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Healing Druid 1.12 (Classic)

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This thread is for comments and feedback regarding our guide for healing as a Druid in WoW Classic.

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Guest Fraimer

Hey there,

I really like the Guide to get new ideas and inspiration since there is restricted information before release. But I would like to mention that the living shoulders are just able to be crafted after patch 1.13 and we will start in 1.12. Since this guide is leading towards 1.12 this might be misleading some people.


Thanks for your effort!

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Guest Unforged

Hi, what's your opinion on the 0/30/21hybrid build (HotW/NS build) for PvE healing? Others are mentioning this as a build suitable for all phases but I don't see that build here at all.

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On 8/16/2019 at 9:16 PM, Guest Fraimer said:

Hey there,

I really like the Guide to get new ideas and inspiration since there is restricted information before release. But I would like to mention that the living shoulders are just able to be crafted after patch 1.13 and we will start in 1.12. Since this guide is leading towards 1.12 this might be misleading some people.


Thanks for your effort!

Hi Fraimer,


Thanks for the appreciation! Living Shoulders were actually available from the start. I assume you're referencing the "added in patch" tag on WoWhead that lists them as being added in 1.13, but that is simply their default patch listing for almost all of the items, and is incorrect. Living Shoulders will be available from day 1 to craft.

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On 8/20/2019 at 8:41 AM, Guest Razine said:

Hello, I would like to know how am I supposed to equip the Robe of the Archmage as a resto druid if I'm not a mage. tyvm

Hi Razine, thanks for the catch. I was working on the BiS lists for multiple classes at once and unfortunately those slipped in. I've removed them from Resto and Balance BiS lists.

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15 hours ago, Guest Unforged said:

Hi, what's your opinion on the 0/30/21hybrid build (HotW/NS build) for PvE healing? Others are mentioning this as a build suitable for all phases but I don't see that build here at all.

Hi Unforged,


The 0/30/21 hybrid build is useful for two main reasons: it's viable for PvP and allows you to play Feral without needing to swap specs. If you do not want to have to ever respec, this is a great choice. Druids generally do not do a ton of healing output anyways, so you can definitely make do with taking this build if you want. I choose not to include it in the PvE guide because, from a pure PvE perspective, it is strictly worse. I might look at adding it though as a hyrbid PvP/PvE/Solo build though. 


Thanks again!

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Guest Marin

Sorry if I missed it, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere that HoTs from different casters didn't start stacking until TBC. A pretty important fact to know if you're going to be doing any healing in vanilla raids.

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10 hours ago, Guest Marin said:

Sorry if I missed it, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere that HoTs from different casters didn't start stacking until TBC. A pretty important fact to know if you're going to be doing any healing in vanilla raids.

Do you mean the same spell name from different casters or different hots names from different casters?

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Guest Marin
8 hours ago, CaperfinWoW said:

Do you mean the same spell name from different casters or different hots names from different casters?

The same spell name from different casters. So for example if 2 Druids cast Rejuvenation on the tank, the stronger one will overwrite the weaker one.

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Thank you very much for this guide. As always it is really awesome and helpful ?

I have two specific questions about the BiS lists though:

1. Are the "Optional" items listed in order or are they similarly good? E.g. are the "Gloves of Restoration" as good as "Cenarion Gloves" or are they better?

2. In the BiS list on Wowhead there are the "Flamecore Wraps" listed as raid BiS for the wrist slot. Are they better because of their strong mp5 or isn't it really worth it?

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Guest Negra

Hi one short Question, will this be updated for Phase 3?

Many thanks.


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3 hours ago, Guest Negra said:

Hi one short Question, will this be updated for Phase 3?

Many thanks.


It will! ?

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Guest [DK]Omnigus

Heya m8...

you've listed the Insightful Hood as a drop from Nefarion ? it comes from Cho'Rush the Observer in DM North... i guess its just a link error, but now you've been made aware ?


Best Regards Omnigus from Ashbringer.

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Guest Ooljee

Voone drops Rosewine Circle, not Doomhowl.  Can you fix this?

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Guest Mild Complaint

The information in the consumables section is not correct. The article states you can have only one drink active at a time. You can have multiple drink effects active at a time, unlike food buffs. For example you could have Kreeg's Stout Beatdown from Stomper Kreeg in dire maul north AND Gordok Green Grog/RRBL AND Raptor Punch.  3 different effects from 3 different drinks


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Guest Enchants for Hands?

Am i the only one missing enchantment options for hands?

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On 7/5/2020 at 1:14 PM, Guest Jmoll said:

I do not see mage blood potion anywhere in here.

You are correct, that should be in there but was an oversight. I'll add it in. Thanks!

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Guest Kendryc

Is subtlety really not worth getting?  I know it’s a only 20% reduction, but hots pull a ton of threat...

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4 hours ago, Guest Kendryc said:

Is subtlety really not worth getting?  I know it’s a only 20% reduction, but hots pull a ton of threat...

Depends entirely on how comfortable you feel in your raid or group that you play with. If you pug mostly, it's definitely a good option since you cannot be sure how reliable the tanks will be at generating threat. If you are playing with a consistent group that has properly geared tanks for the content, threat really should not be an issue.

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Guest Hecalene

there is also the beer from dire maul that gives you +25 spirit at the cost of -5 int
i think its a good add even with the -5 because you need that extra mana per second in a raid.


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Guest Drulethan

Boots of the Full Moon are not from the quest "In Dreams", They are from Captain Kromcrush in DM North and Verdant Footpads are from Stonespine in Undead Strat.

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On 4/3/2021 at 9:12 PM, Guest Drulethan said:

Boots of the Full Moon are not from the quest "In Dreams", They are from Captain Kromcrush in DM North and Verdant Footpads are from Stonespine in Undead Strat.

I'll fix it, thanks for the heads up!

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