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[Archived] S7 Hearthstone Mid Budget Priest Control Deck

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I'm having some difficulty winning with this, I have every card except the Firelord so unless he's supremely important to the deck (which i doubt given that you have swapping recommendations removing him in favor of Farseers) I don't understand why this deck isn't paying off. 


Yes i do encounter plenty players in ranked mode that have high volume of epic/legendary cards but even against my friends whom i know for a fact don't all have a shitload of those legendary cards (we started at around the same time for the most part) I don't seem to be doing great. 


I would like to make a solid priest deck, I signed on to the site (after lurking around for weeks) just to be able to speak on this issue. I'm loving this site, found it the same day (or day after) i started playing hearthstone because I got thrased by my friends first day in lol, and your basic decks for the most part were awesome and allowed me to compete with semi-low budget decks that my friends had at the time since they'd been playing for a couple weeks already. 


Your basic Priest deck specially was AMAZING, by far (at least to me) the best of the entire bunch of basic decks you offered. I was motivated by you guys here to spend some cash on the game to be able to build the low-budget and then mid-budget decks forking over $100 cash to get them done. A LOT of disenchanted cards after and for the most part I'm able to built most of your mid-cost decks lacking some essential legendaries only. 


I say all this because the disappointment with the higher scale priests decks hurts my soul. Where it once was my favorite deck, it now feels like a hit or miss. I've seen the discussion with other players who've tried the low-budget version and their griefs  are the same as mine. No early game unless you get a 'good draw' and even then the opponent has like 4 turns to establish control and pressure before you can reliable drop something solid. And given the amount of mana available at that point, the opponent will most likely have something to counter your taunt ancient watcher/twilight drake


I'm currently rank 15, thanks to lots of play testing with the other decks you offer (with some personal customization of course to make them my own) but im definetly not doing as amazingly well as i thought i would. And I just don't feel that it's all due to lack of experience or skill, i'm pretty good at strategy games and come from a Yugioh Card game background where i'm also pretty good. Thus i understand that deck consistency is a really big thing, I feel for the priest at least you don't have enough consistency. It feels like you have a bunch of good combos thrown together into one deck and they don't necessarily support eachother the way you theorize it to work out i normal play. 


If you guys would like to help me out i'd greatly appreciate it. My gamertag is Akaitsuki feel free to add me. 


One last thing (yes i know i write a lot, writer's habit...) one of the BEST features ive found about your deck builds is the Alternate options. Please add more of these! It gives a LOT of insight believe it or not, and for people who might lack certain cards it really really helps to allow us to use alternates. Or at least to choose good solid alternates that would work with the decks. I'd love to see more of these and not just "anti-mage" alternates but just more variety or potential swap for certain cards

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Guest PotheadSmoky

Same problem for me. I do like the combos in this deck, but it lacks consistence and doesn't seem to be worth the Dust. Though i have to admit that i don't have all cards from this deck so far.

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Guest Unsought

Hey guys. I just built this deck earlier today. And I have to say... I love it so far. I love the strategy of hearthstone, but building decks is not my strong point yet. This deck got me from rank 20,up to rank 15. Best I've done so far.

Yes. I still lose sometimes, but that's part of the game. The beginning game for this deck... Turns 1-5 or so are going to be the hardest. After that you should be able to play some Giants. Team that up with taunt, and things get crazy. Again. It's all about luck of the draw. Sometimes you just wont get what you need. But so far I love it.

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I might some slight changes to the deck to make up for the cards i don't have, and so far im rank 15 and it's been about 50% win rate with it, any tips? 


