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Mistweaver questions

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Hello Monk friends. I am in the process of leveling a MW Monk, and I'm wondering about a few things.

1. How often do you fistweave? I have watched some MW videos and it doesn't seem to be common. The guide on IcyVeins makes it seem mandatory, though.

2. How do Monks fare in comparison to other healers? I love healing as MW right now, but I just don't know if they look as good as Shamans and Druids. Can we hold our own?

3. How are things looking for WoD? Are the larger concerns seemingly going to be addressed?

4. Where do MWs shine? Any best fights?

5. What should all MWs know about Monk healing?


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1. How often do you fistweave? I have watched some MW videos and it doesn't seem to be common. The guide on IcyVeins makes it seem mandatory, though.

When leveling almost all the time if possible.


When raiding current content you can use it as a tool but it will not provide as much healing as Mistweaving will. It is a tool for helping a boss die faster by providing extra dps with some smart heals attached.



2. How do Monks fare in comparison to other healers? I love healing as MW right now, but I just don't know if they look as good as Shamans and Druids. Can we hold our own?

We are topup healers that are reactive to damage. We have hots and single target nuke heals, bigger hots, channelled small heal etc. We can most definitely hold our our own but every fight is different and every raid comp is different.



3. How are things looking for WoD? Are the larger concerns seemingly going to be addressed?

There isnt alot out there yet about this but we will have to wait and see.



4. Where do MWs shine? Any best fights?

Malkorok, Thok or any fight where there is no disc priest. Pretty much any fight where high hps is required.



5. What should all MWs know about Monk healing?






Spirit is bad, mastery rating is bad, glyph of mana tea is bad. Crit is good!, uplift is good!

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You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

Do you mean that fistweave leveling is viable solo?

Also, how bad is spirit? Would having as low as 5k be OK?

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You should get 5100 spirit as rating to be hitcapped but beyond that point its practically useless.


And yes absolutely fistweaving is viable as leveling/solo play. I have my monk as heal/tank and I still use the healing spec for solo stuff. Not only is it pretty good damage output for being a healer, you also automatically heal yourself while doing it. For long fights it tends to be somewhat mana inefficient, so keep that in mind.

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When leveling a monk between 1 and 85 its one thing then you hit 86 - 90 and your world changes.


anywhere between 5100 and 9k is good for spirit depending on your LMG.


Because mana tea is so crazy now spirit is very terrible and the return you gain for crit is far better.


Fistweaving is best described as a tool, or another type of heal with dps in your spell list. When you overgear content, like a current raider doing a 5 man heroic or scenario then fistweaving is all that is required. But you would not solely fistweave in a heroic progression boss.

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How do you keep up with chi generation, especially on bosses with constant big damage like Thok? I'm wondering about this mechanic ATM. I feel like I'm not forcing myself to build enough chi.

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Thok is a little special if you're going to really high stacks.  The best you can do is used RJW on CD (you can leg sweep with RJW up to get an extra chi -bug-)  But other than that you can spam (and i literally mean, spam, keep mashing that button) Soothing Mists for a bit faster chi generation.


On thok though don't use Soothing Mists because you will risk locking yourself out.

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I killed Heroic Thok last night for the first time (THANK F#$K!! after about 180 wipes) and out healed a disc priest and pally.


There is more than enough chi to be made through EH, ReM, RJW and chi brew(all instant).


If you are lucky or time it well you can get surging mists out between screeches and with a meta proc i could get 2 surges and a RJW out all for free(paladin devo auras also make this much easier but cant be relied on).

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I have been using askmrrobot weights for my monk but now it has 14k Spirit which seems to be a lot especially considering the 5-9k suggestions.


what weights are you guys using for your mistweavers?





Please refer to this thread I have pinned for decent MW weights.

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From what I've seen leveling my Monk:


Level 1-85 Dungeons: The Damage you deal from fistweaving is enough to keep everyone alive. In dire situations, use Life Cocoon. You can easily outdps anyone at this stage with Fistweaving's Memory Muscle.


Level 85-89 Dungeons: As Brewmonksa said, things change, healing with Soothing Mist becomes a major part of your Healing Rotation as the bosses and mobs deal more AoE damage and single target damage.


Level 90:

At the start your gear will be too low for fistweaving in instances, you should farm Timeless Gear and then gear up from Raids.

At this point (Average ilvl should be 496), you will start to switch between fistweaving and mistweaving in Heroic dungeons.

In raids, your main Healing would be Renewing Mist and Uplift. Just generate Chi from Soothing Mist but only use EM on the tank when he gets 50% HP. I suggest getting Weakauras 2 to help you track the cooldown on renewing mist and Thunder Focus Tea. Don't get down cause your healing done is lowest, things get better.


I don't have any experience yet on higher than ilvl 510 (Which is where I am now),

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From what I've seen leveling my Monk:


Level 1-85 Dungeons: The Damage you deal from fistweaving is enough to keep everyone alive. In dire situations, use Life Cocoon. You can easily outdps anyone at this stage with Fistweaving's Memory Muscle.

I've been spamming SCK myself since everyone and their pet seems to gain aggro on something. Really helps heal when you have multiple melee people with full heirlooms.... I've only seen one instance (so far) that I've had to use mist weaving and that was because we drew too many mobs.

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When raiding current content you can use it as a tool but it will not provide as much healing as Mistweaving will. It is a tool for helping a boss die faster by providing extra dps with some smart heals attached.



Spirit is bad, mastery rating is bad, glyph of mana tea is bad. Crit is good!, uplift is good!

