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CLASSIC | <Empire> | A - Whitemane | Hardcore PVE | Tue/Wed/Thur 9:00pm-12:00am PST | EPGP with Loot Council for high priority items

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<Empire> is currently seeking players of all classes for high end, hardcore Classic WoW raiding. We aim to be a driving force on cutting edge PvE content for Whitemane as well as a worldwide PvP threat to all red names. Members seeking to be on our main hardcore squad are expected to have excellent attendance, preparation, knowledge of their class, and knowledge of raid encounters. Our goal is a week 3 Ragnaros kill at the very latest but expect that if we can fill out the rest of our roster quickly enough we can kill him earlier. After that, we'll be farming out members of our guild as the rest hit 60 to approach BWL and all future content with a raid team ready to push for some of the fastest kills in the world.

We also are preparing several very hardcore dungeon power leveling groups in-house to get as many members to 60 during the first week as possible. Besides that, we'll have tons of other members leveling in different ways but always ready to work together as a team, and as a guild to accomplish tasks.

If utilizing teamwork, individual skill, and the experience to be one of the top dogs interests you, we welcome you to <Empire>!

Apply now: https://discord.gg/Bq2fgnD



Edited by societiesdecay

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(don't feel like reading? just watch this: https://youtu.be/_Nnk-99CJjM )

<Empire> has quickly become one of the most promising hardcore guilds on Whitemane, and we still want you to join us. With over 100 members now and a massive influx of hardcore raiding interest we're fostering a large guild full of hardcore players who want to be the best on Whitemane. We're currently laying the groundwork for a second raid team and will be filling out our first squad based on how hard you grind. People will be promoted into raid positions based on their applications and the availability of a spot by the time they hit 60. Players not in a rush to hit 60 will either be filled into the second roster or brought into carry/alt nights after the first team has MC on farm to make sure the entire raiding population of the guild is geared to the teeth. With our current game plan we're making a goal of a **week 3 Ragnaros kill** at the very latest, and will be World 1st competitive for BWL by the time it is released.

If you have a drive and desire to be the best, if you want guild-wide teamwork and communication, if you want control on resources and zones throughout the world, if you want a dungeon cleave group to rush to 60, basically you name it and we've already been prepared for weeks in advance for it.

Come earn your stripes and join a winning team.

**Raid Times**
Tue/Wed/Thur 9pm-12am PST, fourth night likely to be added in a later content phase.

**Class Needs**
Currently recruiting all classes, as we aren't promising any raid spots until you reach the end game.

**For more info please join our server https://discord.gg/Bq2fgnD **

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