2x Power Word: Shield
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Divine Spirit
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Thoughtsteal
2x Lightspawn
2x Holy Nova
2x Holy Fire
2x Ancient Watcher
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Defender of Argus
2x Spellbreaker
2x Twilight Drake
2x Molten Giant
This is my current stock of cards, if you'd like to advice some changes i'd prefer to stick to what i actually own and can immediately switch in. 
Priest Specific: 
2x Circle of Healing
1x Silence
2x Inner Fire
2x Thoughtsteal
1x Mass Dispel
2x Shadow Madness
2x Auchenai Soulpriest
2x Lightspawn
2x Holy Nova
2x Holy Fire
1x Cabal Shadow Priest
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Argent Squire
1x Hungry Crab
2x Leper Gnome
1x Lightwarden
2x Murloc Tidecaller
2x Amani Berserker
2x Ancient Watcher
1x Doomsayer
2x Faerie Dragon
2x Ironbeak Owl
2x Knife Juggler
2x Loot Hoarder
1x Mad Bomber
2x Sunfury Protector
2x Wild Pyromancer
2x Acolyte of Pain
2x Arcane Golem
1x Big Game Hunter
2x Coldlight Oracle
2x Coldlight Seer
2x Earthen Ring Farseer
2x Harvest Golem
2x Imp Master
2x Injured Blademaster
2x Murloc Warleader
2x Scarlet Crusader
2x Dark Iron Dwarf
2x Defender of Argus
1x Leeroy Jenkins
2x Spellbreaker
2x Twilight Drake
2x Azure Drake
1x Faceless Manipulator
2x Fen Creeper
1x Gadgetzan Auctioneer
2x Argent Commander
1x Sylvanas Windrunner
2x Molten Giant

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Hey, Akaitsuki!
While the priest is extremely fun to play, there is a good reason why there are so few priest decks played on a high level. The priest can present extremely strong late game, however with meta game being rather aggressive you will often struggle against in early game.
As a priest, you will need something to finish off your opponent. Ragnaros, Ysera, Molten + Mountain Giants can all be great finishers and they play a vital role in your end game.
I checked your cards and regardless of what sort of deck we try to do, we will hit the same problem - you have nothing to compensate for end-game, you should really try to get your hands on Raggy, Ysera and Mountain Giants as fast as possible as they will make significant improvement to your priest decks.
Circle of Healing × 2
Northshire Cleric × 2
Power Word: Shield × 2
Ancient Watcher × 2
Shadow Word: Pain × 2
Sunfury Protector × 2
Injured Blademaster × 2
Shadow Word: Death × 2
Thoughtsteal × 2
Auchenai Soulpriest × 2
Defender of Argus × 2
Shadow Madness × 1
Twilight Drake × 2
Holy Nova × 2
Cabal Shadow Priest × 1
Holy Fire × 2
Try this. I think you will have nice entry to the games and peak out in mid-game, however lack of strong finishers will often screw with your late game. Usually a strong finisher makes all the difference when you play it while you are ahead.
I saw you posted on a few other decks with the same request, basically what I would suggest, play 2 decks. 1 aggressive and 1 control and simply swap between them. You can play priest against really aggressive decks such as hunter / lock and against everything else, you could play your aggro deck. From all the posts you've made, I think I've found a nice deck that we can make out of your collection. You should try this and let me know how it works out for you.
Innervate × 2
Claw × 2
Loot Hoarder × 2
Power of the Wild × 2
Wrath × 2
Harvest Golem × 2
Imp Master × 2
Savage Roar × 2
Chillwind Yeti × 2
Defender of Argus × 2
Keeper of the Grove × 2
Leeroy Jenkins × 1
Swipe × 2
Azure Drake × 1
Argent Commander × 2
Ancient of Lore × 2
If you will really like this druid deck, you can improve it a bit by crafting 1x Force of Nature and you can try using Violet Teachers.
I hope this helps you out, 

I know it takes a lot of time and effort by listing your collection, however I would suggest that you focus more towards building your own decks and test them out. You can find great information here and if you run into any more problems, feel free to to share them with us and we will help you make adjustments..
best of luck,
Edited by Poyo
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The changes that were made to this deck on 25 March, 2014 have made this into one very solid and competitive deck.  I have been having issues with my play style of losing 70% of all my games, regardless of the type of deck I tried.  However, this is great for my play style.  Only change I had to make due to just not having the cards was instead of Mountain Giant, I use a Sea Giant.  This works very well against Murloc and other low cost zerg decks.  By the time they get a bunch out, we're usually at round 5 and I've taken a good amount of damage.  I drop Holy Fire with a 0 cost Sea Giant.  Next round a low or 0 cost Molten Giant is out and I've turned the board in my favor.  Add in the Drakes with all the cards in my hand and the opponent becomes overwhelmed quick because their low attack/health mobs can't handle so many heavy hitters.


