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Paladin Goldmaking 1.12 (Classic)

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This thread is for comments and feedback regarding our Paladin Goldmaking guide for WoW Classic.

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Guest Nick

Maybe I’m missing something here but how is this Paladin-specific exactly? Any class could learn any profession you listed and make money the exact same ways

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Guest guest ronnie

The devilsaur farming is the LAST thing a paladin would ever do to farm money. The time it would take to kill a devilsaur, for a paladin is too long; you would have to deal with skin poachers and horde ganks as well. The paladin doesn't have the DPS to solo farm mobs unless they are undead mobs.

For SOLO farming at 60 you can run through low level dungeons, skipping mobs and killing bosses for blue items to sell. ZF graveyard solo runs might be the best gold-per-hour. Open the graves and kill all the undead.

For maximum profit you want to DUO farm. A prot pally can do great AoE damage and reflect damage, combine that with a healer or AoE dps and you have a great way to farm mobs as proficient as a frost mage. You can clear the Western Plaguelands graveyard in 4 pulls with this method.

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On 10/21/2019 at 12:03 PM, Guest Nick said:

Maybe I’m missing something here but how is this Paladin-specific exactly? Any class could learn any profession you listed and make money the exact same ways

There is almost nothing in the game that is a "Paladin Specific" way of making gold. Some classes like Hunters have special things they can do by nature of being able to solo dungeons well, or Mages with AoE farming. Paladins can't really do any of that though, which leaves them with more generic things. Think of this as the best ways to make gold as a Paladin, not as a list of ways Paladins can exclusively make gold.

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On 10/25/2019 at 5:16 PM, Guest guest ronnie said:

The devilsaur farming is the LAST thing a paladin would ever do to farm money. The time it would take to kill a devilsaur, for a paladin is too long; you would have to deal with skin poachers and horde ganks as well. The paladin doesn't have the DPS to solo farm mobs unless they are undead mobs.

For SOLO farming at 60 you can run through low level dungeons, skipping mobs and killing bosses for blue items to sell. ZF graveyard solo runs might be the best gold-per-hour. Open the graves and kill all the undead.

For maximum profit you want to DUO farm. A prot pally can do great AoE damage and reflect damage, combine that with a healer or AoE dps and you have a great way to farm mobs as proficient as a frost mage. You can clear the Western Plaguelands graveyard in 4 pulls with this method.

Those are good points, but the same can be said of Devilsaur farming. Farm with some other people, splitting spawn points and helping each other out with gankers/poachers. Devilsaur leather is just so profitable that even doing it slightly sub optimally or split with a couple of other people is still an amazing farming method. 

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Guest Herbalist

One of the best ways to farm that I have found is just lasher farming in DM: E as protection. Paladins can do this as long as then have consecration and a largeish mana pool. It is greatly simplified if the paladin goes prot and grabs blessing of sanctuary which trivializes the damage and enables 2-3 pack pulling. Easily 50-100g an hour with herbalism with the chance of world drops such as freezing band, and life to water transmute. 10/10 would recommend.

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Guest Cinsun

The link to the supposed prot pally stocks clear takes me to a solo hunter DM run. 

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On 8/2/2020 at 10:21 AM, Guest Cinsun said:

The link to the supposed prot pally stocks clear takes me to a solo hunter DM run. 

Good catch, I copied the wrong link by accident. I just committed the correct link. There are many runs on youtube though, so just search "Prot Paladin solo Stockades clear Classic" and you will find several runs to choose from.

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