too many mobs, Furor is a waste. Just wait 5 seconds for the energy. Feral charge is a waste once you get cat form. 

TL;DR - Feral talent point allotment is a mess.

Feral Aggression v. Thick Hide is certainly a valid argument, especially in the context of HC. I think I give pretty good context on the other choices though, especially since 2 points in improved shred given other options is a solid choice imo if you're doing any sort of group play or dungeons, which is the case for lots of people and as you mentioned is even explicitly mentioned. Furor we can agree to disagree on along with Feral charge, both are talents that feel great to have even if you're trying to argue that they're "wastes." The main guide is technically not designed for HC only, so I'll leave those in, but there are definitely scenarios for more serious speed-leveling that I'd forgo them.

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Under the weapons section, why do you list the mace from Princess (with no stats expect a CoH) as a good weapon? When you started the section explaining that we want good stats on our weapons? It's also my understanding that CoH can't proc in cat form. Very confusing. 

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1 hour ago, barskywow said:

Under the weapons section, why do you list the mace from Princess (with no stats expect a CoH) as a good weapon? When you started the section explaining that we want good stats on our weapons? It's also my understanding that CoH can't proc in cat form. Very confusing. 

You're right, removing this one and adding a heavy stats suggestion instead, cheers! 🙂

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Guest Dangerbook

I assume you meant only learn first rank of Moonfire & Wrath, I read it as learn up to rank 10 and kept buying a couple more levels until I said this doesn't jibe with the rotation. Reinterpreted it as only learn enough to pull with, level 10 made no sense either way since I could be pulling mobs at any level.

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On 1/17/2025 at 11:39 PM, Guest Dangerbook said:

I assume you meant only learn first rank of Moonfire & Wrath, I read it as learn up to rank 10 and kept buying a couple more levels until I said this doesn't jibe with the rotation. Reinterpreted it as only learn enough to pull with, level 10 made no sense either way since I could be pulling mobs at any level.

If you are feral you dont really need more than rank 1 for pulling / early leveling purposes since you stop relying on the caster rotation as soon as you get bear form.

As balance/resto it can be worth to pick up all the ranks to dps with but its not the best way to level because of Mana spenditures (while feral can use rage/energy to level and Mana to heal, exclusively).

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