Loving this deck, thanks!

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Hey, Akaitsuki!
While the priest is extremely fun to play, there is a good reason why there are so few priest decks played on a high level. The priest can present extremely strong late game, however with meta game being rather aggressive you will often struggle against in early game.
As a priest, you will need something to finish off your opponent. Ragnaros, Ysera, Molten + Mountain Giants can all be great finishers and they play a vital role in your end game.
I checked your cards and regardless of what sort of deck we try to do, we will hit the same problem - you have nothing to compensate for end-game, you should really try to get your hands on Raggy, Ysera and Mountain Giants as fast as possible as they will make significant improvement to your priest decks.
Circle of Healing × 2
Northshire Cleric × 2
Power Word: Shield × 2
Ancient Watcher × 2
Shadow Word: Pain × 2
Sunfury Protector × 2
Injured Blademaster × 2
Shadow Word: Death × 2
Thoughtsteal × 2
Auchenai Soulpriest × 2
Defender of Argus × 2
Shadow Madness × 1
Twilight Drake × 2
Holy Nova × 2
Cabal Shadow Priest × 1
Holy Fire × 2
Try this. I think you will have nice entry to the games and peak out in mid-game, however lack of strong finishers will often screw with your late game. Usually a strong finisher makes all the difference when you play it while you are ahead.
I saw you posted on a few other decks with the same request, basically what I would suggest, play 2 decks. 1 aggressive and 1 control and simply swap between them. You can play priest against really aggressive decks such as hunter / lock and against everything else, you could play your aggro deck. From all the posts you've made, I think I've found a nice deck that we can make out of your collection. You should try this and let me know how it works out for you.
Innervate × 2
Claw × 2
Loot Hoarder × 2
Power of the Wild × 2
Wrath × 2
Harvest Golem × 2
Imp Master × 2
Savage Roar × 2
Chillwind Yeti × 2
Defender of Argus × 2
Keeper of the Grove × 2
Leeroy Jenkins × 1
Swipe × 2
Azure Drake × 1
Argent Commander × 2
Ancient of Lore × 2
If you will really like this druid deck, you can improve it a bit by crafting 1x Force of Nature and you can try using Violet Teachers.
I hope this helps you out, 

I know it takes a lot of time and effort by listing your collection, however I would suggest that you focus more towards building your own decks and test them out. You can find great information here and if you run into any more problems, feel free to to share them with us and we will help you make adjustments..


best of luck,




Hey thanks a lot and I have actually spent a lot of time building my own decks (rather i'd say editing yours to fit more into my tastes?) however I was not doing so well wether it was from lack of experience or just lack of those 'finishers' as u mentioned. However i was able to build most of the mid cost decks posted only missing 1 or 2 cards in a few of them. 
The NEW updated decks posted coupled with my greater experience playing the game however has allowed me to get all the way to rank 9. I've been doing REALLY well as of late. I have opted to try less to create my own decks and instead play the deck suggested and learn deck synergy, combos and focus more on increasing my play experience and knowledge before i start dabbling into deck customizing (which tends to make me do very poorly from past experience) 
I will try these 2 suggestions you recommended.
So far the Rogue, Hunter, Druid, Warloc decks posted in the latest updated have really pushed me in the ranks to new heights. I appreciate it I also think i will take a different approach to how i ask for advice here instead of asking for a deck from scratch i think i'd be better served to see how i can use the cards i own to improve on the current recipes offered on the site or to substitute for cards im missing.
Edited by Akaitsuki
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I'm currently trying this out. I've used 28/30 recommended cards, just swapped out a couple that I don't have (missing 1 Twilight Drake and 1 Ancient Watcher.

Anyway, the problem isn't the missing cards--the problem is, as another user pointed out above--the consistency. I've had a game where I was able to bring out the Mountain Giant in round 5, or managed to bring out two Molten Giants simultaneously.

But for the life of me, I can only get that to happen once or twice out of several matches. Most of the time, I'm being whittled away by weenies or aggroed to death by direct damage. By the time I have the right cards in hand, it's too late and can't recover.