I just wanted to add my own thoughts to this. As far as fistweaving not providing as much as core healing is false. I have known some amazing fistweavers who output far greater numbers than any core healing monk. I also switch back and forth myself depending on the fight and requirements. However during fistweaving currently I do 60+k dps with 60-100k hps (the reason for the larger band is the frequency of damage to heal output). I may not be the best or the greatest in the world. However! I do know I can beat other MW's similar to my gear that I have healed with. And thats not because I am competing with them its just the facts. I follow the gemming rule here on Icy Veins which at times suggests hybrid gems with spirit. I have seen no degredation in my performance by taking them. Glyph of Mana Tea being bad? Actually I will disagree. I have found given my fistweaving playstyle this glyph really comes in handy. Along with abilities to gain mana and this, I rarely lose pace. I can keep fistweaving targets and not have to pause.


*EDIT* Wanted to note about my comment that I beat other MW I heal with overall this is true. Maybe I haven't met a better MW. Sorry its not me trying to sound like yes I'm awesome etc .. hardly the case. I just feel if I can keep up or do better. And I'm fistweaving the whole time. HOW is it worse. Especially at the end of most boss fights I'm still sitting at 80% or greater mana. It seems to me that fistweaving is amazingly viable. Just many feel comfortable in not exposing themselves to a new playing field. I know you could say I'd heal better doing core, though that is your opinion. The fact being with there being so many abilities that work very well with fistweaving. That fistweaving is not just some 'meh its alright but don't do it in raids' bit. Also you mentioned if you outgear the content you can fistweave o.0. I fistweave perfectly fine on progression bosses. Don't snap at me for the following just a observation I made through some of your comments. You either 1)hate fistweaving and have your thoughts on it concerning how you play it 2)you haven't really done it enough to give it a better comparitive. For the 1st I would simply say 'don't hate'. And for the 2nd I would simply say 'its far more effective than you give it credit for'.


As far as reply value and fun. Core healing often gets fairly boring. While fistweaving is amazingly fun. I think this is the most underlining part of any reason someone should try something, or play. That it is fun for them. If you find yourself not having that much fun, find yourself bored often or on certain bosses. Try to fistweave a bit more. You won't be bored anymore.

Edited by ASimpleMonk

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Whithout also being rude this topic has been covered before in a different thread.

To be put simply fistweaving output is not as much as mistweaving. Just because fistweaving worked once doesnt mean it will work always. This is not an opinion this is fact. If you claim it to be false then show us some proof. In heroic progression raiding you will not do more healing as a fistweaver than a mistweaver who plays properly.

As I have stated many times before I do fistweave and I believe it is a very powerful tool.

Jump into any heroic encounter and show me a log or parse where you fistweave and rank or parse 90% plus and ill believe.

There are many bad monks out there so saying I beat them is not a means of proof.

Hps is also very misleading, effective hps is what matters. I myself have done A normal protectors parse with 212k dps and 290k raw healing.

As for the mana tea glyph and spirit, for a pve monk healer they are a waste of potential healing.

I dont want to sound too aggro or elitest but at a progression level maximum output is never derived from solely fistweaving/spirit/mana tea glyph.

The most healing intesive fight I have done to date in SoO is Heroic Thok. There is no real place for fistweaving when heals are needed.

So 1) I do and can do it.

2) at 11/14H I think I can say I have had a fair chunk of experience.

In the end if you arent pushing progression and just have fun then push whatever button floats your boat. If you want to play to maximum potential then follow the aadvice on the forums.

happy killing :)

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On Heroic Thok why wouldn't you BoK the boss to get Serpent's Zeal up and make sure you are auto-attacking the boss? It generates free AoE healing to ALL players and will increase your HPS over just Mistweaving. You pause for screeches anyway might as well be auto-attacking through them. I think people forget that auto-attack heals are auras that affect all players within 20 yards of the monk and the statue. It's like a Shaman not dropping healing rain, why wouldn't you activate your own version of it?

Fistweaving was always something a Mistweaver was supposed to be doing while healing, standing in melee, keeping Tiger Strikes and Serpent's Zeal up, auto attacking the boss, and then selecting the heals that are appropriate for the encounter, whether that is a punch heal or a mist heal. This is the optimal style to heal, not "just" fistweaving or "just" mistweaving. I fear the changes coming in WoD are going to screw this up.

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Hi darkener,

Of course I would recommend this. My post was directed at the previous post that was stating that fistweaving provides more healing than mistweaving.

The use you describe is a perfect example of using it a as a tool where required.

I dont want to get into nitpicking each persons post and picking it to pieces.

The initial question was "how often do you fistweave" Answer is: its a tool in your toolkit to be able to provide dps with some heals attached. Pure fistweaving will not out heal a mistweaver of equal gear and skill.

Happy killing :)

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Hey guys, fascinating discussion in this thread. I've learned a lot.


I have a small question about something that striked me as possible. It seems to me that at the present moment, until at least 561 ilevel gear, the Timeless chestpiece is probably BiS, even better than any flex chestpiece. Tell me if I'm wrong, but look at these stats:


Item level 543

2843 stamina
1815 intellect

1787 critical strike

(one blue socket)

socket bonus: +180 intellect


Instead of giving two secondary stats, it gives two in one. Considering the strength of critical strike, it seems to blow the competing pieces out of the water. I haven't done the proper math on this, but at a glance it seems to be really quite amazing.

Anyway, I'm interested in getting some pointers in my mistweaving this week. I'll probably end up posting a log of myself in action later, once I figure WorldofLogs out.


Thanks as always.

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If you can, get a warcraftlogs profile instead of worldoflogs. It is new and far easier to analyse your healing.


You got it!

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