Another thing I noticed is that against decks with a ton of removal cards (i.e. Mages) by late game when my combos are coming out, the mage has also by then amassed a decent amount of removal cards. I mean he doesn't use them early in the game anyway! So he's left with Flamestrikes, Fireballs, Polymorphs etc in hand, so even if I manage to put down a couple of giants, he'll still be able to take them out.


I guess what I'm trying to get at is this: what strategy should I employ when facing up to a guy with a lot of removal cards? Should I play aggressive, play the Defender of Argus / Sunfury Protectors early? Or Do I stick it out and hope he doesn't have enough removals in hand to wipe my board clean?

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Started at Rank 13 (no stars) finished rank 12 (1 star) with the mid cost priest control deck. 70% win ratio out of 10 games pretty good compared to the poor performance of the previous priest deck.


Game 1 - vs Paladin - Win - Turn 10+

Game 2 - vs Warloc - Win - Turn 10+

Game 3 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+

Game 4 - vs Mage - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 5 - vs Priest - Win - Turn 10+

Game 6 - vs Rogue - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 7 - vs Shaman - Win - Turn 10+

Game 8 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+

Game 9 - vs Paladin - Loss - Turn 10+

Game 10 - vs Hunter - Win - Turn 10+


Things I noticed: 


1. You're starting hand is CRUCIAL you really need to pay attention if you are facing certain heroes that typicially like to rush attack with aggro decks (hunters, warlocs, rogue) you need to make sure you have early counters. 


2. Thoughtsteal helps out a GREAT deal with mountain giant/twilight drake


3. You will almost NEVER end a game before turn 10. For the life of me this deck in every single match it was a drawn out bloody fight. Which was fun, but some times you want to end things quickly! Sadly this deck won't do that for you


4. Be wary of opponents that play for late-game decks! Specially Mages, Direct damage in general is bad for this deck but pyroblast to the face can end u when u least expect it.

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Guest Guest

Like this deck a lot... I have Prophet Velen, Leroy Jenkins and malygos..


Should I replace anything and put one or more in this deck?

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Like this deck a lot... I have Prophet Velen, Leroy Jenkins and malygos..


Should I replace anything and put one or more in this deck?

The cards you mentioned can be good in certain situations, however in this deck, you would need to change a lot of cards in order to make it work around them.

Prophet Velen generally doesn't have much impact on the game once played, if you would want a nice end-game card you would need to consider Ragnaros or Ysera for this deck.

Leeroy Jenkins is an outstanding finisher in aggressive decks, as a priest, you will in most situations have it in your hand as a really bad "Fireball" and not a finisher.

Malygos works only with a few priest cards and you will most likely not be able to use it.

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Guest endolex

Compared to the Low Budget deck, this is utter crap. Mountain + Molten Giants are far too situational, and with the missing Auchenai Soulpriest + Healing Circle combo there's just no way to stop early pressure. I haven't been able to win with this nearly as often as with Low Budget.

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Guest robbit

The changes that were made to this deck on 25 March, 2014 have made this into one very solid and competitive deck.  


Agreed--really loving this deck.  I've had rogues and hunters at 25+ health quit late game because it's so frustrating for them.  I hate being on the other end of this deck.

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Guest BRO

This is a great deck for the late game. I don't play it on the ladder because it's not as competitive as some of the aggro decks I have but it's fun for casual play, drawing out the game with opponent.


I have all the cards for this deck, but also have an additional copy of Cabal Shadow Priest as well as Legendaries Prophet Velen & Cairne Bloodhoof.


If I could make this current mid-budge decker stronger with these 3 cards, which cards should I replace with them?



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Guest Aleks

Hi all!!! I've just disenchanted all my cards to create this deck(i already had ragnaros). I was 20 in the classific and now i'm 19 with 4 victories in a row and in all four games my opp just leaved the field! The deck is very very strong and if you manage to survive the first 5 to 6 rounds, the game is yours! (that is my opinion after only 4 games, so i don't know exactly how competitive this deck could be, but one thing is sure - the fun is guaranteed)!

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